Guest without reservation (Scary Story)

in #film7 years ago

I hurried out of my house towards the train station to greet my friend from the neighboring town. As usual I did not get up until late on my appointment despite the alarm clock that whenever I rang it I gave myself more absences, so I ate breakfast and I stood up and finished wearing my clothes while walking down stairs Where my home is.

When I passed the street, I did not notice the car that was passing. Everything happened after a moment. The driver pressed the brakes of the steering wheel, a sour source mixed with the sound of a body crash. I found myself flying in the air and then cruelly landing on the coarse road. The voices of people around me are sorry and I am being beaten and beaten, and a voice overwhelmed everyone, asking for the ambulance. Slowly, these voices began to fade in my ears and I gave in to a faint. I cut off my contact with the outside world.


I opened my eyes to find myself lying on a bed, my eyes nailed to the ceiling, certainly this is not the ceiling of my room, this is the first thing that comes to my mind.
I sat down and sat around, it was a strange room with an old style, the dust covered every part of it .. What came to me here?!
I went up to the outside, the room was leading to a long corridor at the end of a stairway, I went down to the ground floor cautiously and obsessively, so I do not know where I am at this moment ..

As I reached the last degrees encountered a woman coming out of a room on her way to me, I saw a voice coming from the top of a girl who said: "
Mama who opened my closed room?"
He turned behind me, and if the girl is in the same situation as her mother, but she uttered and put me in a way that is happening when I cried, saying scattered words:

  • Shh .. ghost .. My brother .. K..Kiev .. unreasonable
    and it seems that the presence of the girl has encouraged the mother , as I spoke are the other:
  • Tdwa .. my son has returned Tdwa
    interrupted her daughter to say emotionally and fear:
  • mom, Tdwa has died a year ago, how do you come back?! It is the ghost of a ghost ..

completed my way coming down the stairs, I saw mother back down in horror, Tbakt and promised to go up, the girl began to scream, and I was confused why I do not find a solution not to sit on one of the stairs .. I took a deep breath and decided that I am the initiator Vsolthma :

  • Please tell me where I am and what is going on ?? I was reassured when I could not find a response from either:
  • I'm not a ghost and I will not harm you.

The mother moved towards me and has resolved the features of surprise and curiosity on her face after he was covered with horror, she said:

  • Tidua, have you returned from death ?!

  • From this Tidua you talk about, I am not him!
    The girl spoke at the top:

  • Impossible, you are Tidua .. But, but Tidua is dead!

  • I claim Maher and I am not Tidwa Sedqani, I do not know how I came here! I remember walking out of my house when I was hit by a car and then I opened my eyes to find myself in a room in this house.

  • means you want us to believe that you emerged from nowhere to find yourself in my brother's room, that room that remained closed since his death !!
    Her mother advanced from me, saying with emotion:

  • But you are a copy of my son, but you are .. Oh God, I do not believe, Tidua came back to life again

  • please, I am skilled ..

Cut our conversation voice opened the house door before entering the man froze his place when he signed his eyes on, of course , is known why for me, it has Znna his son dead Tdwa ..


family sat around in the living room after he made sure that I am not Tdwa, and have begun They notice that I disagree with their son in the body. My hair and beard and clothes said that they are very strange, and in return I also found their clothes and bodies as if they were out of time!
I do not know the way I came here, but I apologize anyway," she said. "I have to go back home now.
The mother said eagerly:

  • Please give me your address, you remind me of my son and I want to keep in touch with you.
  • Well, I live in the neighborhood of Shdwan, in the fifth floor of building No. 34
    heart of the father lips surprised and said, wondering:
  • Shidwan neighborhood !! I know the city with all its neighborhoods, and there is no neighborhood by this name .. Your name is strange and so is the neighborhood, from where did you come to us ?!

