The Candy Sale - Erotica, NSFW

in #fiction8 years ago

Chapter One

Jerry was glad school was starting again. It had been long fun-filled summer, but Jerry was anxious to start his 4th year. His FINAL year - the year it all paid off. Jerry was one of those strange kids that fit in at school. He was on the football team and played well, one of the top starters although not a STAR. He was also a brainiac... just 2/100ths of a percent behind Sandy for the title of Valedictorian. But that wasn’t really true... Jerry had revisited all of his grades and his real score was 5/100ths of a point higher that the schools’ calculations. Jerry was just waiting until late in the year to raise his point so Sandy wouldn’t have as long a time to try to recover!

Sandy was the girl everyone loved to her face, and hated behind her smug little back! Class president, Miss Perfect, always showing off how smart she was and always being bitchy to everyone she “Helped”. Oh, she did help people, she ran study groups and various fundraisers for the school. Students lucky enough to be in one of her study groups ALWAYS improved their grades - but the price was they had to listed to Sandy tell them how stupid they were being and how they should be more like her... Most students that professed to be her friend only did so because they needed something that she controlled as Class President. But... she was gorgeous. Blond hair, blue eyes, killer smile... perfect ass, and stellar tits. She would have made a good cheerleader if she ever smiled. Sad part is it would have been just one more thing she was perfect at!

As Jerry sat thinking about Sandy and all of her faults he decided that this year he wasn’t dealing with her crap. Beating her as Valedictorian wasn’t going to be enough. Jerry wanted to beat her at everything this year. Sandy had been pointing out his flaws since grade school and this year was going to be different.

The first day of school went fine, until the mid-afternoon assembly. That’s when everything started, that’s when the final year got turned upside down!

Jerry cringed as Sandy took the mic from the Dean of Students. Sandy announced that THIS year the student council fall fund raiser was going to be a CANDY sale... emphasizing every word as if this year and this candy sale would be ANY different from all the past years and the past year’s candy sales.

“Of course” Sandy crowed over the crowd’s obvious negativity “I’ll probably win the top salesperson award again THIS year!”. It was true, Sandy won every year and she wasn’t above letting everyone know it.

Jerry sat silently steaming. “One of these days someone is going to put her in her place” he thought to himself.

After school Jerry walked over to the parking lot, only 4th year’s were permitted to have a car on the school’s campus. He walked over to where his friends were gathering to compare notes after the first day. Jerry saw Sandy and almost decided to just head over to his car but thought better of it. He wanted to catch up with his friends. “Hey all, What’s up?” he asked of the small crowd of about 10 people. After the usual “Not Much” answers that he and all his friends always gave, he heard Sandy ‘s voice grate on his eardrums “Hey Jerry - long time no see, how was your summer?”

“Not Bad” Jerry started to reply, but he was cut off by Sandy when she said “Ready for ANOTHER year in the #2 seat?” Sandy giggled. “Do you think you’ll even come in in the top 100 in the candy sale this year?” Jerry hated selling candy and Sandy knew it. He never even really tried so coming in in the top 100 in a class of 120 or so is probably higher than he had ever come in.

“Nope” Jerry shot back - his mouth moving faster than his brain “This year I think I’ll come in first”. Everyone's jaws dropped open.

Sandy’s eyebrows furrowed for a second, but her perpetual worry about getting wrinkles soon stopped that. She looked at Jerry with a combination of surprise and derision “YOU think that YOU can BEAT ME????” She gasped. “In a CANDY sale? Are you high???”

“Oh, I’ll bet I can” Jerry replied - his mouth still talking too fast for his brain to catch up.

He was just about to take it back, laugh the whole thing off like a joke. He knew there was really no way for him to beat Sandy at selling candy but before he could take it back Sandy piped up “I’ll take THAT bet!”. She looked at Jerry and smiled knowing he would have to back down, one more win for Sandy. But instead Jerry said “OK, so what’s the bet?”

Sandy thought for a moment and said “You need to be taken down a notch! If I win you have to be my SLAVE for a whole day” Sandy said - “So either put up or back out wussy!”

Jerry thought for a few seconds, which seemed like minutes. He couldn’t let her win again. He would have to up the bet and get her to back out. “Bullshit - make it a week, but slave means you need to do whatever I say whenever I say”. Jerry was trembling inside but outside was steady as a rock. There was no way Little Miss Perfect was going to risk that.

