Ultimate Online Wrestling CH-10: Friday Night Clash 6!

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


Ultimate Online Wrestling is a collaborative and competitive creative writing role-playing game where users join and create wrestler characters in an alternate world where wrestling is real. Writers earn Hive Tokens for contributing to the story by writing roleplay's for their characters who are booked in matches once a month.

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Dallas Texas

The Basement of Rasputin’s Bar & Grill

16 Hours before Friday Night Clash

Takuma stood there surrounded by the communist gang calling themselves the Rebels of Society inside the basement of Rasputin’s bar and Grill. It was clear that the group and their leader Ares was attempting to recruit him into their movement. The men looked chiseled out of stone and ready for a fight. Sato had been lured in after a training session Abbigail Dresden and now found himself in a potentially very dangerous situation.

Ares: Were the resistance fighting against this racist McStrump America and the corrupt government paid and bought for by the corporations and the wealthy one percent!

Rebels Of Society.jpg

Sato: Fantastic. What does that have to do with me? I’m a professional fighter. I’m not a politician or a political figurehead.

Ares: Look, I’m sure you have enough of your own problems to worry about. However, you have something that we don’t. A platform to stand up and fight against all this corruption and class warfare taking place in our country. We want you to join us! Join our fight! Bring our message and our cause to the people.

Sato: You talk a good game, my friend. However, I stand here and I see a bunch of men in a circle drinking beer and beating the hell out of one another. I don’t see how any of this serves any purpose to what you’re trying to accomplish. It’s going to take a lot more than a few angry men to transform the things you want to change in society.

Ares: This right here is an initiation and training ground all in one and there are hundreds all over the world. You have to earn your place among us because in this world, only the strong will survive the war that’s coming. We are looking for soldiers and fighters to call our brothers. So I’m going to ask you this once my friend, are you willing to join us?

Sato stood there thinking long and hard. Much of what this Ares had said had made sense, but his aggressive tone and behavior seemed odd. However, the group’s combat mentality appealed to him as a man who made a living professionally fighting. It wasn't an easy decision...

Sato: I’m not the type to make rash impulse decisions. I think I’ll see my way out of your little underground communist fight club for now.

Sato attempted to leave the circle but was stopped by two of Ares men from leaving. It was clear they were not going to let him leave without seeing if he was as tough as he looked on television.

Ares: I’m afraid you’ve heard and seen too much my friend. You either decide to join us now, or we put you out to pasture.

Sato instinctively tore off his shirt and took a Jeet Kune Do fighting stance flexing his rock hard abdominal muscles and pecks like a fierce animal ready for battle. The Rebels quickly took a defensive stance and spread out ready to attack the young twenty-year-old martial arts savant. What took place next looked like it was a scene from an old Bruce Lee film. Each one of the rebels came at Sato attempting to attack him and found themselves lying on the ground unconscious with broken bones or disfigurement.

The war cries of Sato's screams as he executed one deadly maneuver after the next was only separated by the sound of jawbones breaking and limbs snapping. It didn’t matter if they attacked in numbers or individually all of them met their demise. Even Ares the Leader of the group was no match for Sato or his Jeet Kun Do. Sato annihilated him with spinning heel kick straight to the jaw-dropping him among the rest on the floor. Sato then picked up his shirt on the ground and calmly put it back on and began walking toward the stairwell only stopping once hearing Ares's voice.

Ares: You’re everything we thought… you were and… more… You’ll be hearing from us soon. Sooner or later… you’re going to see we're right…there’s are war coming…sooner or later you’ll have to pick a side...

Sato said nothing and made his way up the dimly lit stairs of the bar. He quickly exited the building and made his way into his rental car. He fired up the motor and peeled out of there before anyone from the group could spot him or identify his vehicle. As he drove away he couldn’t stop thinking about what this Ares character had said to him. Was there really a worldwide revolution forming?


Fort Worth Convention Center.

3 Hours before Friday Night Clash.

The scene opens inside the temporary office of Rupert Mudcock inside the Fort Worth Convention Center. Rupert is sitting in his big custom made leather chair that he has shipped around for him to every show. As perusal, he is smoking a Cuban cigar and is enjoying a fine glass of Bourbon while staring at his newest addition to the roster, Huckleberry. To the left of Rupert is his Vice President of Operations Robert Elitistios who is dressed in a white collared dress shirt and black tie. Huckleberry looks as if he hasn’t showered in over a month and for some reason is not wearing any shoes. Robert seems to be sweating heavily again as his boss stares at his newest Ultimate Wrestling free agent signing without saying anything. The awkward silence is finally broken by Mr. Huckleberry himself.

Huckleberry: Thank you for this here opportunity sir! I won’t let yah down! I’m sure all my Southern fans will be filling our arenas to get a glimpse of a real man like myself!

Rupert: Exactly what sort of wrestling experience do you have sir?

Huckleberry: I’ve wrestled some of the toughest men bred in the South! After that, I couldn’t find any more challengers so I just started wrestling animals!

Rupert’s eyes dart to Robert and his eyebrows are raised with an expression of you can’t be serious. The news media mogul and owner of Ultimate Wrestling are not happy with the decision to hire this strange man.

Rupert: Animals you say? What kind of animals?

Huckleberry: Oh man! Gators! Bears! I even fought a Moose up in Saskatchewan Canada once!

Rupert: You don’t say! Well, I happen to be friends with the owner of the Dallas Zoo Mr. Huckleberry and I’ve been notified by Ms. Montgomery’s manager that there was a conflict in her schedule. Apparently, they’re filming some porno in South America and multiple scenes need to be re-shot. Will have a critter here for you tonight to make your first appearance! Hope you brought your gear young man!

Huckleberry: By golly, I sure did Mr. Mudcock!

Rupert: Now get in that locker room and start getting ready!

Huckleberry stands up and salute’s his new boss like an army general before storming out of the room full of excitement. Rupert then turns to face his Vice President with an unhappy look on his face.

Rupert: Robert, are you trying to destroy this company? Is this mountain hick really the best talent you could find? Do you enjoy making me look like a fool to Rob Riot? Do you think Riot Star Wrestling hires individuals like this…Huckleberry?

Robert: Sir, please. Listen to me! He might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he is a hell of a fighter and popular in the underground wrestling scene down South. You said you wanted more white male wrestlers who Middle America could relate too. This is it!

