Disney's new remake of Peter Pan is going to be bad - Here's why.
Of all the things that are going to be bad about Disney's "new" version of Peter Pan, the re-conceptualization of the Lost Boys as lost boys, girls, NBs, otherkin, and whatever else is the one thing that actually ruins the story.
The whole point of the Lost Boys is that they're motherless orphans who never had a female role model and they're being effectively raised by a perpetual child. They don't grow up, they're missing out on and don't understand all sorts of important things about life, precisely because there are no girls.
The introduction of Wendy into the Lost Boys' ecosystem is critically important because she is the feminine role model and mother-figure they never had.
But of course, gender and gender roles according to Disney are purely a social construct, so Wendy's gender in the new version is irrelevant, as are the genders of the "Lost Boys".
This isn't actually true, of course, but just speaking from a narrative standpoint, it actually just wrecks most of what's important about Wendy as a character and what she brings to the Neverland world that is unique.