Now it was Sandy’s turn to think. But she was so sure of herself it only took 2 seconds before she said “Make it a MONTH then!” Then she added “I’m going to have you walking around in tutu’s, carrying my books, cleaning up after my dog, anything I say. That’s the bet right?”

“Ok” Jerry said “, “How do we make sure neither of us chickens out?” now Sandy was starting to get nervous. But she knew Jerry was bluffing.

“I’m not sure” Sandy said looking around at her group of friends. “Any Suggestions?”.

Jerry thought - this was his last chance to up the ante so high that Sandy would have to drop out.

“Pictures” Jerry said, “We each take a nude picture and” he was cut off by Sandy...

“I am not GIVING you a nude picture of me!” Sandy stammered

“Not me” said Jerry - grateful his plan was working “You trust Anita right?” Sandy shook her head “And how about John - do you trust him?... We’ll each take a nude picture of ourselves. You’ll give yours to Anita and I’ll give mine to John”

“Gross” said Anita and John in unison

“Sorry guys” said Jerry. “If you win the bet John will send my picture to you, if I win Anita will send me your picture. That way if either of us chickens out the other can do with the picture what they want - to punish the loser if they back out from being the winner’s slave.”

“I’m not sure” Sandy started

“Well that’s good” Jerry added “I guess you don’t want that bet after all”

“Well, it’s just that men aren’t as worried about having nude pics out there of themselves, for all I know you have your own webpage already or something gross like that”.

Anita cleared her throat “Well most guys are worried about how big it is so maybe Jerry should photo himself sof... I mean not erec..., I mean not hard... you know with a ruler showing how little it is soft - that way it would be really embarrassing”.

“Great” Jerry thought “ Now everyone is getting in on it...” He knew he had to up the ante again and said “Well if that’s the case then she has to take the pic with a finger or something up in there...” Jerry blushed “Both parties should take embarrassing pics!”

Sandy looked like she was going to give in when David chimed in “CHICKEN!”

Sandy looked furious “It’s a bet” she practically screamed, and grabbed Jerry’s hand and shook it. “I can’t WAIT to embarrass the shit out of you!” as she stormed off to her car. “Anita the e-mail pic will be in your inbox tonight”.

Ohhhhh Shit..........

The whole gang stood there silent. David was the first to speak “Hey dude, why’d you take on the she-lion like that? When she beats you she’s gonna ruin your whole last year! You’ll be a laughing stock!”

“Gee, THANKS Dave” Jerry shot back “She was going to bail on the bet until you called her a chicken!”

“Shit “

“I just couldn’t stand her better than you attitude for 1 more minute, I just had to say something!” Jerry said.

“Dude” David replied “Look, I’ll sell candy in your name to try to help but even with the two of us Sandy is gonna CRUSH you dude!”

Anita cleared her throat and every turned to look at her, she was the shy quiet type and didn’t speak much so everyone listened when she did “Look, what if ALL of us were to sell in Jerry’s name? A lot of people in this school want to see Sandy fail...” Anita trailed off.

“I thought you were like her best friend?” Jerry asked.

Anita’s face winced, “Well, I am, but she gets to me too” Anita replied.

Jerry thought for a minute and walked over to some of his other football buddies “Hey guys, keep this quiet or it won’t work, but I’m trying to beat Sandy at selling candy this year. If I can pull it off I’ll get a whole month to embarrass her - you guys want in - all you have to do is help me sell candy...” And that’s how the whole thing started.

So many students wanted to see Sandy fail that many offered to help without even finding out that there was a bet. Others who wanted to know what was in it for them found out about the bet and could not WAIT to see Sandy brought down.

As the weeks passed Sandy continued to gloat every day about how much candy she had sold. Each day she picked more and more things she was going to have Jerry do. Jerry just kept his mouth shut and tried to look scared. He wanted Sandy to be shocked. He really didn’t need to worry though as Sandy was very sure that there was no way Jerry would win the bet.

On the last day of the sale everyone brought their order forms to Jerry. He filled his name in on each one treating it like a continuation of his form... 23 pages worth. He looked across the parking lot and saw Sandy pull in. She smiled sweetly and Jerry noticed that she was wearing a nice short skirt and blouse... He smiled a devious grin - this was going to be much more fun than he had anticipated.

Everyone turned in their forms and at 1:50 PM the announcements came on - the third place seller was announced, Sandy looked over a smiled a wicked smile. She mouthed the words “You Are Mine”... Then the second place winner was announced “Sandy Miller”... Sandy blurted out “No... that’s wrong... I’m in FIRST place, he’s reading it wrong!” and then the disembodied voice said “And in first place, with the highest sales EVER recorded in any fund raiser in school history - JERRY Davis! Congratulations to everyone who participated in this years sale.”