Rupert: Just get out of my office Robert…. I have a lot of things to do to get ready for my meeting with U.S. Vice President concerning the Pay Per View in North Korea. I don’t have time to deal with your stupidity. Find a Zoo willing to part with an Alligator and have him fight it in the ring. It will make for good ratings and maybe it will kill him and I won’t have to pay out his salary for the month.

Robert: But sir…

Rupert:Out! Get out!

Robert leaves Rupert’s office shaking his head obviously frustrated with himself. Finding talent for Ultimate Wrestling has proven harder than he thought it ever would have. Time would only tell if he would be able to make Rupert happy and find him his All-Star Wheaties Box white talent that the M.O.X mogul hungered for. He knew if he didn’t make his boss happy soon that he would be out of a job and back in the unemployment line.

Rupert: I need to find better help…

Rupert turned on his television and went back to work preparing for his meeting with the Vice President. M.O.X News had been running non-stop coverage of the assassination attempt and kidnapping of President Ronald McStrump. Suddenly the office door that had been left open by Robert slammed shut breaking Rupert’s concentration.

Rupert: What the hell?

Suddenly the room began to fill up with a mysterious mist engulfing Mudcock. Rupert quickly realized the mist was pouring in from the air conditioning vents and waddled his obese body toward the door and attempted to open but quickly realized it had locked somehow from the outside. Eventually, the old man could no longer hold his breath and began gasping for air. As soon as the mist entered his lungs, his pupils instantly enlarged, and the M.O.X media mogul collapsed to the floor.


Fort Worth Convention Center

1 Hour before Friday Night Clash

The Order - Summeroff, Buzi, Abaddon and Abishag stood in a room in the deepest part of the Fort Worth Convention Center that not even the janitor’s knew existed. In a chair, bound, gagged and ears plugged sat a man who looked as if he’d been through quite an experience. Alongside stood the man known as Mr. Chow who also watched their prisoner carefully with unblinking eyes.

Chow: Is that him?

Dr. Summeroff: Yes…and it took a great deal of effort to procure him…and he’s alive and well…no thanks to that fool Jeremiah Vastrix!

Abishag grunted. He had already been chafing at carrying that cyborg around for months now. Perhaps now the rest of them would come to realize Vastrix for the anchor that he was. Perhaps Buzi would come out of retirement and partner with him…time would only tell.

Dr. Summeroff: He almost ruined everything…that fool, all by himself he almost brought down YEARS of careful planning. Abaddon, you are sure those earplugs are in…HE can’t hear us can he?

Abaddon: He can’t hear a word you’re saying, sir.

Dr. Summeroff: Good. This attempt on his life by Vastrix...all over what? Because his girlfriend got poisoned? Do I understand this correctly?

Brother Buzi: The men in the espionage department of the Order confirmed this themselves. Brother Pious signed off on the report and that alone is enough for me

Dr. Summeroff: Pious is a good man. He doesn’t make mistakes. Then this report is true then.

Summeroff sighed as the group stood and stared at their captured guest. Summeroff again was the one to break the silence inside of the damp and tiny basement room. His voice bounced off the walls reverberating throughout the little room.

Dr. Summeroff: Remove his bounds and take the bag off of his head. Hurry up and remove his earplugs and that ridiculous looking ball-gag out of his mouth.

Abaddon did as he was instructed and there sitting before them at long last was President Ronald McStrump himself. McStrump looked up furious at the Cult with his glorious blonde hair that had been disheveled from the kerfuffle that leads to his kidnapping.

President McStrump: What is the meaning of this? Do you losers know who I am?

Dr. Summeroff: Silence you imbecile!

Summeroff roared at the president like a lion, his voice cracking and wavering. His fist trembled from the anger that coursed through his body. The rest of the Cult members watched as their leader dressed down the President of the United States like a spoiled child.

Dr. Summeroff: The question Mr. President….Is do you know who I am?

President McStrump: I don’t know! Some basement-dwelling loser?

Dr. Summeroff: So I guess you don’t pay attention to Ultimate Wrestling do you? I’d heard rumors that you and Mr. Mudcock had a close relationship. You worked out an agreement together to have your precious Southern border wall finished during the culmination of the Tournament of Fortune did you not?

President McStrump: Mudcock and I go way back. So what? I’ve still never heard of you or your band of retards! Now let me go! I demand it!

Summeroff let out a sigh of frustration. It was clear the President was lying about having no knowledge of the Order. He did not waver, he continued to press the issue sternly like a detective looking for a confession to a murder.

Dr. Summeroff: So you know of Ultimate Wrestling, but not about myself or my associate Mr. Abishag here?

The president remained silent and broke eye contact with Summeroff as the good Doctor continued on with his rant. He stared at the brutish and muscular Abishag with great fear in his eyes. It was clear to everyone in the room that President was trying to hide how afraid he truly was.

Dr. Summeroff: You owe us your life, Mr. President! A rather misguided and deluded individual planned to end you today. If not for us, that moron of a Vice President that worships that false Christ profit would be our new leader of the free world. I’ve waited a long time to meet you… so let’s dispense with this game, shall we?

President McStrump: What game you nut job? I have no idea what you’re talking about

Dr. Summeroff: I know that you know full well who we are! You had Mr. Abishag’s memory wiped after all… isn’t that right? Because you were AFRAID? Afraid that is, that if the Order ever got together again we would complete our mission to bring the word of the BLOB to all of America!

President McStrump: I don’t know what you’re talking about! Now let me go!

Dr. Summeroff: Liar! You tried to have Brother Buzi assassinated! Don’t try and hide your treachery! You fear us! You fear the Blob! Soon as we travel from city to city more individuals will glimpse the Blob’s light and give themselves over to our watery master! They already crawl to us on skinned knees worshiping the master like the twisted masses that voted for you!

President McStrump: I’ll have you imprisoned for this! You hear me! I’ve heard what M.O.X news has said about you evil freaks!

Dr. Summeroff: He admits it! Finally! However, it is not The Blob that is evil! Unlike your wave of red neck xenophobe’s, the Blob brings people together! He promises a world free of political nonsense! A world of cooperation and understanding! Not divisiveness like the campaign you and that ugly blonde woman ran last year!

President McStrump: You’re as crazy as the man who tried to kill me today!

Dr. Summeroff: What do you even know about the man who tried to take your life…hmm? Do you know why?

