For how Many Hours Was Candidate Trump Recorded?

in #fisa7 years ago

Did the FBI record Trump's voice in these intercepts? If so, how many hours of the President's conversations were recorded in 2016?

The moment anybody at FBI heard candidate Trump's voice, there should have been a very serious internal conversation about stopping those recording of Carter Page when he is in the presence of the candidate. Maybe Page was selling nuclear secrets to Russia, but unless the FBI had strong evidence that candidate Trump was in on it, they should have turned off the recording of Carter Page the moment he entered a room with the candidate.

In the movies the FBI has to hang up the tap on mobsters two talking if they put their mothers or wives on the phone to talk first? Like dude, I know you kill people, but right now your mom is talking and we don't want to interfere with her Constitutional protection against unreasonable (unwarranted) search. I think the mob mom principal applies here.

If the unsubstantiated pee pee narrative, which I thought was a excellent campaign trick, had ANYTHING to do with the recording of more than a incidental amount of candidate Trump's interactions during a campaign, I am going to change my mind about the whole thing and get very pissed an CNN for lying about how serious this is.

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