Suddenly I remembered my friend, who had promised to wait for him at the train station, so I decided to talk to him and apologize to him, took my phone out of my pocket to talk to him and found the phone closed and not working
He looked at me in surprise:

  • Phone! What is a phone?
  • Does it make sense you do not know what the phone is!
    Then I stretched out my hands and showed my phone. The father grabbed him and examined him. He swung his eyebrows and took a deep thought when he said, "
    It seems to me somehow that I do not know what I can not expect. The way you appear between us and your body and the device you carry with you does not suggest that you are from our time !!
    I said after I was satisfied with his conclusion:
  • Or maybe I am back in time back !!

** I

do not know how and why not, all I know I 'll stay with this family until I come back to a time in the same way I came out, there is definitely a way .. But there is a question in my mind and is Tdwa, why they say I am a copy of it?! Why did I come to this family that lost a son like me? I do not know, there is something that is difficult for me to understand and will not rest until I know what it is.


I said to São after we finished eating:

  • Would you please show me a picture of your deceased brother?
    I got up to bring me the picture, and when my eyes were fixed on something hanging on the wall, my father noticed my voice and asked me: What's wrong with you? I replied:
  • That, is not it?
  • Yes, and did the hours disappear in your time?
  • No, of course, but .. I
    got up close to it and completed:
  • But the division of time is strange, very strange .. As if today more than twenty-four hours
    laughed father and then said:
  • Do not tell me that in the future will reduce the hours of the day in half!
    I said:
  • Do you mean that the day you have consists of eight and forty hours ?!
    I nodded yes , completing a objecting:
  • impossible .. This is nothing to do with a time of the past or the future, this is linked to the movement of the Earth 's rotation around itself and around the sun, this constant movement since time immemorial , and can not happen , and the disruption of the only flipped life on Earth!
  • Hey hey, what did you say?! Earth !!
  • Yes Earth .. Our planet
    sarcastically said:
  • I have never heard of this planet, where is located?! It appears to me, my son, that you came to us from another planet. It's like a science fiction story.

I said with a loud voice:

  • Uncertain, sure you are kidding me .. And is there life outside the earth ?! What is the name of this planet that we stand on now?
    Sao replied that she returned carrying me Tdwa image and have heard the modern debate:
  • Planet Johnnym
    I said , wondering:
  • Planet Johnnym?! I did not hear about it and do not think it belongs to our solar system. A little silence before I suddenly ask to make sure something jumped into my mind:
  • Does this planet belong to Milky Way Milky Way?
  • Milky Way ?! No, the planet Junim belongs to the galaxy of Konadonia

At this point of talk I collapsed on the seat and took the world around me, I thought at first I went back to time, but it turned out that it is much more complicated, I am out of the whole galaxy, Another universe .. I feel like I'm in a nightmare!

The father said:

  • I can not understand, do you have a perception of what happens, son?
    I answered with a confident tone:
  • Yes, I have ..
    The three of them came close to me and said with curiosity:
  • What is it?
    have a theoretical explanation of the subject: - We have - on the planet - scientists came out with a theory called the parallel universes, this theory leads to the existence of many lives in an infinite number of universes .. In other words I on earth called Maher, an orphan young man living alone in an apartment, The theory says that in another universe I may be in another life and different circumstances, and what happened with me is a proof of the truth of this theory, you are saying that I have a copy of your son Tidua .. I completed a modern guide to Sao:
  • Will you show me the picture please?

I stretched out her hand and the picture took me. Tidwa was already like me, but it was a copy of me, O God! really ? I have always been a skeptic of the theory of parallel universes. For me it was just the diligence of some scientists. How can I communicate with them and prove their sincerity? How? Will I ever go back to earth? Is not it possible that I died in that incident and my soul moved here? Is this happening with all those who die? That their souls go to their likenesses in other universes? And how can we make sure? There is no dead returned to life to tell us his experience with death!
The voice of Tidwa's mother, who asked with pleasure: "
Does this mean that you are my son Tidua?"
I said to her laughing:

  • I'm not exactly your son, but somehow you can take
    care of your son, I copied him from another being brought to her chest, saying with a trembling voice:
    I do not care about all the explanations and possibilities that I mentioned. What matters to me is that you came back to me, son. I can not believe myself,

but the father had another opinion. He got up and said, "
We will become a famous family soon. And I will show them what the phone calls, it is a difficult scientific event of repetition, we may benefit from you in the development of our planet, it seems that your planet is very sophisticated.