President McStrump: Why the hell would I know?

Dr. Summeroff: Well he did it for love…well at least that’s what we think. It would seem his girlfriend was poisoned. The only way for him to attain the cure was to terminate your pathetic existence. Sadly for him, she’s probably dead now… if he’d only used that dull mind of his to ask me for help she might still be alive…how sad. The watery Masterworks in mysterious ways sometimes…

President McStrump: If you’re going to kill me then kill me! Stop boring me with tragic love stories!

Dr. Summeroff: Now, now Mr. President. That’s no way to speak to the people who saved your life. Isn’t that right, Brother Janus?

Brother Janus, who had thus far remained in the shadows of the cellar came forward holding a large glass jar. The contents within churned and moved about revealing biomass with a bullet supplanted inside of it. The President's eyes grew wide as he stared at the bullet floating in the jar that had been meant for him.

Dr. Summeroff: That’s right… that was meant for you. Luckily this man here, Mr. Chow, he knows some interesting people, who know some people, who…well quite frankly have more knowledge of the inner workings of the world than you could dream. You see, we knew of Jeremiah’s desperation and his foolish mission. As if anything would escape the all-seeing eye of our watery master! Speaking of which…He would like to look upon you and you in turn will look upon him! Soon, just like everyone else, you will bask in his glorious light and together we will save the world from the darkness consuming it!

At that moment, the Blob’s tank was rolled out into the room by eight very muscular looking acolytes. The rusted wheels of the tank screeched sharply piercing the eardrums of the U.S President. Mr. Chow rolled McStrump’s chair closer to the tank. Abaddon moved forward and pressed a button on the electronic console he was standing by.

President McStrump: Wha…what are you doing? How dare you! Let me go! I’ve got people looking for me!

Dr. Summeroff: Don’t worry they will find you very soon…alive and well. I’m sure the people of this country won’t even be phased by your absence. If they cared about accountability they wouldn’t have elected someone like you, would they? So you will go back out there…with a gift. The Blob’s gift. More Equipped then ever before to handle the great challenges of our time!

President McStrump: Let me go Summeroff! I’m warning you! You’ve gone too far!

Dr. Summeroff: YESSSSsssss! YESSSsssss!

Summeroff continued to hiss at McStrump and then nodded to Abaddon who pressed another button on the console. A long metal arm emerged from the tank and at its end, a large syringe protruded outward. Inside the syringe was filled with essence and fluid from the Blob’s biomass. The very stuff that had been rained down on the countless Ultimate Wrestling fans at Mt. Vernon. The syringe stuck sharply into McStrump’s arm and the fluid passed into the man’s bloodstream. McStrump quickly passed out while Summeoff stood over him with a large wide smile on his face.

Dr. Summeroff: Now it begins…go now Abishag. Go find that idiot Vastrix, assuming he isn’t overcome with grief and get ready for your match. Later tonight, after our mission is complete, will discuss how will be moving forward with handling psychopath in North Korea and the holocaust he has planned. Thank Blob that our watery master was able to warn us ahead of time! Can you imagine how this orange buffoon would handle this crisis without us?

Abishag: We'd all been wiped of existence...

Dr. Sumerrof: Indeed... Go! Blobspeed!


“Stranglehold” by Ted Nugent begins to blare from the audio speakers inside the Fort Worth Convention Center in Texas. The fans are jacked in anticipation for the action to finally begin. Some highlights from the past year play on the Ultimate-Tron above the stage firing up the fans in attendance before an awesome display of pyrotechnics are set off from the main stage. The camera then cuts to the announcer table where Scott Slade and Chris Rodgers are standing ready to welcome the individuals watching live on television and live stream on their digital media devices.

Scott Slade: Welcome Ultimate Wrestling fans to another edition of Friday Night Clash! I’m Scott Slade here with my co-host Chris Rodgers to bring you all the action like we do each and every Friday!

Chris Rodgers: That’s right Scott! We got another great card tonight with some great tag team wrestling action! In times like these, it’s great to have sports to get our minds of the tragic events of the past few days affecting our country.

Scott Slade: That’s right Chris! The European connection takes on the new team of Dwight Couch and newcomer Dravaka Drimstone. Then later tonight Takuma Sato and teams up with Abbigail Dresden in the place of the injured Valora Salinas to take on the Unholy Alliance of Jeremiah Vastirx and Brother Brock Abishag of the Cult of the Blob!

Chris Rodgers: It sounds like another main event massacre to me. Abishag is the most dangerous competitor on our roster! Sato still has a broken hand and Dresden is absolutely useless in a fight!

Scott Slade: I think Sato proved that he’s as dangerous as ever last Friday Night Clash and Dresden has shown signs of improvement with every match.

Chris Rodgers: It still won’t be enough Scott! It just won’t be enough.


“Ich Will” by Rammstein hits the sound system and the main camera cuts from Chris and Scott to The Euro Connection making their way out onto the stage under the giant screen above them. The Southern fans boo them heavily due to their foreign nationality. O’Brien and Kronin both look fully recovered from the beating they suffered at the hands of the Blob’s Cult at Ultra Slam. They ignore the hostile fans and make their way into the ring where they sit back against the ropes confidently and await their opponents.



Chris Rodgers: Looks like we are kicking things off fast tonight!

Scott Slade: Should be an interesting match. A lot of unknown variables in this one Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Yeah, honestly we don’t know anything about Drimstone other than he’s a big guy. Not every big guy though is like Abishag. Sometimes the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

“Come with me” by the Kongos hits the sound system and Dwight Couch walks out with a giant of a man behind him in a very Gothic looking mask. The fans give them a good response as they make their way down the aisle to the ring. Dwight slides into the ring while Dravaka climbs up the steel steps and then stands in the corner of the apron staring coldly at Kronin and Davey.

Dwight Couch.jpg


Dwight and Davey meet in the center of the ring and referee Bob Sigro gives them a few words and then signal’s for the bell. The bell is rung and the two fighters instantly lock up in the center of the ring. The fans begin to cheer D.C. on as the two men battle in a test of strength. Couch wins the test and locks O’Brien into an arm-bar. The little Scott though uses his agility to hop over to release the pressure on his arm and then uses his newfound leverage on Couch to hip toss him into the center of the ring.

Scott Slade: Nice move by O’Brien!

Chris Rodgers: He's a nimble little guy I’ll give him that.

