Friday Fishing: Kayak Fishing Checklist

in #fishing6 years ago

A little while back, I made a kayak fishing checklist that I keep with my fishing gear… I will give you one guess as to why I needed this!!


I have made a couple of critical errors when going out kayak fishing, both of which ended my day before I was even on the water. The first error was forgetting the paddles – clearly a huge mistake! Another time out, I forgot my life vest – ouch! Both times I had to turn around, go home, and get my forgotten gear, salvaging the day but not getting to fish nearly as long. That was a better alternative than going to the store and purchasing more gear that I already had.

Since creating the checklist, I have not forgotten anything as I check the list twice before leaving the house!

While my forgetfulness sometimes comes in handy for my household chores (oops, forgot to take out the trash honey!), it does not bode well for kayak fishing. My lessons have been learned – Please learn from my mistakes and create a fishing checklist or two!

Have you ever forgotten something critical that ruined your fishing trip or something fun you had intended to do?

Thank you for reading!


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Wow, few days I just listened to a podcast how crucial checklist is. . It is used by pilot when flying airplane, doctors when performing surgery, and fisherman when go fishing ( I think). Here is the link to the podcast about checklist if you are interested.

I will give it a listen... thanks for sharing!

My most important checklist is my travel list. I usually travel to another countries and this list, with all the things that I must take, starting with my passport and credit card, and ending with my medicines and kindle, has helped me not to go back home because I forgot something.

Friend, how are you? making a list for an event as important as going fishing in kayak is the best you can do, do not forget anything and your day will be fantastic, kayak fishing should be a wonderful adventure

Greetings to your beautiful family!

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I think that it is good to set some cage trap for fishes in case you want to snare some for additional catch @brian.rrr

When I had a fishing kayak it was only 3 miles from home to my launch spot, but I was always careful to pack everything. All of the boat gear was in a giant duffle bag and all my fishing gear was in a big bucket.

It was a time if freedom for me. Living in a rented house and being virtually self-employed was quite a lifestyle change.

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I am an absent-minded person, so I have lists to everything. Every time I leave my home, I check one or more of the lists. These are periodically rewritten due to excessive usage. :=)

Best list my friend . All the best @brian.rrr

I have a go pro that I won from an arcade game that I use to take out

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