vintage barn
I was only looking for a little bit of shade but I came across this amazing 1930's barn. She's still being used and loved despite the obvious needed repairs. I was curious about the metal stacked out front, upon inspection I found they are grape stakes pulled from a field that is being replanted. While looking like a mess the stakes are actually laid together so that the ones on the bottom don't bend. Meaning these old stakes are being used again in the near future.
I have become so interested in value and ownership over the last decade. Spending most of my life in socal, and now being in rural norcal, I have noticed how differently people care for their assets. The families that live in this area for the most part would never buy a depreciating asset unless it was a piece of farm equipment or a tool. They are far more worried about production than they are consumption, and the millionaires here drive dirty trucks and wear old jeans. I appreciate it a little more everyday.
© ramsay photography @sloe
Bronica SQ-A + 80mm zenza
1/250sec f/11 with Kodak ektar 100
Awesome find! Is it true there is a sort of a land rush in norcal because of legalized weed? I read it on less than reputable sources. Really love your landscapes, always remind me of "China Town" and "The two Jakes" :).
Thanks @Vander! It's a new part of the world for me and I am totally enjoying the exploration. Northern California Cannabis: For the last two years the price of cannabis has plummeted and many small growers are losing their land to foreclosure. The large companies, with lots of investor money to lose, have come in and undercut all the small farms. If you weren't efficient enough to grow it for $300/lb then chances are you will not be farming next year. We visited the local coin shop and the owner told us many farmers are selling their precious metals to avoid losing their land. As ridiculous as it sounds... land prices are still sitting around $50,000/acre even though so many farms are already bank owned. Interesting times...