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RE: New NFL Policy To Prevent Players from Kneeling During Sky Cloth Ceremony
Lol. Nah man. If basic definitions are a problem or a “troll” for the Kokesh2020 camp, I won’t unfairly challenge you anymore with them. Sorry about that! ;) Just following the sky cloth theme in the campaign’s sweet flag and muscle-filled promo vids. You “patriots” have a good day out there.
You can’t help yourself. Talk to you again soon!
totally disingenuous. Does that sound better than saying you're dishonest?
No question, you're trolling Adam because he called you an annoying ignorant troll.
Now, you've got some kind of vendetta which is not making you look good.
I wish you peace.
You too, @truthabides. Thank you.
Graham, did you ever see this
My conclusions at the end.
I’ve gone over this many times with you, yet for some reason, you cannot understand that he has given several mutually exclusive, contradictory answers. You still think this is about a “vendetta,” when the fact is that I have been asking Adam these questions politely and seriously since long before he called me a troll for doing so. Conveniently ignoring this, the call to drop the Voluntaryist ideology, and threats to multiple individuals, including children, makes me doubt your intentions.
Thank you for wishing me peace.
You do realize that by opposing someone calling to end the Fed Gov, is in essence defending the state?
I see nothing noble in sacrificing the greater good for the sake of principle.
Have you never told a white lie? When the truth will serve no other purpose but to hurt someone... you still stand by the principle and hurt them needlessly?
I'm still trying to reach you in all honesty and good will, still hoping you'll come to your senses.
What, pray tell, is the “greater good”?
You forget to include the quote from his own video where Voluntaryists are called upon to drop the ideology.
You also forgot to include the quotes from the debate which demonstrate the centralized policies he plans to enact both will and will not be enforced.
Round and round we go.
But yes, can you define “greater good” for me, and tell my why it is more important than individual self-ownership?
You should define it, it was your quote.
So, what greater good is it that you're willing to sacrifice?
Just so the greater good crowd knows there was good reason for throwing them under the bus.
How are voluntary, free market interactions out of line with Voluntaryist property ethic?
And please answer the question. What is the “greater good” and why is it more important than individual self-ownership?
This is why we go round and round. You ignore my question, then you ask me a couple of questions when you always refuse to acknowledge the answer and you just continue as if you never heard it.
I'll answer your questions if you give me your word to specifically address the answers. Not fair not to in an honest conversation, don't you think?
If I can understand what you mean by the assertion that I am sacrificing the greater good, I could answer, but I feel you refuse to define terms.
Have I told a white lie? I have lied before, sure.
Now please answer my question. What is the “greater good” and why is it more important than individual self-ownership?
Heck with it, I'll answer.
They're not.
The greater good would be "everyone's self-ownership" which you are all too willing to sacrifice because the truth is there is NO perfect way to return all the property that's been stolen. You've said it, Adam's said it, everyone already knows it.
Adam has said nothing is written in stone, he's just trying to do the right thing and has asked for suggestions, has stated he'd like to see free market solutions.
What more could he do?
You understand that “everyone’s self-ownership” is only made of of individuals, right? This is voluntaryist 101. Without protecting the self-ownership of the individual (the smallest minority) there is no way to protect “everyone’s” ISO. That is the whole point.
The right thing for Adam to do would be to not force his will on anyone. Which he has both said he will and won’t do as “not” president.
And THANK YOU for pointing out that voluntary free market solutions are not in violation of ISO!