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RE: The Middle Class Is NOT Allowed To Own Any Real Assets.

in #finance7 years ago

You have written about what is happening in the world today that is a direct attack on the non-.001%. When the wealthy of Europe/Asia created the "rentier class" in the 1600s, they did not want to build any more castles with stone, mansions with brick & mortar, etc. Nothing new needed to be created, no new wealthy needed to be graduated from the lower classes. They just wanted to rent out their hundreds of acres of land to the poor and live off the the rent. This attitude continued after the 1600s to the New World, where fractional reserve central banking allowed the wealthy to fraudulently steal newly-built houses and newly-occupied farmland by lending out currency to the colonists and then subtly stealing it from them via bankruptcy, war, etc. Then the rent system could be charged to new "owners", continuing the cycle.

The modern problem is that the wealthy used the banks who used government-created laws to confiscate the land from the original colonist families. The governments became their own entities, not just run by the wealthy, and politicians became a new class inbetween the wealthy and the poor. These politicians want to become rich, like everyone else, and the wealthy found themselves at the wrong end of the barrel after a generation.

So the wealthy today do not own the castles, the mansions, the hundreds of acres of land. They removed themselves from direct ownership, which made them targets of government, and formed paper corporations to own the land and houses. Then the wealthy made themselves rarely-seen owners of the corporations. The Board of Trustees for each corporation. Thus legal games could be played on property tax, usage, etc, while the wealthy remained in control by a perverted form of stewardship. (But all the Board - the stewards - are from certain families, and their salaries and benefits are Top Secret, they use intermediaries for all corporation actions, etc.)

The middle class - those who have not yet been driven poor by high taxation, high rent, restrictive property laws, lowering wages, etc. - are now "stationary targets", since they still have the dream of "owning" land and buildings, cars and valuables. Billionaires do not "own" - they live in 6-star hotel rooms, are driven in limos owned by corporations, fly in private airplanes owned by corporations, vacation in locations around the world owned or rented by corporations. Thus their taxes are minuscule.

This is the state of the middle class, the renting poor, and the non-owner but fabulously wealthy upper class.


If you add to this how The US is a corporation owned by the same rentier class, then you can see how it is all about control.

Too bad the middle class people like to feel they "own" things, or they could corprotize their lives too.
However, the future is going to be very different. Where ownership carries the burden of maintenance, including maintaining nature. And, without the maintenance, it will be considered that you do not own it.

So, a company is its people, the people are the company. Corporations being this fake person status will become verboten. But, hand in hand with this will be much more sane rules about recouping damages.

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