Why the Fuck Should I Watch: US (2019)?

in #film6 years ago

Why the fuck should you watch “Us"?
• You like horror movies, that make you ask “hmm, how the fuck?”, but in the good way.
You are a little tight with money and love to see your faith-mates struggle through life like you do.
• You are trying to find a reason to justify buying a boat.
• When you have a duel with someone, your weapon of choice is always “big ass scissors”, because it’s a weapon of noble Knights.


Are you ready? I am asking is your body and mind ready to be stimulated by awesomely done piece of filmmaking that both makes you feel and think? Because Jordan Peele (yes, the dude who made Get Out, a super entertaining social critique mystery horror movie about some dark shit) is back and ready to fuel your imagination and fuck with your mind, while making you scared (of yourself, mostly) and laugh (about the weird nature of human beings, mostly). For this, he harnesses many horror genre tropes and USAs sociopolitical and -cultural details and turns them to a compelling story about mirrors, scissors, boats and limping…and some more stuff – not gonna spoil too much.


In short, the film is about a regular middle class American family going on a vacation - annoying teenagers, parents just trying to relax: beaches, boats and beer, and well, scary doppelgangers who appear out of nowhere with cruel intentions and funny games (hehe, yes this is reference to the Haneke's movie Funny Games, pls go watch it). But then with it’s awesome attention to details and references that advance the story thought-provokingly, it is a film about class division, poverty, the hedonistic middle class wanting more than their neighbors, duality, otherness within us... This makes the film very compelling, while it creates a tone with gripping tension and quirky humor – no not that kind of when your talkative and impulsive alcoholic uncle who thinks that he is sooo funny comes to a surprise visit.


This review is getting too serious here. Therefore I’ll give you a short list how to survive a night, where basically everyone wants to kill you, learned from this very movie:

  1. Don’t take an arrow to the knee, it could hamper your running capabilities.
  2. Give your children deadly weapons right away.
  3. Have a rest between killings to bond with your family and chat about killing – it’s good for morale.
  4. Just drive away.


Why the fuck you shouldn’t watch "Us "?
• You really don’t like to use that muscle that many call “brain”. Getting information spooned deep into your mouth is the best.
• You are the military guy and always think…well, this situation could be easily solved by big ass firearms (or by Tom Cruise in a jet fighter).
• You like to have mirrors in your life, because you are beautiful.
• You have a slightly hard time to believe, that anyone can turn into cold blooded killer in an hour.
• You think discussing what the kill-count is, should stay with gaming and nothing else.

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