Filmmaker’s Diaries - Fucking Corona!

in #filmmakersdiaries5 years ago

Filmmaker’s Diaries -28/03/2020

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary!

So.. a lot has happened in the world since the last dairy entry hein? … If you are reading this in the future let me remind you that this month was the time where the corona virus infected the western world… and man… things are nuts.

… Crazy!

Today here in this country,, apparently drones can not fly anymore…

The fact that the world shut down did got to me… been very introspective… started staying in bed until late, because the mina thing to do for the day is think about live and the world… Today I wanted to start getting up early and the alarm stoped working… heheh Kid you not. (I need an external alarm, don’t hear the one on the phone)

The short filme competition, got pushed back.. The editing freelance has been on silence for a couple weeks, need to send a message on Monday to see.

Complicated, today I did try and go back to normal… focus on the business and creative. And I did manage to study some marketing, hope next week Ill have an all new plan of action. Think this can be a good time to get new leads and after some depression, I guess people will need video even more than ever.

The creative, so that script wasn’t so finished after all… I got some feedback from a couple of writers and I think needed to be changed. I has been changed. Now just need to make sure there are no typos and so… and we shall see. A friend of mine offered to help… that was super nice. And hopefully It shall be vacum sealed soon.

In a couple days there is the deadline for a script competition. After many hesitations and taught … I decided to send it there. Lets see for the other ones. This one, I’m sending.

This is it for today…

As always, thank you for reading.

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If you like this, you can see the previous diaries for more reference:

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Parabéns, seu post foi selecionado pelo projeto Brazilian Power, cuja meta é incentivar a criação de mais conteúdo de qualidade, conectando a comunidade brasileira e melhorando as recompensas no Steemit. Obrigado!


Quanto tempo, sumiu! Espero que esteja bem. Grande abraço!👍

Hey!!! Desculpa a demora na resposta. Realmente sumi um pouco. Mas quero ver se volto em grande. Tudo bem, obrigado. Contigo? Espero que sim, muita saúde e sanidade nestes tempos loucos mesmo!! Grande Abraço!!

Hey man,

Long time no see! I was thinking of you.

If you got an hour to spare and want to feel a little better under the circumstances, you might want to give this podcast recording a listen.

It's a conversation that I had with a friend, about the "thing" that is all over the news these days. This is a positive talk about creativity and making the best of the circumstances and I like to think that it puts it all into perspective.

I'm sure it will make you laugh and we need more laughs nowadays, right? ;>)

You can find it here:

P.S. I moved to Hive ( and most of the Steemians I follow did ). It feels way better on there. Come join us!

Stay sane, amigo!

Um abraço,


Hey Vincent!! Thank you very much!! I'll have listen indeed. Sanity and laughs are very much welcomed more than ever heheh

I'll check Hive as well. Thanks!!

Hope you and everyone around you are well.


Bom dia Vasco,

You get it!

I'm patiently waiting for you on the other side.
It's fun and feels less isolated and more free there.

Um abraço,


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