Scott Slade: Tough as nails too!

Couch uncharacteristically moves in with a technical move and grabs O’Brien’s leg and takes him down to the mat. He then locks him into a headlock while standing over his back. Davey-Boy though is quick to reverse it and grabs Couch by his arm forcing him down on the mat with an arm-bar submission of his own. He then locks in a sleeper hold on Dwight Couch while keeping him down on the ring mat causing the fans to start to boo.

Chris Rodgers: Not sure why Couch is breaking away from his brawling style and is trying to wrestle O’Brien! This can’t end well for him!

Scott Slade: These fans don’t seem happy! The Kentucky native is in some trouble right now.

O'Brien releases the hold as Couch starts to squirm and show signs of life. He then immediately gets to his feet and begins stomping on the back and neck of D.C. He then picks him up and blasts him with a European uppercut that sends The Legend back into the corner turnbuckle. Couch bounces off of the turnbuckle and comes at O’Brien swinging like a mad man unhinged, but the Scot avoids the wild punches and ends up grabbing Couch from behind and German suplexing him on the mat for a pin.

Scott Slade: Referee Bob Sigro for the count! ONE! TWO! Kick out!

Chris Rodgers: He almost had Couch right there! I tell you it’s time for this old man to retire! He just doesn’t have what it takes to compete in this sport anymore! Every once in awhile he shows some sparks of life, but his day’s in this game are over.

Scott Slade: It’s been a rough come back for him. O’Brien really showing that youth has its advantages in this sport.

O’Brien gets up and tags in Kronin while Couch is on the mat. The big German immediately goes to work stomping on him. He then picks him up and whips him into his corner turnbuckles before sprinting toward him and leaping into the air crushing Couch with a severe splash. Couch stumbles out the corner completely disoriented and collapses dead center in the ring. The fans at this point have begun tossing their trash in the ring frustrated with their only southern star taking a beating. Dravaka continues to watch his opponent take an utter thrashing without blinking an eye.

Scott Slade: This doesn’t look good for Couch!

Chris Rodgers: The German Suplex Machine looks primed, oiled, and ready!

Kronin picks up Couch and locks his head in between his legs and picks him up and powerbombs him hard into the ring canvas. Couch lays on the mat sprawled out unresponsive and unconscious as Kronin raises his right arm celebrating and rubbing his success in the faces of the hostile southern Texan fans. He then motions a cutthroat and confidently pins Couch with one foot over his chest.

Scott Slade: Ohhh my! METAL MELTDOWN!

Chris Rodgers: It looked like Couch’s landed straight on his neck! It was like an accordion hitting the floor!

Scott Slade: A one-footed pin! ONE! TWO! THREE! IT’s over!




Chris Rodgers: What the hell? Is this Drimstone guy asleep? He didn’t even try to stop the pin!

“Ich Will” begins to play as referee Bob Sigro raises both Kronin and Davey’s hands in the air signifying them the winners of the match. Drimstone high steps over the ropes however and attempts to go on the attack, but it backfires as the European Connection sees the slow big man coming toward them. They kick him in the gut and then double suplex him together in the ring. The fans continue to boo as the two foreigners slap each other high five and slide out of the ring for a quick exit. Drimstone recovers quickly but just stands their emotionless starring at his former opponents make their way up the ramp.

Chris Rodgers: This Drimstone character seems like a numb-skull to me.

Scott Slade: I wouldn’t want to get into the ring with him. He looks like he could break me in half.

Chris Rodgers: Well that’s not really saying a whole lot is it?

Scott Slade: Fans we have to cut to a commercial break, but when we come back will hopefully have a much more competitive match for our main event!

Chris Rodgers: Ha! Don’t bet on it!


The feed comes back live and the cameras are focused on Rich Relando in the center of the ring who is about the make an impromptu announcement to all the fans. The crowd has begun a stomp and clap chant routine begging for more wrestling action.

Chris Rodgers: Ladies and gentlemen, I am being told we are in for a surprise unscheduled match that is supposed to be like nothing we’ve ever seen before on live national television!

Scott Slade: Now this has me curious! What on earth does Mudcock have planned here?

Relando clears his throat and some dramatic music begins to play over the arena’s speaker system. Rich is dressed in his white suit, white fedora hat, and white leather shoes. He, as always, is wearing a bright red crimson tie and looks on top of his game.


Chris Rodgers: What the hell is he talking about?


Scott Slade: Did he say gator, as in alligator?

An extremely large cage with steel bars begins to lower down from the rafters of the arena. The fans begin to cheer like crazy when they see this is not actually a stunt. Inside the large cage sits a massive alligator with an extremely large head and mouth.

Rich Relando: Being lowered down from the rafters now is one of the largest recorded alligators ever fished out of the Bayou! This creature is over 15 feet long! Weighing in over ONE THOUSAND POUNDS!

The cage with the gator comes to rest in the middle of the wrestling ring and a steel cage is erected around the ring to protect the fans. The top of the cage is open to allow a way for Huckleberry to escape if he needs too. Suddenly Hillbilly Deluxe, by Brooks & Dunn starts to play over the sound system and the fans quickly perk up and turn the attention to the main stage as Huckleberry walks out to a big pop from the crowd. They seem easily enamored by this charming Appalachian hillbilly and his quirky personality.



Chris Rodgers: You can’t tell me this little runt's going to get in the ring with that giant alligator!

Scott Slade: I don’t see how this ends well for any of us. If this guy dies in the ring will liable to be shut down for good! If he hurts that thing PITA is going to be all over our asses!

Chris Rodgers: Well you can’t say that this is boring that’s for damn sure! Only in Ultimate Wrestling! Only in the SOUTH!

When Huckleberry reaches the cage, referee Bob Sigro is there to open the cage door for him. Huckleberry is a little hesitant to get inside after catching a glimpse at the size of the gator in the ring. Once he steps inside and the door is closed behind him, a latch is pulled on the gator cage with a long cable from the rafters. The beast eagerly steps out of its prison hungry as hell. Huckleberry steps into the ring and the fans erupt seeing the size difference between the two up close.

Chris Rodgers: Someone, call the local undertaker and morgue! This can’t end well!

Scott Slade: How is this even legal?

