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Wanted: industrial gremlin remover and general dimensional rift stabilization expert. Applicants should have survived at least three summonings or two transdimensional exposure containment efforts. Death benefits negotiable at a future date (seven days of assignment or survival of eight separate containment assignments).
Thanks to both @someoneusual (where I saw this cool tag) and @miniature-tiger who originally encouraged lots of people to create awesome works using the tag.
This was created for the #fiftywords story tag (I know, I didn't quite hit fifty, but it works!) It's another form of Flash Fiction. If you'd like to see any of my other Flash Fiction pieces:
If you want something a little more substantial, check out my bulkier, on-going Sorcery works, they could use some more attention:
Artwork is my own hurried scribbles.
Ha, very original @not-a-bird! I like the way everyone is bringing their own style and voice to these stories.
Thanks for joining in with #fiftywords!
Oooh, advertising as storytelling - I likey! Well played, unfeathered fellow.
Hrmm... Are summoners allowed? Asking for a friend...
Generally if they have survived long enough to wear the title, they are. But absolutely NO SHIFTERS.
Oh, good. Might be able to forward a couple CV's that way, then. . . . ;D
It could be like an intro for short story or something along the lines. Never seen 50 word flash fiction before. Kind of cool. ^^
I've begun looking at teaser lines for things as a sort of flash fiction. But I wonder if they need to be a little more complete than just a teaser to be good flash fic. Or perhaps good flash fic reads like a good teaser... Or perhaps it's a fail if it comes across as more of a teaser because then it's not telling enough of a story on it's own...
Yeah, I haven't figured out what the right metric is for judging the worth of good flash fic yet. I'm really enamored with the concept, though.