I went back for a few days to repeat what happened to more than one person. Many scientists gathered around me and made me the latest about the planet and our entire galaxy, and about the nature of our lives and the discoveries we made. They left nothing to ask me about. They took pictures of me in the newspapers with pictures of Tidwa .. My story was questioned and some accused me of lying and others of madness, and in return I knew a lot about this planet Junim, it is a planet with characteristics much like the Earth, it has a moon and belongs to a solar group similar to our group, Now in the year one thousand four hundred according to their calendar Arkh since the occurrence of a great earthquake in the planet claimed the lives of half of its occupants, but they arrived at the things we did not get to it when we were at that time.

Tidwa's mother approached me and gave me a glass of juice. I took it from her, thanking her. I told her after a short hesitation: "
How did Tidua die?"

  • Matt Suicide
    I said surprised:
  • suicide! How and Why ?
  • I do not know, his suicide was a shocking surprise for us, he was a young man successful in his studies, we opened an engineering office after graduating, we addressed him the girl he loved and was about to marry, but committed suicide!

Interested to speak when the doorbell rang, she got the mother to open it entered brunette girl skin Maliha features are , advanced towards me , saying:

  • Tdwa, you darling Tdwa
    looked to the mother asking illustration, Vosrat says:
  • This Oolori, fiancee my son Tdwa
    followed Oolori:
  • Tdwa, why committed suicide And you left me? How can you give me how?
    The mother intervened, saying: "
    Calm down, my daughter, Tedoah is dead and will not come back." This young man is called Maher. He just looks like him. I made it clear in my previous visit to you.

After I apologized but did not lift her eyes from me, she looked at me as if someone had told her that I would soon disappear. Her eyes looked at her with passion, longing and repentance. Oh God, how much love she has in her heart for Tidua !!
I finally spoke after a memoryful silence:

  • Maher, can we become friends? You remind me of my previous sin, do you mind if we stayed in touch?
    I replied with all welcome:
  • I do not mind at all, always remember that I do not Tidwa no matter what I looked like you.
    I nodded, then I got up and left.

I really liked her a lot and I wished that in my previous life I met a girl who loved me like that


One day was long on this planet, hours were running slowly, there was time to do everything, their life system was strange to me, several meals of food a day, the night they practiced many activities of its length, and found myself adapting to their simple life without a phone or Internet , And without this technological development that swept our lives on the ground, although in my previous life I was addicted to the social networking sites I found myself comfortable with them, but I feel happy .. The
father throughout the day at work, back relax some time and then read the newspapers, go To meet with his friends and sometimes they come to him, alo Mother and daughter spend the morning in the work of the house and when you are finished busy either knitting wool or embroidery, visit the neighbors, read the books .. And the mother's hobby of planting roses, they find permanent interest in the garden and treat flowers as treated by her children.

And Olori; what I say about her, a thin girl with sensitive feelings, took me with her to all the places she was traveling with Tidwa, and she cut her memories with him .. Sometimes I wish I met her without having a link to her former fiance, without mentioning her formality and my movements, Would she have attracted me? Would we have had special feelings? I felt like I was starting to lean on her.

One day we walked together on a street. A library caught me with her elegant design. I asked Ulori to go to her and look at her books, especially the historical. This aspect interested me in his knowledge of this strange planet. My purpose is to enter .. What was almost blind eyes on the owner of the library until I rushed towards her without thinking and the bodies on her knees saying:

  • My mother, my beloved mother missed you
    surprised surprised the tongue of the woman library owner and dropped in her hand,
  • Maher, get up what happened to you?!

