Meet My Shorts

in #fitness7 years ago

Meet my shorts. They're denim, and about 2 months old (though the label on them reads 'Forever 21').

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They are shorter than any pair of shorts I have ever owned or worn before in my life!

I bought these right before leaving for my trip to California, and I remember staring at myself in the dressing room mirror. And it wasn't in admiration. All I could see were the jiggles in my thighs, and the cottage-cheese cellulite. I must have stood in that trial room for a solid 10 minutes, at war with myself. Could I possibly wear those in public? Was I kidding myself? Would people simply laugh at me or shake their heads in pity?

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The shorts were comfortable. I was not.

After a serious battle with myself, I finally walked to the checkout counter and bought the shorts. The entire car ride home, I contemplated turning right back and returning them. Even when packing my suitcase for the trip, the shorts were among the last things to go in, because I wasn't sure I could do it.

Thankfully though, I wore them anyway, because it was crazy hot in California (and the Grand Canyon!). And you know what? NOBODY CARED! Not one person even gave my jiggly, dimpled thighs a second glance! And I can't begin to tell you how freeing that was. ✨

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I ended up wearing the shorts EVERYWHERE! (Except San Francisco because OHMIGOD SO COLD! ❄) But even in Vegas, I strutted about, thighs firmly on display. 😎

And literally nobody bothered. No pointing & laughing, no staring in disgust, barely even a second glance (except for some Indian aunties there who insisted on looking at me as though I had angered all 50,000 of our Gods... but that's a different issue!)

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But coming back to the point of this post. A lot of times, our 'problems' exist simply in our own minds. For those of us who deal with different manners of social anxiety, it feels like we're always in the spotlight, and that everyone is watching and judging us. And the truth is, few or no people are! Everybody has their own lives and their own issues, and they don't really have the time or the mindspace to really bother about anyone else's.

And well, even if there are a few people who truly are watching you and waiting for you to slip up, so what? Don't allow them to be more important in your life than they need to be. And yes, I know this is all easier said than done. Trust me, all of this so-called "wisdom" comes from years of dealing with my own issues, and realising that they're a lot less significant than I used to believe.

Your life, and your decisions, should be about you first. As long as you aren't wilfully hurting another being, do what you need to do to keep yourself happy. Don't let society, or the media, or even religion, dictate what you should be.


I hope you all find a pair of shorts (or a shirt, top, dress, whatever) that changes your life. 💞


Hi. I liked your post so.... much.... Especially the last 2 paragraphs.... What you think and said is absolutely right...

Thank you so much, Geetha! I'm glad it resonated with you :)

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I am the new Minnows Accelerator Project account. I shall be following all MAP participants.
MAP will still be managed by @rycharde but has grown to need a separate account. Thanks!

Ohmigod, thank you so much @rycharde! :-D I'm delighted to receive this news, and even happier that there were three winning authors. How amazing is that!
Thank you again for this wonderful initiative. It's very encouraging for us Steemit younglings when someone supports us. I hope to be able to pay this forward as I gain experience on the platform.

Thank you for sharing this. It was recently i started to free myself from such worries. I am a happier person now. Like you said, people don't really care. Right now I'm like even if they are watching me, it dont matter. Its my life.

Thank you once again

I'm so glad you could relate to this post, @tojukaka. I absolutely agree. Even if people are watching, so what?! :)

This is a great post! I agree wholeheartedly about not letting other people affect you. I have always had the mindset that "if you dont like me, dont look at me" but my internal struggle is a whole other story. I related to the beginning of this post. I am not comfortable in my clothes right now, which is why I am restarting my health and fitness journey. I would be fine with my size if it was the size it is because it was healthy, unfortunately, my body is not healthy, so I am making the changes I need to :D I dont care about dimples and cellulite and I am even coming to terms with my stretch marks from being pregnant, all those things are just skin deep (so to speak) its the fat and flab that really makes me uncomfortable in my own skin. Following you because you seem to put a positive spin on things we as humans struggle with :D

Awww, thank you @inkdncurvy! I'm so glad you feel that way about my writing :) I know exactly the struggle you're going through, because I'm living it everyday. Even when I tell my readers that they shouldn't let it bother them, it bothers me so much when I see parts of me jiggle, or not look as "perfect" as they're supposed to. But I'm getting just a little stronger everyday. :) As for your stretch marks, you're a goddamn tigress who earned her stripes! Wear them with pride, I say <3

I try to wear them with pride. I value what they symbolize and maybe, when I am comfortable with my weight, they wont bother me at all but right now, everything adds up to why I feel so damn uncomfortable in my own skin. Its a climb, thats for sure, but Im getting after it and feeling good about it :D

Hahaha... it's true that when we think about what others will say and stop ourselves from doing what we want, it usually turns out that the only ones who care are ourselves and a select few people. Most others are too busy caught up in their lives to notice us. Lol

I know, right? :-D We've all got far too much going on in our lives, and that's what we should be worried about. Not whether we are worthy of everyone else's approval or not.

Good post, I really love doing as the last photo putting my sneakers out of the car window and capturing a Pic :-) I love ur last few paragraphs, u are absolutely right take the challenge and don't worry about people gazes be urself and let people who bothers to look on

Thanks, @moonprincess! :) Yes, trying to be stronger and less insecure every day. Appreciate the support.

I feel you siter!
Keep on writing!

Thank you, @dianamihaela. :-D I'll keep on writing, if you'll keep on reading!

Wow! @bombaybellyrina , yes. most of the time we think too much about others and put limitations on our potential. We are limitless only if we follow our heart. This post is been a reminder, by the way why name bombaybellyrina , Are you from mumbai , because i am and find it difficult to meet anyone who have learnt about steemit.

Nice post

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