All of the blood drained from Sandy’s face as she looked over at Jerry. Jerry just sat there with a smug look of complete satisfaction on his face. While Sandy watched, Jerry slowly mouthed the words, V E R Y clearly “You Are Mine”...

As the class ended everyone went into the hall to switch classes. Sandy ran up to Jerry and exclaimed “There’s a mistake and YOU know it!” Jerry shook his head and Sandy started to talk again “I’m not doing anything until there is a recount!”

Jerry smiled and said “23 pages”.

Sandy looked at him confused “What do you mean?”

“My order form” Jerry went on “It was 23 pages long - I’ve got a shitload of candy to deliver in a few weeks... Hey, when DOES the candy get here? Maybe I’ll have YOU deliver it for me!”

Then Jerry’s phone rang - Jerry pulled it from it’s clip and looked at it... “Oh... it’s from ANITA - probably my picture...” Jerry smiled a wicked grin.

Sandy tried to grab his phone but was too slow “Noooo!” she said “There’s a mistake! Something is wrong...”

“23 Pages... how many did you have?” Jerry replied.

Sandy’s head hung down in shame and resignation. “Fine” was all she could say as her eyes began to well up with tears. “Now what”

“Well, remember last week when you said you were going to have me run around school all day in a unitard so everyone could see what a tiny man I was” Jerry questioned.

“You want me to wear a unitard tomorrow?” Sandy asked - terrified. By now the whole gang was standing around. There was only another minute until the bell rang...

“Nope, good idea but nope” Jerry replied. Sandy breathed a sigh of relief and thought this might be easy, but then Jerry opened his mouth again and her whole world sank into a dark hole “I want you to go into the girls room and take off your bra and panties then bring them to me in class.”

Sandy was shocked... outraged “No! No way in hell am I going to run around with my boobs poking through my shirt like one of those emo-whores!”

“Well” Jerry replied “I guess I’ll have to open this picture I’ve got and post it around a few places then - cause one way or another I’m going to win this argument!”

With that Sandy wandered off to the girls room in complete shock and confusion. The tears starting to run down her cheeks... She thought “Would he really post that picture - why the HELL did I really take the damn picture anyway!!!”

As Sandy entered the girls bathroom she moved towards the handicapped stall - it was bigger and would make it easier to do what she needed to do. She unbuttoned her blouse and hung it over the hook on the back of the stall door - and shivered slightly as the air-conditioned air hit her bare back and shoulders. Her nipples immediately sprang to attention. As she pulled off her bra she marveled at just how sensitive her nipples were to the air - she could feel the goosebumps starting not just on her breasts but all over her body. “Am I enjoying this???” she wondered.

Sandy immediately became flushed - and angry. She was NOT enjoying this. She WOULD not enjoy this. Sandy glared as she stuffed her bra into her handbag, pushing it down as deep as she could to avoid it being seen. She then began to slide her panties down her legs... only to discover that they were damp - and she could feel the familiar tingle that came with desire. Sandy wanted to masturbate - but only for a moment before she caught herself thinking again “I WILL NOT ENJOY THIS!!!!” and then “but why am I so horny -I’m not a slut...”

She placed the panties into her bag and felt her own wetness as she stood up. “I’m in control” she thought as she left the stall and headed to the sinks. She was late for class and that was just unacceptable. She glanced at her hair in the mirror and her eyes immediately saw how visible her nipples were through the white fabric of her top. They formed little tents over her protruding breasts, pulling the fabric even tighter than it would have been. Sandy tried untucking her blouse from her skirt but that would only draw more attention as she was always impeccably dressed.

Blushing more than before, and now getting impossibly wet, she tucked her blouse back in. She held her handbag over her shoulder and crossed her other hand over her chest to hold the bag, and her nipples. “I’m going to kill Jerry” was her next coherent thought as she felt under her skirt to see how wet she was. Sandy’s hand came back extremely wet, she reached over and took a few tissues and wiped herself, shivering again with delight as she brushed her swollen clit - “Yes Jerry, I want to KILL you”.

Steeling herself she slipped from the girls bathroom and headed down the deserted hall to her class. Mr. Barnes looked at her in disbelief as she walked in. “I’m sorry Mr. Barnes, I had to make a stop on the way to class.”

Mr. Barnes shook his head and said “Very well... take your seat.”

