The Monster Within {18+ NSFW Story with dark themes}

in #fiction3 years ago

No Name Port, the island of Pocatellage, 1439 ATC

No Name Port was an independent city-state that controlled the entire island of Pocatellage of the Alphonse archpelo which contained about a hundred islands of varying size and importance. And because of its strategic position in the Slender Sea between two massive continents it was a natural center of trade, and yet far enough from countries like Grigwald and Pryldahn that it’s been able to hold onto its independence thus far. It helped that they could easily play all the nations off against one another to keep any of them from gaining too much power if need be; but for the most part no one, not even God Queen Y'vonne saw Pocatellge's subjugation worth the time and effort.

It also had a notorious reputation as a haven for pirates, slavers, and exiles. The rulers didn't really care who did business in No Name Port so long as it didn't have a negative impact on trade. It was a wretched hive, and one of the biggest attractions was the Salt and Steel Tavern and Brothel. Portside, truly a wretched hive that attracted some of the worst people imaginable, and brought out the worst in others.

Venser dropped his pants and started his stream, mumbling to himself. A thin trickle that arced out and against the wall of the general store beside the Salt and Steel Brothel and Tavern, the sounds of the usual rambacuous attitudes of the night swirling around him. His vision a cloudy haze of drunkenness much like the dark skies above.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm sorry for what I've done to myself. I've been here for a while, hoping to keep myself in line as the world slowly tumbles around me. I've was thought drinking would help me keep my mind unchanged, since I've done this several times before. Now I'm here, alone in an alley silently staring at the wood that look back at me in vain. They give me time to think about me, since the audience is just waiting for me to say something. Life is just a stage, lets put on the best show..."

The Luektorem hoards flashed before his eyes, the many soldiers getting killed, Nadine getting carried off, and Doulocel, his new nemesis. He thought about his life, he thought about everything he had ever done leading up to this day, and pondered what to do next.

"I'm always fun when drunk or high, and I often get my best ideas while like this. But now here I am pondering mostly about what I've done, what I've accomplished, and what I dreamed of when I was a little boy." Venser never liked to swim in his own thoughts, to be left alone with words and visions from his past invade his present. To wallow in his grief and misery, everyone he lost.

Thinking was a dangerous past time. Especially thinking about the past itself

Briefly, he looked at his reflection in the glass, at his emerald, slitted eyes and remembered when his eyes were once normal, grass green. The same color shared by his children. Venser had heard it many times before, that he was among the accursed.

A green eyed monster they called him back in Armonia. The moment he was cursed his snake eyes would be a dead giveaway to his identity and he was a wanted and known man to everyone in Armonia. Venser remembered when he had no beard, scarred lips, messy green dyed hair, and a ridiculous rubber costume that wasn't so ridiculous when it was the last thing someone saw before their life ended.

A killer. A psychopath. A kinslayer guilty of patricide. A rapist. A monster.

Was this who he was? Was he really a monster?

Doulocel and the Luektorem were the monsters. Unnatural brutes that destroyed and corrupted everything they came across. A blight upon this beautiful world.

If he was going to get drunk and be alone he should have some fun. He shouldn't have to think about all the loss he had suffered while he was in a coma.

"New Years in less than a month away... I should fucking... Kill Doulocel... Wrap this all mess up ASAP..."

As the drunken Venser tossed the empty bottle into a nearby barrel he had pushed into it, knocking it over as he pissed against the side of the wall and kept thinking, the smell of urine mixed with beer and vodka filled the air. His thoughts were interested by the side door to the alley be kicked open, door slamming against the wall as a couple emerged, exclaiming furiously.

"I really- Really fucking hate save the world situations... Hrmmurgh..."

Venser also hated revenge missions. They were never worth it, but every Luektorem was an exception.

"Hey, hey you! Son of a bitch!"

"Whooo...!" Cock still out, he began to rotate his hips and then turned he saw a short, Leon woman with brown skin and a nose ring and wearing a leather hat with a pheasant plume, and behind her was a tall Pryldahnian man in a studded leather coat who seemed to be his backup.

"Why did you interrupt my conversation with your bullshit? You're fucking creepy and I don't like you! Fuck you!'' The girl screeched.

''I don't even know who you are! Hey, take it easy!'' Venser slurred, letting out a hiccup, confused and drunk. ''Uh... What?!''

''You came up and asked Aurmia to crush your balls. Saying you can't feel anything... I'm going to make you feel something!" Venser quickly realized what was happening as the Pryldahnian man breathed smoke out of his nostrils.

"Hic! Look, it was a bad jo- Ow!" A fist was slammed right into Venser's nose as he stumbled back against the wall.

Suddenly, there was drive, a fire in Venser's stomach. Feeling.

Good feeling.

"Let's go then." Venser said, raising his fists in front of him, this only put a look of rage on thePryldahnian man's face as he darted towards the drunken Venser He quickly got out of the way and kicked the dragon into the wall behind him. The small brown woman, Aurmia circled around as Venser turned to face the Pryldahnian man who was just now getting up.

''Kick his ass Kalos!'' Aurmia's distinct Leon accent flared with a spicy temper.

"You don't want to fight me. Don't you know who I am?!" Venser backed up, feeling a bit excited. It was the alcohol. When Venser was drunk he felt like he could do anything. "Some dead man!" Kalos charged once more, as Venser tried to move out of the way the brown woman he forgotten about pushed him back into the Pryldahnian Kalos who shoved him to the ground, Kalos held him down with one hand and his draconic tail, and brought up the other fist that was aimed at Venser's head, As he brought it down, Venser felt some tiny pain hit his cheek, causing him to laugh. He took two more hits before he blocked one with his right hand and raised his left, his mark flashing greenish white and emitting steam.


