The Memo Chasing It's Own Tail Distraction

in #fisa7 years ago (edited)


Have we forgotten? There is 'nothing new' under the sun here.

It's not just the so-called left, the so-called right was expanding domestic Stasi surveillance state even more, via the Bush years, through the completely unconstitutional FISA court after Slick Willy aka Bill Clinton, used the FISA Court to destroy the 4th amendment conveniently just before 911 in 2000.

Trump, the so-called 'victim' of what WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN about FISA, without a stink'n memo, himself press released this on FISA's renewal back in January. "is vital to keeping the nation safe." Even though people like Judge Napolitano, who appeared on "Fox & Friends", had urged the President NOT to back the FISA reauthorization. ... and with regards to Rand Paul's USA Rights amendment, that would have pulled the plug, on FISA using warrantless searches and electronic surveillance on Americans, which by the way, both democrats and republicans supported, press secretary, Sarah Sanders, that Trump himself, NOT the 'deep state' hired, fired this off in response with strong opposition... The USA rights amendment "would re-establish the walls between intelligence and law enforcement that our country knocked down following the attacks of 9/11 in order to increase information sharing and improve our national security." So, is FISA a legal extension of these threat fusion centers? Hmmmm?

Oh, there's that 911 false flag waving in everyone's face again, but where is this Stasi FISA court Gestapo wannabe really going anyway? Creeping Normalization

Russia = Oceana and the new world Orwellian Order in USA. Of course nothing is going to happen with Trump and this FAKE Russia so-called collusion nonsense, but "going after Trump" wasn't really the endgame anyway. Going after ALL opposition to the new world agenda 2030 order is, and FISA will lead the way because after all, if you are a loud voice opposing this 'new Orwellian order', than YOU have to be "aiding Oceana" and, of course, are the enemy of the Orwellian state. If a secret Military / intelligence industrial complex court rules that you are aiding and abiding Oceana, it most likely will be perfectly 'legal' for a 'secret court to 'rule' that the US constitution does NOT apply to you the US citizen.

Here is where 'labeling' a citizen as enemy of the state is slowly creeping in. Enter the absurd but creepy website Hamilton 68. We used to laugh at the utter nonsense spouted out by the Club of Rome back in the 70's and 80's but now, their eugenocidal philosophies are being crammed down our throats by government, industry and universities. Hamilton 68 is a product of the same military / intelligence industrial complex that created and covets secret Stasi style FISA courts. They score 'Kremlin-oriented accounts' on Twitter in a 'point system'. What exactly is a 'Kremlin-oriented account?' Of course, like any other jackboot operation, that is entirely up to the interpretation of the Shadow Government that created this 'point system' in the first place. When you read Hamilton 68's list of 'Kremlin's top offenders', it becomes clear that 'Kremlin Oriented Accounts' (KOA's) are simply 'any' decent against this Orwellian plutocratic kakastoqracy we the people are currently living under.

It's not a stretch to think that down the road, the 'Shadow Deep surveillance State', will be putting 'individuals' themselves on a 'enemy-of-the-state' point system. It's also not a stretch to think that these watchers of 'KOA's' will be tied into secret courts which themselves are tied into Fusion Centers, where the jackboot rubber meets the front door as they kick it down.

This entire memo nonsense is just to get the sheep used to the idea that the president himself is NOT above the Orwellian surveillance state when 'national security' (whatever that really means) is the excuse to use the Stasi state against anyone that the Orwellian dystopia deems a threat. If a US president can be surveilled by a shadow court of a shadow government, specially both of which even he supports, then Jack, you have no room to complain when the spooks come and bust your door down for those 'Kremlin Oriented' thoughts dancing around in your head.


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