Once she sat down Jerry leaned over the aisle and said “So, hand them over”. Sandy was sitting with her handbag on her desk - and she shot a vicious glance at Jerry. “Not here” she hissed.

“Right here, right now” Jerry countered. Looking beaten Sandy reached into her handbag and wadded up her underclothes as best she could and making sure Mr. Barnes wasn’t looking she handed them to Jerry. As she reached over Jerry noticed how much higher her blouse was buttoned now than before her trip to the girl’s bathroom. “Hey, unbutton those buttons - make that blouse like it was before.”

“That wasn’t part of the task” Sandy whispered back - getting even wetter if that was possible. She could almost feel her wetness trickling down her thighs towards her ass on the hard plastic desk seat.

“It is now S L A V E “ Jerry whispered back with a smile. “Either you do it or I will” Jerry continued with his smile becoming positively evil.

Sandy reached down and undid two buttons on her blouse and while she did Jerry was finally able to notice her erect nipples. Now it was Jerry’s turn to be uncomfortable as his cock swelled in his pants - straining against his fly.

This was going to be a very, very good year!

When class was over Sandy was unsure what to do. Sit and wait for instructions? Run? She looked over at Jerry expectantly.

Jerry smiled like he was king of the world, but inside he was as unsure as Sandy. Should he further humiliate her now, or wait. His cock was still straining against his pants as he had so many, MANY good ideas.

“Go ahead and leave - but keep your cell phone close” Jerry whispered to Sandy. Sandy rose from her chair - hoping no one could see the damp spot on the bottom of her skirt. ‘DAMN him” she thought as she rose from the desk, gathered her things and headed towards her locker and home.

Jerry waited until the rest of the class had left the room. He pretended to drop the papers in his binder to give him additional time before moving out into the hallway. Since it was the end of the day everyone was rushing to leave. Jerry held his binder across the front of his jeans to hid his residual erection, and the damp spot associated with it.

Chapter Two

Walking through the halls Sandy imagined (Or really saw - who knows) the rest of the students staring at her chest, her nipples protruding like tent poles from her breasts. Holding her blouse out very noticeably (Or so she thought - who knows). Once at her locker she spun the dial of her locker with trembling hands - ruining the combination twice before getting her locker open. She ran to her car, fired it up and drove home.

When Sandy got home her hands were still trembling. She even had trouble getting her key into the front door lock. Sandy noticed this – and the fact that she was still dripping wet. “WHY did I make that stupid bet” kept running over and over in her mind, alternating with “WHY am I so DAMN EXCITED???!!! I’m not a slut!, I’m NOT!”

Yet try as she might, she could not slow her pounding heart rate. Sandy knew two things. First – she was confused, and second – that bastard Jerry was going to PAY. Sandy went up to her bedroom to change, and to get on another pair of panties and replace the bra that Jerry had stolen from her. She was astonished to see how hard her nipples still were, and could still feel traces of wetness between her legs.

Sandy was wracking her brain trying to look for a way out. Jerry had the photo, and was probably willing to use it –that little prick. Sandy wondered if she could get the picture Jerry had made from Anita – but then remembered that Anita didn’t have Jerry’s picture, only hers. There had to be a way to turn that tables!

She went to the kitchen to get a cold drink. Just as she was lifting the glass to her lips her phone went off. Sandy jumped and dropped the glass, sending shards all across the kitchen floor along with a river of Pepsi. “Fuck” was bouncing off the walls as Sandy vented her frustration. She pulled out her phone and saw Jerry’s number. Sandy hit the ignore button on her phone. “That prick can just wait – I’m not in the mood for his shit right now” Sandy mumbled under her breath as she started to clean the floor.

After a minute or two Sandy’s phone buzzed to let her know that Jerry had kindly left her a voicemail. After cleaning the floor Sandy listened to the voicemail. Jerry had given her 10 minutes to call back. That was 5 minutes ago. Sandy toyed with the idea of calling him back and then decided “FUCK NO, I’m not calling his ass back”. In her mind she dreaded what he might have in store for her – but a little part of her simply wondered what might be coming…

11 minutes after the first call Jerry called again, and again Sandy hit the ignore button sending him straight to voicemail. Sandy figured that if Jerry couldn’t reach her that he couldn’t torment her. Instead of the voicemail buzzing Sandy’s phone chimed a minute later with a text.
Strike Two” was all it said.

“Crap” thought Sandy. “If he doesn’t get me then he doesn’t get me. I can’t be his slave if he can’t give me orders. He can’t be sure that I’m not away from my phone.”

