“God’s Gift” Jeremiah Vastrix sits in a coffee shop. He’s mostly alone, but not really alone. A dozen of the elite shocktrooper regime known as the Golden Legion stand around at entrances and nearby the tender Jeremiah Vastix as he sips at an expensive coffee with his fiancé, Olivia Cooke.
OLIVIA COOKE: That was a hard match that you had with Valora and they expect you to do it all over again? To what end?
Jeremiah smiles as he sips at his coffee, monitoring the life signs of the love of his life as he watches her worry over him.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Valora goes all out in her matches. It’s alright. This is just a chance for me to get my title back from her. I can do it. It’s not as if that Valora hasn’t been defeated before.
OLIVIA COOK: This is why you shouldn’t do it. You should retire from wrestling and just work on handling the company.
Jeremiah shakes his head with a sad smile.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I’m out to prove to the world that I can do both. I can defeat Valora and reclaim my t-wait. Who is that?
Olivia looks to the entrance of the store where a man in a gi walks into the coffee shop. He is stopped by two armed shocktroopers.
OLIVIA COOKE: I don’t know. Someone late to a pajama party?
The man looks at Jeremiah for a brief second their eyes meet. It’s all Jeremiah needs to begin running facial recognition programs.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: That’s Lei Kun. He’s a member of Tehuai Anixu’s Order of the Red Palm and is a master of Red Palm Kung fu. I don’t think he’s here to order coffee. Get under the table. Now!
Lei Kun disarms one shocktrooper while taking the weapon from the other. He shoots both guards point blank in the chest before turning the weapon on the other guards. He tosses the weapon down, walking across the room as Jeremiah Vastrix stands up. Olivia ducks under the table.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Grandmother is awful bold to send you to kill me.
Tehuai Anxiu, Director of Warhammer Asia is hardly Jeremiah’s grandmother, but it is an honored title.
LEI KUN: I don’t think you understand how badly the old guard want you dead. You have no official heir and so the shares will be divided amongst the Circle of Fire.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I have someone who will take control of the company should something happen to me. It’s just a secret until it happens.
Lei Kun narrows his eyes, a grin slowly forming.
LEI KUN: You’re bluffing in the hopes I won’t kill you. These hands will send you to the afterlife to join your father today.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: Bring it on. Just...hold on a moment.
LEI KUN: What are you up to?
Jeremiah closes his eyes for a moment, downloading Celestial Dragon Kung fu. He smiles when it installs into his brain, sliding into a fighting stance. Lei Kun smiles, getting into a fighting stance of his own.
LEI KUN: You die today, Vastrix.
Lei Kun leaps across the distance between himself and Jeremiah, who pulls out a pistol and fires several shots into Kun’s chest. Lei Kun falls to the floor, coughing up blood.
LEI KUN: Not fair. You were going to use Celestial Dragon to fight my Red Palm.
Jeremiah shoots Kun a few more times in the legs and arms.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: I’m a corporate CEO and professional wrestler. You think I have the time to mess with every would be assassin? You killed my guards. Though death is too good for you, I’ll make an exception.
Jeremiah points the gun directly at Kun’s head with a grin, but Olivia Cooke stays his hand.
OLIVIA COOKE: No! He’s dying as it is. No more!
Jeremiah puts the gun away and switches to a cell phone to call for more guards and have Lei Kun taken away. He puts the phone away as more Golden Legion shocktroopers arrive to clean up and guard Jeremiah from more attackers.
JEREMIAH VASTRIX: This match with Valora is going to be epic…