The Gator's body language grows angry and its mouth opens showing its large jagged teeth. Huckleberry swallows hard and then begins circling the gator with incredible agility. This angers the beast and it lunges at the little hillbilly and the Gator misses by a mile. Huckleberry then jumps on its scaly back and grabs hold of its mouth with both hands forcing its massive jaws shut. He then starts screaming like a crazy bastard hick and pulls back on the alligators head bulldogging it.

Chris Rodgers: That right there is what’s called bulldogging an Alligator! It’s what they do in Alligator wrestling shows down in Florida!

Scott Slade: Good God, how do you even know that?

Chris Rodgers: My Grand-kids love good Gator show!

The fans go crazy as they watch Huckleberry fight with all his strength to keep the massive beast locked in. At first, it looks as if Huckleberry has everything under control and then seconds later the massive gator shrugs him off like a wild bronco. Huckleberry flies back and hits the steel cage with a thud and then gets tangled in the ring ropes. The Gator takes a moment to recover from the bulldogging and then turns around staring coldly at Huckleberry who is still trying to gather himself after taking the crazy bump he just took.

Scott Slade: Good God! That gator flung him off like he was nothing!

Chris Rodgers: Look out Huckle! He’s coming right for yah!

Huckleberry manages to get to his feet and attempts to jump onto the cage to escape the jaws of the predator below. The Gator is able to tear a chunk out of his buttocks and a quarter of his right cheek ends up becoming a tasty snack for it. Blood gushes from the Appalachian's ass, staining the ring mat, as he quickly climbs up the cage.

Scott Slade: Thank God! I think this stupid stunt might be finally over! This Huckleberry is finally using his head and looks like he’s climbing out of there.

Chris Rodgers: Hahaha, oh man what a hoot! Wait… why’s he stopping?

** Scott Slade:** What in the…

Huckleberry reaches the top of the cage and then lifts his arms up in the air like Jimmy Fly Snuka and the fans absolutely lose their shit. Without hesitation, the hillbilly leaps off of the steel cage and squashes the Gator with a devastating elbow drop on its neck. The Gator lets out sickening sound and then suddenly stops moving. Huckleberry gets up and raises his arms in the air and Referee Bob Sigro signals for the bellman to ring the bell.


Scott Slade: My God! I think he killed it!

Chris Rodgers: Now that’s some gator Wrestling!

Scott Slade: This is going to be a PR nightmare…

Chris Rodgers: Fans were going to let the crew discard the lizard and when we come back that Tag Team Title straps are on the line!


Scott Slade: Well Folks. Here we are. The next match is our main event for the world tag team titles. Brock Abishag and Jeremiah Vastrix defend against the team of Abbigail Dresden and Takuma Sato, who steps in for Valora Salinas. We all saw what happened last week Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Oh it was quite the sight to behold, wasn’t it? That was a thing of beauty watching Abishag shake the Franchise Champion like a rag doll. I heard he might have collapsed a disk or two in her spine.

Scott Slade: Doctors are still looking into the full extent of Valora’s injuries.

Chris Rodgers: So we replace one gimp with another one as Takuma Sato steps in as Dresden’s dance partner tonight.

Scott Slade: I’m not sure what Sato thinks he’s doing. You will recall at Ultra Slam, Sato broke his hand attempting his patented Heart Punch. Valora Salinas had the smarts to use the steel steps to protect herself.

Chris Rodgers: And that fool has been battling it out with that broken hand for a month now. I hope he makes it worse tonight Scott. Anyone dumb enough to get in the ring with Abishag and Vastrix with only one good hand deserves their fate.

Scott Slade: Here comes the Martial Arts master and Abby Dresden now. Dresden has been on the wrong side of Abishag a few times now. It takes guts to keep getting back in that ring with him. What does she need to do differently here tonight?



Chris Rogers: Abigail Dresden has all the intelligence of a bag of hammers…and that’s insulting the hammers. Look Scott - either she’s taken one too many bumps in the ring or she’s a masochist. I’m not sure which yet…either way, what she needs to do differently tonight? Go back to the dressing room. Sato too. Abishag and Vastrix have proven unstoppable so far. I don’t see that changing.

Scott Slade: Well here they come now Chris. The champions are making their way down the aisle.



A loud cascade of boos rains down from the crowd. Vastrix seems to pay no attention at all whilst Abishag simply smiles.

Scott Slade: Of course, there’s the order too in tow. Summeroff – and he’s holding his Boston Terrier Simon – and then there’s Abaddon and Brother Buzi.

Chris Rodgers: They are there for moral support, nothing more Scott.

Scott Slade: Sure.

Abishag, Vastrix, and the order enter the ring. Summeroff asks for a mic.

Summeroff: Good evening everyone. Tonight, I have an announcement. An announcement about this match. We wanted something a little more exotic – A fish tank Match, A platform match…perhaps even a boiling pool match…however, in the end, what we now have is a falls count anywhere match. ALL FOUR combatants will wrestle at the same time. The first one pinned – wherever that may be – loses. As it is, given these new terms, we require a second official. Thus, working with Bob Sigro tonight will be a man I have personally selected – a man of integrity, a champion of fair play, a true ring general – he is Danny Davis!

Scott Slade: Oh god no!!!

Takuma Sato protests loudly and walks over to Summeroff. The order, in turn, steps forward.

Summeroff: Mr. Sato, I can see you are visibly upset. However, these ARE the new stipulations and you will comply with them.

Takuma Sato: On whose Authority can you just make a change! Last time I checked, you were NOT the General Manager of UOW!

Summeroff: Mr. Sato - IF you do not like the terms, you can simply forfeit and we can all be on our way. To be honest, this is a waste of the Order’s time and resources. I mean – look at you. Your hand is fractured. Your best weapon – the dreaded Heart Punch – is neutralized. Your partner there is green without the experience or the fortitude to defeat my Abishag or Mr. Vastrix. Even now, as she thinks about how she will adapt to change the outcome this time, his eye is analyzing her every movement, her breathing patters, and her core temperatures. He’s already determined her plan of attack from these signals alone. There is no hope Mr. Sato…why don’t you just call it a night and go to the bar and have a few craft beers? I hear that’s your sort of thing.

The fans boo loudly.

Takuma Sato: I asked you on whose authority that you think you can do this?!

Summeroff: Well, it’s the Blob’s will Mr. Sato…but I understand you are not versed in the watery savior’s ways as of yet. You want authority? I give you Ronald McStrump!!! Mr. President! Come on out!!!