5 minutes passed and the phone rang a third time. This time Sandy didn’t touch the phone. After a few rings it went to voicemail. Sandy thought that Jerry would interpret this as Sandy was not near her phone. She smiled a little at the deception.

Less than a minute later her text message alert went off again. Sandy’s mouth gaped open wide when she opened it and saw her picture, with the words “Strike 3 Bitch”. Sandy immediately dialed Jerry’s number. As it rang she felt the dread rising in the pit of her stomach – and something else, some other feeling between her legs.

The phone rang once, twice, three times, with each ring the terror in Sandy’s stomach increased. Was he sending the photo out? Who was he sending it to? WHY had she agreed to this??? Jerry finally picked up the phone on the 3rd ring.

“Ohhh – now look who wants to talk…” Jerry snarled derisively into the phone. “Maybe it’s too late for talk”.

“Please “ Sandy pleaded “I was busy at home and broke a glass and had to clean it up, and”

Jerry cut her off. “I don’t care why you didn’t answer my calls. I was fair – I gave you 10 minutes, and then 5 more – you were just avoiding me” Jerry’s voice trailed off and then “Look, it shouldn’t take you more than 10-15 minutes to get over to my house if you leave right now. So, in 16 minutes I’m sending off this photo – get your ass over here”

“Please – I need some time to clean up and get” Jerry cut her off again.

“16 minutes and counting. You should have done that while you were avoiding me”. Jerry hung up the phone. Now his fingers were trembling. He was angry, almost furious. “All I wanted was for her to come over here and clean my room” he thought.

“She needs to understand how this is going to play out” he mused, trying to think up a new plan. Jerry had hoped that his actions earlier today would have set the stage so little miss perfect would know that she HAD to do what Jerry told her to do. Kind of break her will early… but apparently Sandy was a slow learner - at least in this.

Over the next few minutes Jerry formulated a plan, and waited for Sandy to arrive.

Sandy drove as fast as she dared and made it to Jerry’s house in 12 minutes. She got out of her car and walked to his door, reached up to ring the bell – but before she could the door opened. Jerry stood inside smiling. That scared her.

“Welcome to my home – come on in” Jerry motioned Sandy inside and swung the door gently closed, and then turned the lock. Sandy could almost swear that the sound of the door locking echoed in her head. Her head felt like it was going to burst in fear and anticipation. Her pulse was pounding. Jerry motioned to the sofa and asked her to sit.

Once Sandy was seated Jerry remained standing. Pacing back and forth for almost a full minute. Sandy wondered if he was deliberately trying to increase the tension. Finally Jerry began to speak. He spoke in a voice and tempo more like a lecture.

“Sandy, the word slave, is a well defined word. After our bet was forged you even gave me examples of the types of humiliation you would put me through. Wearing a unitard to school so everyone could see the size of my penis, Making me shine your shoes in the cafeteria instead of allowing me to eat my lunch, picking up your dog’s crap in front of whomever passed by, foot massages, back massages – both for you and your friends, and the list goes on and on. You even made sure to remind me that the bet was ‘Whatever I Say Whenever I Say’”

Jerry paused “And yet – now you act like you don’t understand the meaning of the word or the extent of our bet. One month’s service as a SLAVE.

Jerry began to pace again, then stopped and faced Sandy “Slaves in the past did not always obey. There were times where slaves disobeyed. In those instances do you know what their masters did?” Jerry paused but not long enough for Sandy to answer. “That’s right” he continued “They were punished. Some were whipped, some beaten, if they ran away half a foot might be cut off. In short – disobedience had a price and once the slave understood that disobedience had a price they were much more likely to obey.”

Now Jerry paused again, deliberately waiting to see if Sandy would speak. When she did open her mouth to reply Jerry simply held up his hand in front of her face “Quiet” was all he said.

During this whole lecture Sandy had gotten more and more frightened. Surely Jerry didn’t think he was going to be allowed to whip or beat her? Could he? Would he? When Sandy went to reply and was told to be quiet she instantly knew that Jerry did indeed plan on beating or whipping her. She closed her mouth stunned.

“I’m not going to beat you” Jerry practically sang out in a singsong voice. “Noooo – I’m not some old fashioned slave owner”.

Sandy felt her terror lessen. “However, let me explain things to you a little more” Jerry began before she could question. “All I wanted you to come over for today was so you could clean my room. Period – end of story, well and also do my laundry – but I always do that as part of cleaning my room.”

