Bitget emerges as a top 5 ranked Fintech app in Nigeria
Blockchain creates a pathway for Africa to boycott the traditional economic development demands and embrace the digital economy. Consequently, its adoption has been swift particularly in Nigeria– the biggest crypto market in the continent.
With such massive crypto activity going on in the country, it’s no surprise that the imminent exit of the crypto exchange giant OKX from the country has left affected users scrambling for another top exchange to cater to their crypto trading needs.
Quite remarkably, it appears these users have one option in mind as the latest data from the Google Play app downloads chart reveals that Bitget has emerged as a top 5 ranked FinTech app in the Nigerian market; beating other competitors like Binance, KuCoin, and Bybit.
A harsh reminder that the crypto industry is fiercely competitive, OKX's exit has been immediately leveraged on to tend to the demands of crypto enthusiasts in the region as the chart reflects.