Chris Rodgers: WHATTT????!!!

Scott Slade: It can’t be!

A large detail of government security forces emerge from the curtain and behind them a beaming Rupert Mudcock and there, in all his glory – President Ronald McStrump himself!

Jeremiah Vastrix’s face drains of all color.

Summeroff: Oh don’t you worry Mr. Vastrix. You are perfectly safe here. The President doesn’t even KNOW it was YOU that fired that shot…and he never will…so long as you do as you’re told from now on. No more freelancing Mr. Vastrix.

Scott Slade: The President is here!!! But…but….I thought he and the Order were opposed to each other! What’s going on here???

McStrump makes his way to ringside where he takes a seat beside Rupert Mudcock. Mudcock smiles coyly at Sato and shrugs. It's clear now to Sato that The Order, McStrump, and Rupert are now working together.

Takuma Sato: What have you done Summeroff?

Summeroff: I have done nothing, Mr. Sato. Let’s just say the President has come to his senses. He’s going to be a good President from now on. The kind of President we all need. A President who understands the big picture of the threats that loom over us all!

Takuma Sato: You mean a puppet! For you!

Summeroff: I have no puppets, Mr. Sato. Everyone you see here has willingly accepted the Blob as their Lord and Savior. Now enough talk….

Summeroff turns to Referee Bob Sigro.

Summeroff: Ring that bell!!!

Sigro signals and the bell is rung. Before Sato or Dresden can say anything more or even get ready, Abishag and Vastrix are upon them like rabid dogs. Abishag jams his fingers into Takuma Sato’s throat and then lifts him high into the air for a chokeslam! Vastrix Short arm Clotheslines Dresden right out of the ring. He then rolls under the bottom rope and before she can get up – he drives an elbow right into the bridge of her nose, cracking it. Blood explodes outward and sprays towards the announce table, covering the notes of Chris Rodgers with crimson droplets.

Chris Rodgers: BABY JESUS! Get someone in here to clean up this mess! Scott, this isn’t professional! Abby Dresden has made a mess! This is an affront to broadcast Journalism and I won’t stand for it!

Vastrix’s cybernetic eye moves quickly back and forth in its socket, feeding data to Vastrix’s brain. He moves in and parry’s an attempted groin punch. He lifts Dresden into the air and tosses her into the crowd!!! She crashes on some kids in the front row causing them to spill Coca Cola and popcorn all over her.

Scott Slade: This is insane Chris! Those two are taking it into the stands!!!

Vastrix continues to pummel Dresden all the way up the stairs in the stands until the two vanish on the concourse level with referee Bob Sigro following. In the ring, things aren’t going much better for Takuma Sato.

As expected, referee Danny Davis doesn’t seem to notice the number of illegal moves Abishag is administering to Takuma Sato. The monster delivers a series of Kidney rattling blows that make Sato think he’s been hit by a truck. Sato tries to catch his breath, but the powerful Abishag keeps him on the defensive with a jab to the throat and then pokes Sato in the eyes. Davis does nothing. Sato protests loudly to the referee but is grasped from behind and is given a head-butt that rocks Sato and he staggers into the corner. Abishag hip tosses him out and then comes over where he begins to rain down a barrage of stomps to the ribs.

Scott Slade: I’ve never seen the Order attack with such ferocity before. It’s like they were born miserable. Look at the contempt on Abishag’s face as he stares down at Sato.

Chris Rogers: Can you blame him? Week after week, he’s been fed chum when what he wants is the Big fish. No doubt Franchise Champion Valora Salinas is watching this and she’s counting her lucky stars she gets to defend against what’s left of Takuma Sato instead of having to face that monster Abishag.

Scott Slade: Normally I’d disagree with you Chris as Valora hides from no one…but seeing this message Abishag is sending here tonight…I don’t know. Maybe you’re right.

Concession Stands…

Dresden and Vastrix are now battling by the concession stands. Dresden has turned the tide somewhat as she has taken the best Vastrix could give and now the cyborg warrior has begun to fatigue. Dresden – though inexperienced – is well trained and in tremendous physical shape. Instead of trying to go toe to toe with the stronger Vastrix, she’s hitting him with quick, well-timed strikes that are slowly wearing him down. Short, but fast kicks, ducking attacks, and then countering with quick punches to the nose and ribs. She tries such a kick again, but Vastrix’s cybernetic eye has now adjusted to her revised plan of attack and he blocks it. Just before she is about to fall, she grabs a can of beer from the drinks stand and hurls it at Vastrix. It smashes right into his Cybernetic eye!!!

The eye begins to rotate back and forth and a strange noise comes from it.

Scott Slade: I think those suds have done something to the eye Chris! If it’s not working properly, Vastrix loses one of his biggest advantages!

As Vastrix cups the eye and pokes at it trying to get it to reset, Dresden moves in! She drives a hard knee into Vastrix’s ribs and then takes him down with a head scissors take down.

BACK in the ring…

Takuma Sato is thrown into the ropes. Abishag sets him up for a clothesline, but Sato ducks, and instead hits Abishag in the back with a heel kick. Referee Danny Davis immediately steps in between the wrestlers and issues a warning to Sato for an illegal blow.

Scott Slade: Oh come on! He ignores all the throat jabs and pokes in the eyes, but gives a warning for that?

Chris Rodgers: Eye pokes? What eye-pokes? Slade, what match are you even watching?

As Sato protests again, Abishag runs and hits him with a shoulder block. Sato crashes to the mat…Abishag laughs and walks towards Sato. He lets Sato stand…walks in…and suddenly without warning Sato reaches back with his good hand and unleashes a flash Heart PUNCH!!! Abishag’s face turns to a rictus of pain and he hollers out in agony as his ribs crack! His eyes roll back in his head as he collapses to the ground!

Scott Slade: OH my GAWWWD!! Takuma Sato has chopped the giant down! What a devastating Heart Punch!!!

Chris Rodgers: What? He can’t do that! He cheated!

Scott Slade: He’s got two hands Chris! Only the arrogance of the Order would presume he didn’t adjust and learn to execute this move with the good one!

Chris Rodgers: Abishag is convulsing on the mat! It can’t be!!!

The fans are going wild as Takuma Sato goes for the pin…but Danny Davis won’t start the count!

Scott Slade: What is Danny Davis doing!??

