THE "SHADOW" Part One and Two

in #finction7 years ago

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Igbo alaye is a village in Ori ire Local government area in Oyo state. 5 hours from Ibadan and sparsely populated.
Lanre had spent all night trying to read it up on the internet, looking for any information he could find on it but nothi****ng comes up. Most navigation sites didn’t even know the town existed. It wasn’t on Google map either. The only thing Lanre found was a NYSC corper’s comment on site which reads “ I was posted to Igbo Alaye for my service….. it’s an amazing experience only if you abide by their rules ”
What rules??? Lanre thought to himself. What rules are there to abide to in a village that hardly know anything about civilization….
“ Baby, what are you doing?” Mary’s voice brought him back from oblivion. She moved close enough to see what he was reading.
“C’mon Lanre! You’re still reading bout this village ehn”
“I have to! I mean we can’t just decide to spend 3 nights in a place we know nothing about. Who decided we’re going there anyways….? ” Lanre asked

“I don’t know! Some guy.. uhmmm.. the class rep or whatever. “ Mary sighed. “ Baby, you are too uptight, relax and try to have fun sometimes Ok? Do you want a kiss???
Emma: Yessssss!! I want a kiss!!!
Mary looked at the door and hissed as she saw Emma!
Emma is Lanre’s best buddy in school, lousy, carefree and much of a trouble maker! He’s the type of guy that enters a room and every serious minded person walks out. If you are looking for someone to waste the whole of your day with, Emma comes to mind!
Emma: What is it Mary? Why did you do “mtchewww” at me?
Mary: It’s called “hissing” dummy!

Emma: i don’t want to know o. I entered and you “mtcheeww” at me. What did i do to you that you’re doing “mtcheww” at me??? If i now do my own “mtcheeww” at you and you reply with another “mtcheeww” it would be a serious issue because i will kill you with “mtcheeww” ni o
Mary: (sighs) i don’t have your time Emma!
Emma: Hahaha.. ok o. So what’s up? Are you guys ready for the camping tomorrow?
Mary: Oh Gosh! Are you going too? Who sold you the ticket sef??
Emma: Look at you! I have my ways girl! Haha….Lanre! Why you quiet as if you sh*t for body? Den use charm hit you ni?
Lanre: Idiot! Just trying to browse about the village.
Emma: Goodluck finding that village on Google. Anyways…. I’m going with the class rep to go arrange for transportation, we’re getting a 30-seater luxurious bus.
Lanre: 30-seater? Wait are we that much???
Mary: I told you baby, people are excited about this!
Lanre: Well…. I’m starting to feel better about it then.
Emma said goodbye and left the room and Mary was out of sight too. He had lied, he’s not feeling better about the camp. Lanre has always been a sceptic and that has gotten him out of a whole lot of troubles. He just knew something about the camp doesn’t feel right. He rested his back on the chair and continued with is phone. On the google search box he type “ gods and goddesses in Igbo Alaye village, Oyo state” he clicked search

Moji: so…. we have 16 males and 12 females making a total of 28 people…. uhmm….we’ve bought rice, ingredients, yams.. what else???… meats and fishes…… ehn ehn…. Have you arranged stuffs for making tea???
She looked at Temmy was busy chatting on her phone and smiling…
Moji: (throws a pen at Temmy) Focus Temmy… Focus!!!
Temmy: (winced in pain) Ooouch! What now! I’m here jor
Moji: i said have you gotten the Tea ingredients??
Temmy: Yesssss! I have! Is that why you want to swallow me
Moji: Seriously, Temmy drop that your phone and pay attention. We have 28 people to feed for 2 and a half days.
Temmy: Take it easy jor! Daniel is telling me something ni.
Moji: hmmm…. you and that your Daniel ehn. I’m telling you that guy is wasting your time, you are here claiming love.

Temmy Ignored her and continued chatting. Moji shook her head and checked her phone, she has been expecting a call from her mum. Last night she’d sent a text, informing her Mum of the camp and how she has been placed in charge of food preparation and kitchen duties . There’s nothing Moji loves to do more than cooking, she believes cooking is an art, the flavour, the colour, mixing and matching meant everything to her, she never gets tired of cooking.
Temmy, Moji’s friend on the other hand hates to cook, she would eat biscuits all day just to avoid cooking. She’s here to help her friend and most importantly to impress Daniel, her major crush. She has finally gotten his attention and when Daniel says he needs two ladies to handle the meal preparation at the camp, Temmy had excitedly volunteered.

