You Love Those To Whom You Give And The More You Give, The More You Love?
So much of what is love, is fish love." - Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski
The Rabbi came across a young man who was clearly enjoying the dish of fish that he was eating, he said to the young man, ''Why are you eating the fish? - "Because I love fish.'' - ''Oh you love fish, that's why you took it out of the water and killed it.'' - ''Don't tell me you love the fish, you do love yourself because the fish tastes good to you, therefore you took it out of the water, and killed it and boiled it."
"SELFLOVE .....Not Fish Love" was my first thought. I have to learn to love myself before I can truly love "Another"!?
In every culture and religion we can find words of wisdom that unify humanity, in Islam "tahduu tahabu"( exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love)
First Epistle to Corinthians 13:4-8, 13 - Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
I came across a video clip, one of my many single friends posted the other day and love was back in my mind, once again. It might be boring for some of you but for me it still is an interesting topic. I have so many girlfriends who never found the right partner and at some point our conversations end up with the big question: "Whats wrong ? Why not?"
Some of us might have been very lucky to share passionate and true love with the so called perfect spouse they chose for life, some know pure love for their children or even their pets, some are still searching for the magic to happen but it does not.
Love is a word, a feeling that in our culture has almost lost its real meaning.
A young man and woman fall in love, what does that mean?
It means that he saw in this woman someone he felt could provide with all the physical as well as emotional needs. She saw in this man somebody, she can say "yes, that is love''but each one is actually looking out for their own needs....
Listen to the entire speech carefully and let it sink in for a minute and then please, tell me your thoughts.
It's not love really for the other, the other person only becomes a vehicle for your gratification.
Too much of what is called love is fish love. Love is not what I gonna get but what I gonna give.
People make serious mistakes in thinking that you give to those whom you love. The real answer is you love those to whom you give.
If I give something to you means that I've invested myself in you. Since selflove is given, everybody loves themselves, now that part of me has become a part of you, there's a part of me in you that I love. So, true love is a love of giving, not a love of receiving."
Now its your turn : What is Love for you?
Any way everybody loves themselves before they love someone else. It is the truth. They love someone else based on their selfishness.
One problem (at least in English speaking countries) is that the word LOVE encompasses a wide range of emotions. For example, Greek has 4 words in ascending order...
Eros... The lowest, basest form- physical love.
Storge... I love my dog- I love my friends.
Philia (Philos)... The love of knowledge, etc.
Agape... This is the love of the Bible, the highest form. Jesus said, "There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends." (Actually a bad translation- it should be "for your fellow man."
If you want a love that lasts you must get past Eros. One problem is "self-love" People say that you can't love another unless you love yourself. WRONG!!! You can't truly love another IF you love yourself. true love, as the Rabbi says, is giving, it is selfless. Love is not 50/50... Love is two people each giving 110%!
Great to describe Eros and all words explaining LOVE
So , I am all wrong to love myself first of all ?
I do know unconditional love ❤️ and I know that I am capable.
Still So much to learn.
Rabbi is such wise man and I wish to be as profound as him and other prophets.
I love Rich's reply, but disagree with this concept in the follow-up.
You must love yourself. But, the thing is, you do. Everybody does. It's impossible not to. Even if we do the most selfless acts, it's because that is what gives us the most sense of satisfaction. Yep, we're back to ourselves.
Jesus does tell us to love selflessly. But that does not preclude loving ourselves. In fact, He made it very plain that we naturally love ourselves when He commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. In other words, don't be a narcissist. Love others to such a degree that your greatest joy is in loving them. It's a choice (if it wasn't, it couldn't be a command) - one that rewards both the giver and the receiver.
Even Jesus' work on the cross was both an act of selfless love and an act that He knew would ultimately bring Him the greatest joy.
Thats the whole point indeed. I love Jesus so much! Who would not?
He did not teach us to be selfless but without self love we would not know how to love our neighbors.
I have the urge to reach the highest form of love and share it to the whole universe like
BUDDHA who teaches about Metta!
The Universal ❤️ for all mankind and living beings.
I found this here
If I had to choose one lesson from Jesus it would to be... ALWAYS put others first. Self-love is just another word for selfishness. I am the LEAST important person in my life. I would gladly give it up to save another person. Eros is merely a chemical reaction that goes on in our brain (the releasing of hormones etc.) and has absolutely nothing to do with love in any significant way.
So I am selfish but I give more to others who deserve it than I could give myself.
I could only give up on my own life for my daughter
That's fine... I look at it like this- there are 7 billion people on Earth and if I die today it won't make one iota of difference in the grand scheme of things. Sooner or later, we all wind up the same way... Dead.
You don't believe in reincarnation ? I do
I believe this is a test to determine where you go from here.
Hell or Heaven?
Yes, Life is a huge test but I don't believe in hell. Balinese believe that stray dogs are criminals and have only one chance to be reborn as humans. A good person needs to feed them.
Hi,Mammasitta! "Love is the one You; feel,show,share and make to grow"...I just started,today on this,and...LOVE always get my full atention...I hope I can share only good things like this one You share here...Thanks.
that is one fine lookin' fish you got there m'lady!
(sorry, I just couldn't resist)
but yes, very much agree... also, I believe that compersion is a very important quality in a loving relationship, so long as it's not a one way street.
“Compersion” is, basically, “I’m happy whenever my lover is happy.”
Hahaha ! I agree with you 1000% !
Nice fishy for sure 🐬
I didn't know this vocabulary but I know that feeling :) 💕
When we see someone and "fall in love," I feel we are falling into alignment. That resonance we immediately feel is our own awesome love being perfectly reflected back to us. and that feels pretty good. You are the mirror through which I feel my love.
thank you for a lovely read
Wow, amazing post.!!
Follow, upvote and Resteem @mammasitta
I am so happy to see new people and even more excited to hear that you liked my story. I will also follow you to see your articles . Nice to meet you
#fishlove that has to be the best tag I've read today (followed it here from twitter).
Isn't it the perfect word for that kind of love . So cool I am not alone 🐠 . I hope some talented artists here in steemit create images for this tag . Just a hint for you awesome lady
My mind is already working on it... 🐟🐟🐟
This is an old painting of mine- but fits rather nicely until i create something new.
Wow ! That's amazing !! I hope more to come.....
hehehe... oh my goodness that image with the fish and the woman... its great.
Rad muffin tops! Love is awesome, like fresh muffins.
Yeah for sure a very strong image. I felt very much attracted, thinking of that kind of love we should rather avoid 😋 #fishlove
Lol!!! First time hearing those two words together! So interesting.
Such a cool and truthful word 🐬
Beautiful :*
Yes Love is beautiful :)
Yes, i very like it ^_^
We all do 💕💕🐬
Good job for you..
Giving love is not natural. Giving love is an acquired state of mental focus. Conscious effort is required until giving to others becomes a part of your character. "I love you... I win!"
I have to think about this for a minute because first I would think love is the most natural thing I discovered inside myself. It's just there! I can feel it but never was conscious about it. Maybe blocked myself for whatever reason.
BTW Nice to know you :)
this is when, regardless of the conditions and's when to fly and to fall and to fly's like breathing
Breathing makes the difference for everything !