Before anyone can say or do anything more, a loud shriek is heard as Jeremiah Vastrix is seen standing at the top of the concourse stairs. He’s hit with a flying leg kick by Abigail Dresden!!!

Scott Slade: She must have learned that from Sato!!!

Vastrix falls backward and bashes his head on the cement steps. His eyes roll back. Dresden goes for the pin…and Bob Sigro – unlike Danny Davis – is right there to start the pin! Summeroff stands up at ringside and screams at Danny Davis!!!

Summeroff: STOP THAT PIN!!!!

Davis runs towards Bob Sigro but is too late!

Scott Slade: Sigro with the count!! ONE! TWO! THREE!!!




Abishag gets to his feet, clutching his injured ribs and looks at Vastrix with Disgust. Dresden returns to the ring where she is embraced by a jubilant Takuma Sato. Summeroff glares at President McStrump. McStrump, in turn, whispers something to his security detail. They rush into the ring and corner Sato and Dresden!

Takuma Sato: What is the meaning of this!?

President McStrump: Arrest this man!

Takuma Sato: What? On what charge??

Security Detail #1 – Look what we found…

The man holds up multiple bags of white powder.

President McStrump: You see this? This is exactly why I had to build that wall…but somehow Mexico has managed to get this past my wall and into your hands Mr. Sato!

Takuma Sato: But…that’s not mine!

President McStrump: Of course not. Take him away!

The security detail take the protesting Takuma Sato and Abbigail Dresden away. Sato locks eyes with Rupert Mudcock. Mudcock waves to Sato. Sato’s eyes burn with rage.

Rupert Mudcock: Bye.

The fans rain down boos and begin to throw garbage at the ring.

Summeroff: Buzi! Subdue them all!

Buzi nods, brings out a controller and presses a button. A strange mist begins to enter the building from the ventilation system and has a calming effect on the crowd as their eyes glaze over.

Scott Slade: Oh no…another conversion…there’s that awful smelling stuff again…people are being turned into mindless sycophants for the Order with that stuff…and President McStrump simply is standing by doing nothing!

Chris Rogers: What do you mean doing nothing? He just had that drug-using Sato and Dresden arrested! I’d say he’s going the job he was elected to do!

Scott Slade: What a match we just had folks. What’s been lost with all the confusion at the end is Abbigail Dresden has finally arrived!

Chris Rodgers: Jeremiah Vastrix should be ashamed of himself. Look in the ring now. Look at the Order. They are devastated that Vastrix cost them the match.

Scott Slade: Now hang on. I think Abishag was going to be pinned first except for that crooked, no good penny-pinching referee.

Chris Rodgers: Hey, easy – Bob Sigro is a long-serving member of the U.O.W family. That’s no way to talk about him.

Scott Slade: I wasn’t talking about him and….hang on just second folks. There seems to be some trouble brewing in the ring!

In the ring, Abishag and Jeremiah Vastrix are in a heated argument. Vastrix shoves Abishag right in his injured ribs. Abishag roars in pain.

Summeroff: How DARE you lay your filthy hands on one of the order! You are out of line Mr. Vastrix! Know your place!

Simon growls menacingly at Vastrix.

Summeroff: Apologize to Mr. Abishag…get on your knees and pray for his forgiveness!

Vastrix:Fuck you.

Summeroff’s eyes widen for a second and then no one does anything…until Simon can take no more. The mongrel leaps from Summeroff’s arms and latches onto to Vastrix’s face! Vastrix dislodges the mutt and throws it out of the ring.

Summeroff: SIMON!!!!

At that, Abaddon, Buzi and Abishag begin to beat on Vastrix! They kick him down and then each executes their own finishing move on him. First Abaddon – he hits Vastrix with a Neck Breaker. Vastrix twitches and convulses like Hulk Hogan after a Bundy Avalanche! Buzi is next. He delivers a pile driver. Then Abishag lifts Vastrix into the air and locks him into a bear hug!

Scott Slade: Oh no! That’s the same bear hug that put Valora on the shelf this week! Vastrix is unconscious! Someone do something!

Summeroff: Drop him Abishag! That’s enough…we don’t want any permanent damage…oh no. That comes later. The Blob has plans for him...terrible plans.

Summeroff hovers over the carcass of Vastrix.

Summeroff: You hear me Jeremiah…you’ve crossed a line into the pain zone…for the rest of your days, you will suffer as Job – this right now will seem as an eternity of Heaven next to the suffering you will receive in the weeks and months to come. Get well Jeremiah. We want you at full strength so that we can break you down completely. You will find out what happens when you go against the will of Blob. You could have had it all…but you’ve failed us miserably – first getting pinned by someone as unworthy as Abigail Dresden…and then daring to lay hands on one of the Blob’s chosen? HOW DARE YOU!!!

Simon is placed back into the ring by one of President McStrumps security detail.

Summeroff:Give him the Mark of Cain Simon so that he may remember this day well!!!

Simon’s eyes bug out and he pounces, his canines driving into the flesh of Vastrix’s face and neck. The order, Rupert Mudcock, and President McStrump all leave the ring area as Vastrix’s screams carry through the arena.


Fort Worth Convention Center.

Hours later after the fans have gone home.

Jeremiah Vastrix sat tied to a chair with his mask fully removed and his face bloody and beaten to a pulp. President McStrump had taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves and gone to town on the human cyborg. Even with the President's extremely small hands, his newfound strength from the Blob serum coursing through his veins had made every punch a bone-shattering one. Even some of the metal from the right side of his cheekbone had become exposed from the punishment. Rupert Mudcock and Dr. Summeroff stood behind Rupert’s desk enjoying every minute of it with twisted smiles on their faces. The only man in the room who seemed distraught was Vice President Mick Dense who had only joined the ticket with McStrump to further his career as a politician and push his Christian agenda.

President McStrump: Try to kill me will you! I’m the damn President! The most powerful man in America!

Vice President Dense: Sir! What on Earth are you doing? Who are all these people? Do you even have proof this man was the assassin? This isn’t very Christian like behavior.

President McStrump: Shut up Dense! Do I look like give a rats’ ass what Jesus thinks right now?

The beating continued with blood spattering all over the room. The secret service men and the Brotherhood of the Blob stood watch, securing the room and their prisoners. Takuma Sato and Abbigail Dresden were also in the room handcuffed and being held captive by McStrumps bodyguards. It was clear that Abbigail was frightened and that Sato was growing angrier with every punch that Vastrix absorbed.

