Fire Emblem Heroes tips. Are a fan as well?
Fire Emblem Heroes is a tactical mobile game available on Android and iOS. It consists of characters from the entire Fire Emblem franchise. They even have the latest Fire Emblem Echoes characters. The game is release March 2017, so many characters are still being added periodically.
It is quite fun and challenging at the same time because it requires strategy, you have to choose which characters you want on your team and how these characters boost each other stats.
There is currently a quest called Tempest Trials. The rewards are several orbs and crystals along with one 4 star masked Lucine and one 5 star masked Lucina, one heal 3 HP seal per attack, one -1 cooldown on turn one. You get to unlock each item once you hit a certain accumulated score.
My favorite Heroes are Ike, Takumi, Olivia, Spring Camilia.
I started playing the game since it became available.
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