I took it up and got up apologetically, but the sudden situation made me lose control of myself. The owner of the library was my mother or the other version of it. My mother, who lost her since childhood in a painful accident, has lost her and her father.
The woman examined me (similar to my mother) and said:

  • Is not the young man who came from another galaxy here ?? I saw your pictures in the newspapers and read your story .. Frankly, it is closer to the fantasy than reality.
    I said to her as eagerly as if she were actually my mother:
  • Do you allow me to call you Mom?
  • Why ?!
  • Although you do not believe my story but you are the other version of my mother, I have been deprived of them since I was a child, pictured with me in my memory wherever I went, I miss her so much, so when I saw you did not meet myself .. Oh God how much I miss you.
    I laughed (my mother) and said Hanan:
  • Although your words strange and your story difficult to ratify, but I do not mind if you invited me to my mother, I am deprived of this word because I do not have.

I gladly accepted her hand while Olori stood silently watching me and looking at me with deeper looks of friendship .. Do you feel like you love me or am I more like a Tedo? I did not think I would know the answer


I went back to the house and told them what happened, they prepared for me, said the mother of Tedoa:

  • I think now I knew my feelings when I first saw you and I thought that my son
    smiled for her and stripped my thoughts when my father see where is the other copy ?! Is it here in this country or in another country ?? Is he alive or dead too? And my relatives and acquaintances will meet them .. Cut my thinking voice São ask me:
  • Maher, what are you Sarah?
    He turned towards her and said:
  • Nothing important, but I want to tell you that I am happy with you. I have found in you the things that I have missed in my past life, the warmth of the family, the safety, the love and many things .. I wonder why Tidua left all this and committed suicide ?! What he was looking for and did not find! If you were my real family, I would not leave you, and if I had a girl who loved me as much as I loved Olyori Tidwa, I would not have given her up to dust. The

father spoke after he was silent all the time:

  • My son seems to be satisfied with his life. Before he committed suicide, he wrote, "I love you, but excuse me, I can not continue." It seems he did not feel the warmth of the family and the safety and happiness that you talked about, perhaps because he was not deprived of it. He craved, or so we thought, he eventually chose to leave and left.

Sao said:

  • Honestly, from the first day you presented to us, I considered you my brother .. If you would stay with us forever, the
    mother smiled and praised her daughter's words:
  • Of course he will stay with us. We his new family

thanked them for their kindness and good treatment. Then we rose up to sleep. I had a strong desire to stay in the Tidwa room, which his mother insisted on keeping it closed and allocated another room for me to stay in.
I said, objecting, after I refused to open it again:

  • But you told me that I am like your son, so please let me sleep. , Is Olst likable Tidua? If I have to occupy his room
  • but it is full of dust and we have not cleaned it for a while
  • ok, I will sleep tonight, and tomorrow clean it
    In front of my urgency I surrendered and opened it to me .. I entered her and my desire to lie down on that bed, a desire I myself did not understand .. I closed my eyes and decided tomorrow to let my mother love her, I will ask her to forget Tidwa and love me Maher .. guest Next from another galaxy.

** I

opened my eyes to Italni very white ceiling, the movement attempted but extended devices to my chest and my hands Kpltna and prevented me from advancement, I saw a button hanging beside the bed Vdguett it and what are the only moments to burst into place several people, I asked them Bohan:

  • Who are you and where I ??
    A woman in white:
  • You are in the hospital, Maher .. You have been an accident that made you enter into a coma and have finally heard of it, thank God for your safety, the doctor will come after a little and rest assured of your condition.
    And actually entered the doctor, he examined me and a reassuring smile painted on his lips, he said after removing some devices from me:
    We will keep you tonight to monitor your situation and then you can go out ..

I turned to the nurse and gave her some instructions and then went out.

I got used to my session and asked the nurse:

  • How long have I been in a coma?
  • Two weeks
  • only two weeks?!
    The nurse was surprised at my surprise and said:
  • Usually people who suffer from coma think they spent only one day and are surprised by the survival of weeks and perhaps months, but you see that you expected to stay more.

I did not answer her. The answer goes on long and she would not believe me if I told her that during those two weeks I had visited another kuna and lived in the best days of my life.