President McStrump: You people need to be taught your role in society! Leave the world-changing events to men like us!

Rupert Mudcock: Truer words have never been spoken.

Dr. Summeroff: The Blob’s few chosen shape the world to his will! You’re just peons floating aimlessly in his universe! You have no idea what sacrifices we make for the greater good!

Suddenly the buzzer on Rupert’s desk went off and the M.O.X News Media Mogul answered his intercom. A sexy voice was on the other end of the communicator to give Rupert an update on his hired helps progress. The room listened carefully and even McStrump took a breather from beating on Jeremiah to listen in.

Rupert Mudcock: Yes Ms. Daville, what’s the update?

Ms. Daville: The other wrestlers have been rounded up by Walter Reagan and his men sir. They’re ready to bring them inside for the meeting.

Rupert Mudcock: Thank you Ms. Daville. Bring them in now, please.

A few seconds later the door to the office swung open and into the room walked Valora Salinas, Kronin Reinhardt, Huckleberry, Davey Boy O’Brien, Dwight Couch, and Baron Vendredi. All of them were caught off guard by the insanity taking place in the room and the fact that both the Vice President and President of the Nation were present in the room. What was more off-putting for them was the presence of the Cult of the Blob and the fact the President McStrump was covered in the blood of one of their fellow wrestlers.

Kronin: What the fuck is the meaning of this?

Valora: Yeah you crazy fucking gringos! You can’t do shit like this and get away with it! Wait till I get my lawyer involved again! If you think these cocaine charges against Takuma and Abby are going to stick then you’re the ones snorting coke up your noses!

Dr. Summeroff: I assure you, madam, that nothing could be further from the truth. Now shut up and listen to what your President has to say.

Davey-Boy O’Brien: Since when do ye roon the show?

Dr. Summeroff: I do the Blobs work and nothing more you dimwitted Scot! Now silence! Our very existence hangs in the balance you fools! They’re more important things taking place than your petty disagreements and social justice movements!

Kronin: Like what?

Rupert Mudcock: Like the fact that we’ve been invited to perform a show in North Korea by Emperor himself! The very same man who’s been threatening our countries very existence with nuclear missiles!

Kronin: You can’t be actually considering that mad man’s offer?

Valora: Are you kidding these idiots will do anything for money! How much is he offering you Mudcock?

President McStrump: Enough! For the better part of a year, I've been trying to work out a way to meet with Emperor Rocket Man to try to work out a deal. I’m a master of deals. If I can’t make a deal with this mad man, no one can!

Valora is unable to keep a straight face and begins laughing which seems to really upset the President. Walter Reagan angry at her disrespect for their leader and his country hits in her in the back of the head with a pistol and knocks her to the floor.

President McStrump: As I was saying. He won’t listen to reason! He continues to threaten us and not take us seriously. We’ve moved all of our warships and carriers in strategic areas to show we mean business, but he doesn’t care. The man is suicidal and willing to take everyone with him to live out some sick fantasy instilled him by his father.

Kronin: So what’s your plan then?

President McStrump: Your mission as a roster, that you have no choice but to accept, will be to infiltrate North Korea under the impression that you’ll be performing a Pay Per View event for the Emperor's nephew. We need you to gather as much intelligence on their nuclear capabilities, what their plans are, and if possible assassinate this maniac and rid the world of him.

Kronin: Are you insane? That’s a suicide mission!

Valora: I won’t do it! Fuck you! Fuck all of you! This is what the CIA is for!

Rupert Mudcock: I pretty sure the President explained you don’t have a choice, my dear! If you refuse this will be the end for most of you. Mr. Vastrix will be taken out back, shot, and will never be seen or heard from again. Mr. Sato and your dear apprentice over there will spend the next 25 years in prison for the distribution and intent to deal a Class 1 narcotic.

Kronin: You can’t be serious! No court in the world would convict these two!

President McStrump: I’ve got more judges and juries paid off than you could imagine! The only thing that matters in America is money and me, I'm afraid the three of us here have more than most 3rd world countries combined!

Valora: I won’t work for you!

Rupert Mudcock: I’m afraid you will Valora… You see we know all about your past life as black ops assassin. We know other than your German friend Kornin, that you’re the best hope we have of ending this without a military strike. If you don’t do this I will run a 24/7 news cycle for weeks on end exposing every high profile assassination you’ve ever been a part of! You can kiss your career and your precious freedom goodbye!

Valora: NO!

Dr. Summeroff: For once in your life think of something other than yourself woman! A nuclear war with North Korea would most likely wipe out your home town and the entire west coast including our compound and church! The effects would be devastating and it could lead to a new World War. We’ve been given a rare opportunity to stop a disaster and save millions of lives!

Kronin sighed heavily as Valora continued to curse now choosing to do it in Spanish. Sato had remained uncharacteristically quiet and Abbigail had begun to cry. Abishag stared at them all criticizing their lack of bravery internally.

Kronin: They’re right… We don’t have a choice. A nuclear conflict even on a small scale would be devastating both for the environment and for civilization.

Dr. Summeroff: Finally someone with a level headed response!

Rupert Mudcock: So it’s settled. In 4 weeks my VP Robert and Dr. Summeroff will be accompanying you to North Korea. The show will go on as planned, but while you are there as guests of the Emperor it will be up to you to gather intelligence, sabotage any plans they have to hurt us, and if the opportunity arises assassinate the Dictator.

President McStrump: Your country and humanity will owe you a great debt! I promise you all that a successful mission will be rewarded greatly.

Rupert Mudcock: Fantastic…now all of you get out of my office! Get some rest! We got another Friday Night Clash before the North Korea show! The Emperor and his nephew will expect all of you to be at the top of your game.

The meeting is broken up by a group of police officers who take custody of Sato and Abbigail and escort them out of the room. Valora is forced to watch them be dragged into a police cruiser outside of the convention center. Valora new even though they had agreed that they would be kept in jail until they were all on the plane headed to the Far East. Kronin and the rest of the roster left the room of their own free will feeling extremely uneasy about the whole ordeal. Only time would tell if the mission would be a success or if they’d find themselves locked in a torture prison for the rest of their short lives.

Ultimate Online Wrestling will continue…


Great work! Fantastic creativity!

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