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RE: Crowdsourced Filmmaking

in #filmmaking8 years ago (edited)

Great post man! Do you know what your series concept will be? Because this can be key if you prefer to go the crowdfunding route, just as you can go super-niche with target audience, you could do the same with repeat backers that back films similar to your concept, I don't know if you know what I mean?

Instead of posting your film crowdfunding project and hope for the best, even if you do everything right and get featured in the platform, it might be better to create anticipation among people you know have backed multiple projects just like yours.

There are websites like Krowdster or Backer database that gives you the list of all backers of a specific genre, like film but they won't go beyond that and you have to be very sniper about it if you want to increase your possibilities.

Anyways, sorry for the long text on what's supposed to be a small comment, but I will write a post about this very soon since I'm creating a series too, and have a lot of logistics set in place already. Or if you want you can contact me of course, if there is something I can help with.

About the distribution, there are also a lot of ways to go about it too, but the Amazon option is the real game changer here, I just posted about it just today.

In fact when I did I didn't know there was a filmmaking tag, so I'm gonnna change it from poltics to filmaking :)

Oh, great post and keep us posted on the updates!


Yes, I love what Amazon has been doing. They've made it really convenient to submit screenplays for consideration and I'll definitely be sending a few to them (I'll post more on them shortly).
One of the spec scripts I'm working on now (Cannibal Farm) is perfect for crowdfunding and low-budget independent production so I'll cut my directorial teeth on that one but there are a few bigger concepts that I have ready that have more widespread commercial appeal too so Amazon will certainly be a good route to explore for them.
Looking forward to reading about what you're up to as well, by the way! There might even be some opportunity for collaboration at some point.

Cannibal Farm? Is it like Orwell's Animal Farm but with a Lord of the Flies post-shtf twist on it? Al jokes aside, I'm not psychic :) Good call on the title, powerful titles are always a great plus.

Yeah, crowdfunding I believe is the best option, not only because of the margin of returns (most backers will receive a DVD and all kinds of V.I.P perks that put together will not come close to the percentage that an investor will receive, which is only fair but still, the difference is quite big) But the bonus here is that you can use those same backers to create buzz and anticipation that you can use to leverage that fan power to your advantage before the release date.

Which platform of crowdfunding have you decided on by the way?

Looking forward to hear more of your updates as well! I'll be posting updates here on their respective occasions of course.

I'm open for collaborations in the future as well, if the time is right and everybody benefits, why not?

I'll be posting more about Cannibal Farm very soon but here's the one-sentence logline to give you an idea...
"One unusually curious little girl named Eve is about to show the rest of the human livestock on Cannibal Farm that escape isn't so hopelessly impossible after all."

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