How It Ends - Film Review

in #film6 years ago (edited)

How It Ends is a Netflix original disaster film starring Forest Whittaker and there's other people in it as well. After something unexplained happens in the world and Will loses connection with his pregnant girlfriend Sam, Will and Sam's father Forest Whitaker, who Will has a strenuous relationship with, go on a long drive to find Sam and make sure she's okay amidst the chaos and they fucking bond along the way. It was directed by someone and written by someone else.

At a certain point, about 10/15 minutes in how it ends was irrelevant, when it ends was the question given it felt like these events were taking place in real time. This was such a boring film, it's poorly written with bland characters, dull performances and no sense of risk or urgency, it's just one pointless, badly executed sequence after another, fight someone, stop for gas, come across a road block, fight someone, stop for gas, another road block, fight, gas, road block, repeat!

These are the most uninteresting, lifeless characters as well, watching them exist is a snooze fest, the whole film is like a glorified sleeping pill, one with glitter on it or something. Every single moment of tension is completely forced as well, nothing felt realistic or believable at all, people are literally killing and looting after about an hour of this unexplained event and no one even knows what it is and things seem fine in certain areas yet they're already presuming their loved ones dead!

It's an absolute waste of time, every single scene had my rolling my eyes and wishing it was shorter, it's almost 2 hours long! Nothing's earned, nothing's justified, things happen that shouldn't even be in the film, it felt like they were just killing time, nothing makes sense, these characters are completely wooden and not likeable in any way, nothing was interesting about this film at all! The ending was the best part but that was shit as well, I was just glad it was fucking over, it was terrible.

I would not recommend this film to any one, it's completely bland, consistently boring, uninspired, unoriginal, stupid and empty, there's absolutely nothing worth seeing here. I hate these characters, there's really nothing in the way of a story it's just drive from A to B and force some father in law bonding thing that never works or feels authentic or interesting at all, and throw some action in there to create the illusion of tension, nothing to see here folks! 3.7/10.

What's your favourite disaster film?


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