Daniel: Guys! Moji and Temmy have bought the foodstuffs so i believe that aspect is settled then.
Timothy: Temmy?? You placed Temmy in charge of foods???? Are you out of your mind? Just say you want to kill us now o!
Uche: Ha-ha… Kill us ke? Why now? Shey Temmy cannot cook ni?
Daniel: She can cook!
Timothy: Yeeeeeh! Which Kain??? Uche no mind this guy o! The day Temmy came to our lodge and prepared rice for us ehn, We all sh*tted for at least 3 days! I was just going to the toilet every 30mins for a whole day.
Uche: Hahahaha…. what now? She put laxative ni?
Timothy: I don’t know o but i know in that rice, Oil was at one side, Maggi at another side…. you will now see the salt floating in the middle.
Uche & Daniel: Hahahahahahaa
Timothy: She now spoilt everything ehn….con add Onions and tomatoes…. Those ones con big like sey na cutlass she take dice am!
Uche: hahhaha. ..i don die!
Daniel: (laughing ) Ignore Timothy jor. It’s Moji that will prepare the meals not Temmy.
Timothy: That’s better! Tell the truth now, so i should write my will before going to the camp and eat Temmy’s food o! . Uche! Your Grandpa is still alive abi?
Uche: Yes. He’s 103 years! My grandpa no gree die
Timothy: Small thing. Give your grandpa Temmy’s food, i bet hin no go wake up the next day. As i don chop her food now, my life expectancy don reduce from 100 to 70 years. Na 30 years one single meal comot.
Both Daniel and Uche fell off their chairs laughing hard.

Halimat: has Lanre finally agreed to go with you??
Mary: (Excitedly ) Yesss he has. I was able to convince him.
Helen: I’ve always known there was no way he would let you go alone. He loves you too much to let that happen. I just look at both of you and wish i could have what you guys have.
Mary: You’re dating two guys at the same time Helen, there’s no way you can have what Lanre and I have.
Helen: You’re just lucky babygurl. Most guys out there are F@#k boys.
Mary: ….and that’s why you’re dating two guys?
Helen: Yea, so that if one of them leave, I’ll fall back on other.
Halimat: And if they both leave?
Helen: One thing we have in abundance here in Nigeria are F@#k boys….if they both leave, I’ll find a new one.
Mary: Haaaa… how many guys are you gonna date before you marry?
Helen: as many as possible
Halimat: oh.. .and then you keep having S£x with them all??
Helen: Uhn uhn….as long as they have “the tool” …why not?
Halimat: You’re just a Sluut! I don’t know why we are friends sef
Helen: Hahahaha…. Babygurl, i’m a VIP…that’s my Momma’s V and my Daddy’s P. You better go out and get laid.
Halimat: No Thanks! I won’t offend Allah
Helen: Miss Virgin! Allah does not give a crap about your S£x life. 8 Billion people in the world and you think Allah cares if you’re getting some?
Halimat: please shut up! I’m waiting ’till after I’m wedded to a proper man in Holy Nikkah!…. Insha Allah!
Helen: Hahaha…. ” Alhamdu- get-the-f*ck-outta-here” my friend
Mary: (cuts in) Helen shut up! It’s her decision so It’s none of your business! Do whatever you want with your body, just remember no man wants his future wife to bring a “borehole ” to him
Halimat: Hmmm…. Borehole? Some people will eventually take a Canal to their future hubby.
Mary: Hahahaha…. Okay! Both of you stop right now!
Helen: Whatever! What are you guys taking to the camp? I have no idea what to pack o.
Mary: Uhmm… blankets, lamp, toiletries and all that
Halimat: I’m taking my laptop
Mary: What for? You know there’s no internet connection there right??
Halimat & Helen: What???
Mary: The goal of the camp is for us to bond as friends and coursemates without interruptions from the outside world.
Halimat: Ohhhh! Me I’ll stay back o
Helen: Stay back and waste the 15k we paid? Abegi, Let’s go there, I’m up for anything
Halimat: Of course you are! As long as there are boys there and bushes where you and them can disappear to. You’ll definitely up for it.
Mary: Halimat! Don’t start! Let’s go to the mini mart, i want to get a mosquitoes repellent cream.
Helen: Oh yea! I’ll need that too.

1:12am Friday
Lanre was in the bush all alone. He had no idea where the others had gone to but he could hear them talking and laughing. He bent down and wiped tears off his face and saw something move behind him. He saw the shadow in a figure and suddenly it was gone, he looked around and saw no one, just the leaves rustling and branches breaking.
The air was cold, it sent chills down his spine and yet hot sweats rolled down his temple. Suddenly the laughter of his colleagues had changed into wailing and crying. He had screams and people falling but he saw no one.
“Help me Lanre!”
He heard Mary’s voice and turned around, she was on the ground, leaves sticking to her cheek and blood dripping, she held on tight to a tree root. That was when he looked up and saw a shadow standing over her, gripping her legs and pulling her farther into the bush. He tried to run towards her but he fell, hitting the ground. So he crawled and grabbed her, pulling her towards himself but the shadow was too strong for him, her hands were covered in blood, it made her hands slippery. He tried to shout but his voice wouldn’t come out….
“Don’t let me go, don’t let him take me like he took the others Lanre…..please Lanre, please ”
she said faintly
Now he’s crying and shaking..

Lanre……lanre….. Lanre…….
Mary jerked him awake. He woke up. Tears in his eyes and soaked in sweats
“Lanre are you alright?? You keep rolling and shaking in bed, and why are you sweating? The fan is on the highest speed.” Mary asked, scared and worried.
Lanre: It’s fine! You’re fine! Thank God you’re fine!….. Thank God you’re fine……(he sighed)
He couldn’t sleep after that so he closed his eyes and said: Our father! Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name………….

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