The door door of the room and when I authorized the next entry, my friend Said happy saying: Thank God for your safety, man, we have hidden you .. Then smiled and said misguided: Or that you caught the incident so as not to come to receive the station ??
I laughed

if I told the whole world about the existence of a galaxy of Konadonia, I would like to update them about the planet Junim and the Tidua family. But if I spoke, I would not have forgotten it. They will accuse me of insanity or say dreams.
What did the Tidwa family do when they discovered my disappearance? They would suffer the pain of losing their son for the second time, and Ulori would heal her wound again. They are good people who do not deserve pain.

In any case, I have recorded my experience with the coma and wrote all the details that I passed through .. Who knows, science may develop and prove the validity of my trip one day.


Maher closed his computer and then got up from the chair and went to the lounge to sit next to his friend Saeed.
Said Said when he saw him:

  • It seems that you finished writing, and finally, I was tired of sitting alone, all these days and you are still talking about the galaxy of Konadonia that you saw in your sleep and lock yourself in your room to write about.
    Maher said: "It's
    not a dream, you're happy, you've already visited me, I still remember everything, as if I just had it!
  • I think you were a skeptic of the theory of parallel universes, do you remember how you argue supporters of your friends?
  • Yes, I remember, but that was before the incident that I was subjected to .. But now I am a strong supporter of it.

A little silence then complete:

  • The most beautiful thing happened to me is my vision for my mother, I mean the other version of my mother .. You were happy to see her after all these years, do you know the impact of visiting a person dear to you in a dream? You wake up and you feel like you've already seen him! This is my feeling now when I think of my mother, if I did not wake up from the coma and stay in the planet Junim, I loved the simplicity of life in it, I loved his homes and residents .. I loved the presence of my mother.
  • And Ulori? You were talking about her.
    Sigh a sigh , saying:
  • Yes, I really liked .. I wish I meet here edition, are certainly exist somewhere on this planet, or perhaps be born and died since the time or did not create yet ..
    Said rose up in his place , saying:
  • Maher This is enough .. Oh enough, what happened with you is just a dream, and even if it is not a dream is a thing that has passed and ended, I turned to your life, you are on the graduation exams, you should go to college and you know what you missed the lessons.
    Maher said , resigned:
  • Well Well, Sosamt .. and I will go tomorrow to college


while Maher was standing in the college yard with his friends approached him colleague Lena and invited him to go with them to attend the exhibition of drawings one of her friends that will graduate this year from the College of Arts, did not mind Maher And before the invitation ..

In the evening, Maher was moving in the exhibition hall between the paintings, Lina
sang : - Maher, come to know you my friend artist Salwa Tafer
Maher to hand over the gallery owner and almost as his eyes fell on it even exclaimed with emotion:

  • Ulori!
    The girls looked at him surprised, he said apologetically:
  • Sorry, like a girl I know
    Salwa contemplated for a few seconds and then I asked:
  • Did not we meet before? I feel I've known you for a long time!
    Her friend intervened to say:
  • You visited me in college more than once, you may be his name there.
    Maher said vaguely:
  • Or maybe we met somewhere else ..
  • What do you mean? I asked Salwa with astonishment
  • no, nothing .. I liked your paintings, you are a talented artist who

smiled skillfully to himself, he found her .. She is Ulori, he is sure, he decided to recognize her and get close to her, in the planet Junim , But here who knows how the end will be .. They

came out of the exhibition hall, offered to bring her home did not mind .. walked side by side, turned to him, saying:

  • True Maher, who is Olori, who called me by her name?
    He said smiling:
  • A long story I may tell you someday ..
  • There is nothing wrong between us long .. I will wait
    Lena intervened in a modern
    interview : - It seems that you forgot that I am with you, you speak as if you already know each other! Remember that I am the reason for your meeting, and if something happens in the future, let me credit it.
    Salwa said shyly:
  • Stop, what is this talk?
    While laughed Maher fill his teeth .. laughed as he did not laugh before, the road appeared clear in front of him, and will walk until he reaches his destination, and then, will publish the story of his journey in the planet Junim .. The story of the next guest without a date.

Published: 2018-05-27

This article was edited and published by: Nawar


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