Bitoqueao - Ya No te Quiero - I Don't Love You Anymore

in #film6 years ago (edited)

Finally we released the Bitoqueao's music video I Don't Love You Anymore.

Finalmente estrenamos el videoclip de Bitoqueao Ya No Te Quiero.


This is one of the most complexes and demanding, but at the same time, fun projects that I have had to direct. From the beginning, when I was listening to the song for the first time with the band, to start to work on some proposals, the melody sounded to me like a 50's film, with touches of Film Noir and comics elements, in fact it sounded much more like Batman to me, and I had suggested them the idea of a heroine, but as the idea developed it was transformed into a police film where the girl of our Detective/Hero becomes villain and he must catch her.

Se trata de uno de los proyectos mas complejos y exigentes pero a la vez divertido que me ha tocado realizar. Desde el comienzo, al escuchar la canción por primera vez con el cliente para [resentarle propuestas, la melodía me sonó como una película de los años 50, con aires de Film Noir y elementos de comic, de hecho me sonaba mucho mas Batman y había sugerido la idea de una heroina, pero al ir desarrollando la idea se fue transformando en un policial donde la chica de nuestro Héroe Detective, se vuelve villana y el debe atraparla.

This mixed with elements of the band performing the song, but not completely unraveling the story.

Esto mezclado con elementos de la banda interpretando el tema, pero que no desencajara completamente con la historia.

To film we got an old building where the School of Nursing of Caracas works, and the size and different spaces of it allowed us to compress the shooting to that unique location, however, due to agenda issues we only had one day to film, which ended meaning a 24-hour shoot with a team of approximately 100 people (without exaggerating), and tons of coffee.

Para filmar conseguimos un viejo edificio donde funciona la Escuela de Enfermería de Caracas, y el tamaño y diferentes espacios del mismo nos permitió comprimir el rodaje a esa única locación, sin embargo, por cuestiones de agenda sólo teníamos un día para filmar, lo que terminó significando un rodaje de 24 horas con un equipo de aproximadamente 100 personas (sin exagerar), y toneladas de café.


First Scene / Primera Escena


Detective's Office (with Gabriel Agüero) / Oficina del Detective (con Gabriel Agüero)


Gaffer, DP (Vicente Gazzara), me, @gabriellecd, Costume Designer / Gaffer, Director de Fotografía (Vicente Gazzara), yo, @gabriellecd, Vestuarista


Bank / Banco


The Artists acting / Los Artistas actuando


Giving directions / Dando Indicaciones




With Kenia Carpio / Con Kenia Carpio


Last shoots / Últimos planos

I was fortunate to work with an exceptional team, both actors and technicians, and I think that is the key to achieving this type of project with the quality that one always expects.

Tuve la fortuna de trabajar con un equipo excepcional, tanto actores como técnicos, y creo que esa es la clave para lograr este tipo de proyectos con la calidad que uno siempre espera.

But I'm not going to make you wait any longer, I managed to distract you too much with some photographs. I leave you here I Do not Love You by Bitoqueao. I hope you enjoy it and share it. Oh, the video has english subtitles if you need it.

Pero no los voy a hacer esperar mas, ya logré distraerlos demasiado con algunas fotografías. Les dejo aquí Ya No Te Quiero de Bitoqueao. Espero lo disfruten y lo compartan.


Wow. Vadim, can I be your protege? I mean that in every sense of the word. I am so amazed, and somehow feel very fortunate that I could have such close interaction with the man behind this genius. You are simply astonishing! Great work from your cast and crew. Amazing song too.

Wow man! I'm speechless, thank you. Is amazing to have friends that support what you do, like you. Thank you!

Absolutely stunning! This is a top quality video. Music is great, but the video is brilliant! So many people performing, very good story and the comic parts are cool. It must have been a tough task to make it all work together but the tremendous effort has been rewarded by a perfect final product.

I love the end of the video. She, in the jail and he, tearing apart her photo. I don't know why but I think that he still loves her and will be waiting for her to come out of jail :)

Thank you for sharing! It was my pleasure to watch it.

lol Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. And yes, he, in the end, still loves her, but shhhh, is a secret lol

I'm not going to tell anyone :D

That is amazing result it was worth to spent so much time working on this song video. Everything is perfect, I love the song and music to it, my appreciation to composers and singers, choreography was perfectly done matches very well to song. I like that detective, looks like really we imagine the one like Inspector Columbo, who is my favorite. Love the story. Very good quality, absolutely awesome!

wow, thank you @stef1! The detective is a great venezuelan actor, he is, in my opinion, one of the bests, and his style matches completely with the idea I had in my head.

Excelente! Eres todo un profesional! Una vez mas DIos bendiga tu talento... Saludos @vadimlasca

Gracias por siempre estar pendiente. Un fuerte abrazo!

Wow Vadim I really love the video. When I clicked I wasn't planning to watch fully, I got stuck and finished everything. Wonderful!

Thank you so much!

Hermoso trabajo recibe nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones en nombre del equipo de Smart Media Group te invitamos a formar parte de nuestra comunidad.

Muchísimas gracias!


Estupendo trabajo y excelente factura con la que has realizado éste video para haber sido logrado lidiando con tantos obstáculos en nuestro país. Filmado en apenas una sesión de 24hrs, controlando y dirigiendo a ese verguero de gente con 100 personas en el equipo y... coño, me vas a tener que decir en donde carajos y a cuanto estás consiguiendo la tonelada de café por ahí?

A la final, mientras veía el video no pude contenerme y tuve que quitarme la camisa y echar una bailaita con la que se me atravesara en el camino. Y ésta fue la afortunada:

Un abrazo y muchos éxitos @vadimlasca. Ahora, a seguir bitoqueando a un coñazo de gente por ahí. :)

Gracias por la bailadita, jajajajaja. Sobre el café, porqué crees que hacer videoclips es tan caro? jajajaja. Muchas gracias pana. Un abrazo

I was about to sleep when Ginabot told me that Vadimlasca published a new post. So I checked it, and it was a really beautiful post, beautiful filmmaking, beautiful song. I love everything about it.

Man, thank you, and thank you for submitted it too.

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