RE: Why do people cheer Death? Castro, Consistency, and Compassion
while you may be 100% logically correct in every possible way, most of the other people in the world don't or can't believe as you do. i try to treat people as well as i am able, i am not looking to be a martyr. purists often find themselves so.
i meant no offense. an emotional reaction was not unexpected. i thought i would give it a shot. while you may not care about what society thinks, they do, fervently. arousing the ire of a mob is inadvisable even if your logic is unimpeachable. the majority will never achieve comprehension of philosophy, no matter how much one might wish it. having grammar, logic, and rhetoric, i find to be enough to keep me out of the way of the lurching mob.
i search for like minds, and do not try to teach the unwilling. i rarely sing about death and destruction, unless to understand it better. i find that philosophy alone gets me into too much trouble, when i ignore the biology, chemistry, physics, and social psychology of the matter. self mastery does not take place in a vacuum, i have endured enough beatings to know this without doubt.
here is a question for clarity. do you think that berating people, nay, haranguing them, for doing the same, is an efficient way to create more peace in the world? while you may be perfectly logically justified, please, do read your own piece again, and tell me how it is not a tirade against tirades. it does seem intelligently and thoughtfully written, but reveals the frustration that so many of us, who wish we could soothe the ills of the world by giving out the tools we've seen work for ourselves, feel in our everyday experience.
to help others become my equal in self mastery, would be for me to aggress against them, unless they were capable, willing, and even desirous of it. if this is the case, i find it is better to stand back and let it happen, perhaps with a cheer of encouragement or a good word, as each has their own path, and my blundering interference may set them back further than they would be otherwise.