New beginnings
More so now then in any other other generation we have become lazy with everything we do we all want the most bang for our buck with the least amount of time and work out into it and that not just the children it's everyone. We as parents need to be more invested in our kids and what they are interested in and doing we have way to many latch key kids and children commiting suscide because they feel miserable and misunderstood and helpless .science says that the items listed below are all things children should know how to do by a particular time and age but if we don't show them exactly how are they going to know??? We need to figure out some common ground work where as a family we work together as a single unit to build a relationship together for a common goal instead of turning a blind eye to the process that needs to be taken to help everyone young and old rich or poor .we need to start having meals as a family talking about the day laughing and crying and meeting in the middle .I realized that this is a huge issue in my home that my kids feel less then they are like I do think value them or their feelings just because I'm the adult doesn't mean I'm always right and that my say is final so this year is a whole new beginning for us