Be a fish! Swim with the waves and be strong enough not to give up.
Fish are cold-blooded, unlike mammals.They do not maintain a constant internal body temperature; instead, their temperature is greatly influenced by their environment. True fish have a backbone and fins. Most also breathe with gills and have scales that cover their bodies according to Ruth Francis-Floyd.
The Ocean is the largest body of water on earth. There are significantly large numbers of creatures under. There are even undiscovered creatures on the ocean floor. Fish is a kind of animal that lives in water. Well there are many, but what do they have in common, they can breathe in the water.
Let's focus on fish.
I love this creature, the come in beautiful appearance, colorful, mysterious, strange but above all those traits, the prime reason is, They're God's creation. Simply because of that.
Be a fish. No matter how small you are, what kind category you belong to as long as you swim and breathe to live.
We, humans, are in one category. We have the intelligence that other creatures lack about.
Be a fish, Waves that are either small or big won't matter. Waves are like hurdles in life, they don't define you but you define them. Be like a fish that goes with the wave. Don't let the wave stop you from swimming. LIfe is like an ocean
of opportunities that wait for you to explore.
Have a great day everyone!