Discussion Topic: What is more valuable to you, Bitcoin or Gold/Sliver ?

in #finance8 years ago

I want to hear people's opinions on what they think is more valuable to them. By value I also mean speculative value, meaning if you value it more because you belive it will increase in value faster.

Gold has had value since history was recorded, Bitcoin has seen an unprecedented rise in value going from under a 1$ to over 1000$'s in under a year, and as it becomes more stable, may once again see parity with Gold.

What holds more value to you and why?


"What is more valuable to you, Bitcoin, Gold, Silver"?
In this order.

  1. Silver
  2. Gold
  3. Bitcoin
    .....but ALL 3 ahead of the $USD..!! People holding $USD in any reasonable amount in this topsy, turfy, crazy world must be either mad or know something I don't. The system is falling apart and falling apart fast...!! Cheers. Stephen

I would have to say I'm pretty aligned with yourself. Thank you for your comment!

You are welcome. Stephen

  1. Silver will be more volatile than Gold, so be nimble.
  2. Gold, mainly as an assurance/capital preservation
  3. Bitcoin
    *4. Steem preferred as there is the two years Steem Power "security".

Thanks for your post.

Thank you for your input!

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