Five Fintech startup companies revolutionizing the finance sector this 2017
The finance sector is experiencing a total shift from the norms to technology-driven ways individuals now interact with their money. As a result of these adjustments and integrations from several tech companies, the traditional ways of doing business and handling cash is quickly becoming overwritten, and more people are adopting the new and improved forms of executing transactions as well as saving money.
Top rated review sites for the financial sectors are continually tracking the progress of many of these startups to determine the positive changes they bring to the industry. In this paper, I will be highlighting five of the Fintech startups I have researched, who are taking radical steps in improving the way businesses and individuals handle their finances.
This startup company assists individuals who wish to get loans, without the hassle and stress of finding a lender. Many services out there claim to provide secure and fast loans for people looking to secure financial aids for small projects, car advance or many other reasons, but most of these companies fail on their promises for many uncertain reasons. Loanable offers a different solution which is more reliable and straightforward. They help connect loan shoppers to capable lenders who can provide them with the money they need. The startup brokers for secured and unsecured
personal loans, as well as car loans and bridge loans.
Simplify your financial life with Curve and your smartphone. With the Curve App, you can connect all your accounts to one smart card. It offers users the opportunity to control their spending and saving habit from one platform. So, no need to check each account separately as you can determine all your balance in real time from one smart platform. The application also features a sophisticated fraud protection system and time travel.
This company takes Big data engineering to peer and crowd finance with the goal of helping the world understand where and how money flows. With the unification of more than one billion data points from over a hundred platforms from all over the world, this crowd finance-analytics system is the first of its kind, and the company is already reaching significant milestones.
The company is based in London and offers an end-to-end solution for simplifying payments, managing risk and improving compliance, all from one API. The primary focus of the platform is to help marketplaces such as crowdfunding sites and Fintech applications that are currently operating with complex payment processors. The platform is a comprehensive support system for peer to peer transactions, and the company aims to introduce a democratic system in the payment infrastructure by removing knowledge barriers and apply a preventative cost to remove obstacles so clients can focus on the core of the business.
The company developed a system that makes the rental market affordable for tenants and at the same time provides improved security for the owners of these properties. The platform is online, and it allows for an easy way for customers to access the platform, fill the application forms and have the landlords' filter applicants in a very efficient manner.