"Argh!" Kalos flew back and spasmed on the ground when hit with a burst of supernatural green lightning as Venser rolled to the side and got to his feet, letting our a cough and feeling the need to vomit everything he had that day.

"Gimme a minute..." Kalos, in pain was now enraged and recovered surprisingly quickly, regaining control over his muscles.

Venser remembered the small Leon woman with the leather hat. He turned and saw Aurmia coming at him, noticing she had a thin cutlass at her waist. They both must have thought Venser was so drunk they wouldn't even need their weapons. Using all his effort he punched Kalos, taking a punch in the process and grappling him. Pushing him at his female companion, he stumbled as he lost balance. He watched the two collide and the both fell to the floor. The two got up, Venser saw their movement from the corner of his eye and turned to face them, they both stared daggers at him with murderous intent, Aurmia placing her hand on her cutlass. ''Hold on...'' Kalos breathed putting his hand on her shoulder.

''Are you crazy we can't let this man go!''

"My name is Venser, come on! Lots of people know me!"

"So what?!"

"Okay! Stop! You win. We're sorry. Truce?' He put out a hand out for Venser to shake, for a few moments the man stared at it and slowly brought his own up, when felt the Pryldahninan hand he started to shake it, never breaking eye contact with Kalos, who seemed focused.

His so called victory was short lived, Venser was caught off guard when he felt a sharp pain in his jaw, the hit brought him to the ground and the Pryldahnian looked down upon him, drawing a dagger from his belt. He felt a warm trace of blood drip from his mouth and he quickly wiped it away as he slowly got up.

"I don't fucking care!" Kalos yelled as he lunged forward.

This couldn't go on for much longer, so he decided to take the offensive, he darted at Kalos and brought him to the ground, he held him down with his left, before Kalos could react he gave the first blow, the Pryldahnians head snapped to the right and when his head turned back to face him he hit him again, and again. Venser didn't stop until he knew his target was unconscious, kicking the dagger away.

"Hic! I don't wanna kill you..."

Then he focused on the Leon girl who`s jaw was dropped in shock at seeing her lover beat up by some perverted drunk.

''Kalos! I'll kill you!'' Aurmia drew her well polished cutlass and aimed it at the man, swiftly moving forward and swinging at Venser, making a jabbing motion and nicking him in the side of the thigh.

''Ah! Don't even know who you are...'' Blood still dripped from the corner of his mouth, Venser jumped back and made a backhand motion, blasting the girl with a strong gust of wind as they fought in the alley. Kalos was still unconscious from the blow from the porcelain metal and was unable to help as the cutlass was kicked away and Venser ran forward, grabbing Aurmia by the arm and shocking the angry Leon woman until here muscles went limp. And all she could do was swear in a foreign language and try to swing at the man, only for Venser to slap her arms down.

"Hm, you know.. You have a really nice body." Venser commented feeling her up and touching her in places she never wanted to be touched by hands like these. He kept commenting on how pretty she looked and how he didn't want to kill anyone, the words making her skin crawl. Her brown eyes stared into his slitted emeralds. Was he of Pryldahnian decent or something else all together?

Not like she cared. Aurmia Pez hated Venser and would until the day she died.

With surprising strength Venser lifted Aurmia up, who was only five foot two, laying her chest down on the barrel and pulling down her pants, positioned at his waist. Lowering her haunches down Aurmia felt him penetrate inside of her. She winced as she lowered her body down further fighting the pain of feeling Venser's cock suddenly push into her.

"I don't fucking like you..." It sounded like every bit of spirit she had was gone.

Venser grabbed Aurmia by the and began to thrust into her, letting out a high pitched cry each time he pushed into her. She tried to fight it, feeling her muscles come back to life but the man was much bigger and stronger than herself. She was already struggling as the man wasn't letting up. His cock shoving into her hard.

"Think I'm almost done here." He said casually at Aurmia spanking her hard and making her yelp. Her eyes watered and her vision became blurry as the cock continued to thrust into her.


He moaned and ground himself up against her for a few moments before pulling out for a few long moments. Halfway out he thrust back in brutally, repeating this over and over with the only goal of unleashing his load deep inside Aurmia.

Her ass-cheeks were burning, his cheeks becoming red from the intense slapping Venser's hips were doing against them. He thrust hard, feeling his balls clench and his cockhead flare, Venser bottomed out and groaned loudly as he hit his climax. An explosion of cum rushed deeply Aurmia's vagina, the warm sticky fluid filling her to the brim while Venser felt nothing but pure bliss wash over him.

"Good girl." He said smacking the brown girl's rear, removing his coin purse from his belt, he laid her down against the wall gently and set the bag next to her. Venser felt proud, and then immediately regretted it looking at his reflection again, his younger self staring back at him.

Venser the Mad.

A green eyed monster.

"I really am a monster, aren't I? No no... I can be better. I can try to be better. I know I can. I know I can. It's not worth it..." Venser tore his eyes away from his last expression and made it his mission to get some water as soon as possible and sober up, running away from the downed couple.

Venser was better. He didn't have to think about any of this.

Aurmia Pez and Kalos Kapetros would never forget that man, and Venser had no idea who they were affiliated with.

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