The Sailor & The Mermaid
Once upon a time, beneath the vast sea,
A tale of forbidden love began to be,
A mermaid, fair as the rising sun's glow,
Captivated a captain, whom she longed to know.
With hair of lustrous emerald green,
And eyes as deep as the ocean's gleam,
The mermaid was filled with untamed grace,
As she beckoned the captain to enter her space.
He, a rugged sailor, with a heart so bold,
Treaded upon stories, yet untold,
His ship sailed upon vast waves and tides,
Seeking adventure, wherever it hides.
One moonlit night, 'neath the starry sky,
Their paths collided, as fate drew them nigh,
As the mermaid's ethereal voice did sing,
The captain's soul was captured on the wing.
He felt her call, an enchanting song,
And gradually, his heart began to long,
To dive deep into her world so divine,
To unravel mysteries, beneath the brine.
But legends whispered, old tales of dread,
The forbidden love, never to be wed,
For mermaids and captains could never unite,
Their love concealed, shrouded from the light.
Though warned of the dangers that lay beyond,
The captain's desire grew fond and strong,
He yearned to be held in her azure embrace,
Living a love story, no one could erase.
He sailed his ship, across the vast tide,
Leaving behind all that made him stride,
To find the mermaid, his heart's true song,
To prove that belonging, they truly belong.
Guided by his compass, the captain sailed on,
His heart filled with hope, against the odds drawn,
He braved treacherous storms and monstrous waves,
His love for her, only that of a brave.
Finally, he found her, amidst coral and reef,
Her mesmerizing beauty beyond belief,
Their eyes met, and time seemed to freeze,
As their souls intertwined, they felt true peace.
Forbidden love, like a radiant flame,
Burned within them, their hearts not the same,
In a secret cove, hidden from the world's glare,
They whispered promises, only love could bear.
But fate had a way of weaving its thread,
For another sailor's ship approached ahead,
A rival captain, with envy and spite,
Sought to expose their love, in the moon's light.
He raised his spyglass, revealing their guise,
Betrayal in his eyes, as love he defies,
He plotted revenge, his heart now aflame,
To destroy their love, tarnish their name.
One fateful day, when the ocean roared,
The rival captain's plan was finally scored,
He captured the mermaid with cruelty and glee,
To present her as a trophy, for all to see.
Deep in his cabin, she was kept confined,
Her siren's voice silenced, her spirit maligned,
The captain mourned the loss of his love,
As the rival captain gloated from above.
Determined and relentless, the captain took flight,
To free his mermaid from eternal night,
He sailed through raging storms, his heart ablaze,
Ready to risk all, in love's treacherous maze.
As he neared the ship, where his love was held,
He charged with fury, fearless and compelled,
The rival captain, obsessed with his prize,
Had underestimated love's sacrifice.
Their swords clashed, and cannons did roar,
As they fought to unlock the mermaid's door,
But true love's power, like a fierce storm's wrath,
Brought down the rival captain, upon its path.
With his love, the captain embraced once more,
Healed by the sea's enchanting lore,
Together, they dove into azure expanse,
Escaping the cruelty of world's judgemental stance.
They swam to a hidden underwater treasure,
A realm where love knew no measure,
United forever, beneath the vast sea,
A mermaid and a captain, forever wild and free.