
This topic can get very complicated but to simplify it.... Poor people spend all their time focusing on what they don't have, and what they could have if they had money.

This creates a pattern in their minds and the longer they live the harder this pattern is to break.

"If I had this amount - I could have this and if I had this amount I could have this."

Marketing experts understand how these people think and they exploit it. The temptation to buy material possessions becomes too great to overcome, so... when they get $100 they get "whatever." when they get $1,000 - they get "whatever."

this thought process enslaves these people and they never, ever get ahead and become trapped servants.

rich people DO NOT think about money like this.

You have to go about the process of erasing all this and reprogramming your mind.

You HAVE to begin seeing money - NOT as what it can buy you, but what it can MAKE YOU. You have to put your money to work like an employee. You have to see it as "power" and the more you get the more you can make.

It's a tough, tough, tough thing to do, but I am proof that it can be done.

I really appreciate your words. You were concise and precise.

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