This was Jerry’s original plan – but the plan had changed. Jerry took a deep breath – hoping that his next statement wasn’t pushing the bet too far. If she backed out and quit the embarrassment of the photo would be bad – but then it would be over. Jerry wanted more – more suffering and humiliation for Sandy. He knew though that there had to be a punishment and that this could be the start of something fun.

“So – you will clean my room, it will be spotless, and you will do my laundry.”

Sandy breathed a sigh of relief – this would be easy, a little gross doing his laundry, but much easier than she had thought. Jerry’s next words though sent her right back into terror.

“As a punishment for ignoring me though you will do it without your pants or shirt. You will perform your duties in your bra and panties.”

Sandy’s eyes got as big as dinner plates and her face (Already pale) went ashen white. Then red color started to flush her cheeks as anger started to well up. “I will NOT” she began and then saw Jerry’s face. His smile was vicious and his eyes gleamed evilly. She knew he would send out her photo. “I mean… I mean…” Sandy stalled for time thinking.

Jerry decided to help her choose “Look Sandy – it’s actually less skin than you would be showing in a bikini, and you must admit, you do need to be punished. You would punish me if I wasn’t honoring the terms of our bet. You KNOW you would”.

Now Sandy had her out - a way to escape... “Well, you’re kind of right but the problem is I’m not wearing any underwear – and I am not prancing around some boy’s room literally half naked – the WORST half to have naked around a boy! That’s a lot more skin than I would be showing in a bikini no matter how small it was.”

Jerry looked at her in shock. This was not expected. “Wait a minute you changed clothes, put on another bra, but no panties?” Jerry exclaimed in disbelief.

“Well, I needed the bra, but it felt kind of good to be without panties so I didn’t put any on” Sandy lied. She smiled inside but kept her sad/scared face on the outside.

Jerry looked down at her chest as she said that she needed the bra – she did have a nice rack although he had liked the view better in the blouse without the bra. When he thought of her like that his cock started to harden.

“Crap” Jerry said, realizing that her other panties were still in his locker. He had planned on showing them on Monday to some of his team mates that had helped with the candy sale.

“Fine” Jerry finally conceded. “Look, you’ll do the work in your pants and bra – no top”. He could have pushed for fully topless but figured that breaking her down slowly would let him get further in the end.

Sandy thought for a while. It was far better than his original plan. Then she said “Fine” in a dejected voice. Jerry led her to his room where Sandy dutifully removed her top and started cleaning Jerry’s mess of a room. Well it wasn’t that messy – but it was still a boy’s room all the same. Inside she was smiling - she had beaten Jerry again, and now she knew his weakness. He was too nice and too understanding, and Sandy planned to exploit those traits every chance she got.

Chapter 3

Jerry sat on his bed and marveled at the graceful way Sandy moved while cleaning his room. He wished he had pushed harder - but figured he was being nice giving her a break. It might even get him further in the end - at least she wasn’t quitting.

Jerry kept watching, trying not to stare. He pretended to read a book while propped up on his bed, resting against the headboard (With a pillow concealing his mild erection).

Sandy did her best to keep moving. The faster she got done the faster she could put her top back on and hopefully leave. She knew Jerry’s mom would be home around 5:30 so she wanted to be long gone by 5:00. But the faster she worked the faster the clock seemed to move – and his room was a cluttered pig sty to say the least! Soon she even forgot she was cleaning in her bra – and just kept focused on cleaning.

She was almost done when Jerry noticed that she had missed some of the laundry.

“Hey – Sandy, you missed a pair of my underwear over there under my desk” Jerry pointed in the direction – just in case Sandy somehow was blind and couldn’t see the big desk with the computer and jumbled crap on it.

“Another pair?” Sandy wondered aloud “Why in the hell would they be under your desk???” Sandy asked almost in a frustrated motherly tone.

Jerry started to answer – then blushed. REALLY blushed. “Crap” was all he thought.

Sandy looked at Jerry and wondered why he was blushing – then it hit her. He was looking at porn or something at the computer and his underwear was in his way. “CRAP” was all she thought.

“Gross Jerry – completely gross. You don’t really expect me to handle those do you?”

Jerry thought for a moment – it was kind of gross, but the more he thought about it the more he felt that he had been more than accommodating for a slave owner, a master… Master – Jerry liked the sound of that. “Pick them up and put them with the whites” Jerry replied nonchalantly.

Sandy was pissed – but decided to pick her battles. carefully. She bent over and had to get on all 4’s to get under the desk. Jerry watch impressed with how nice her ass looked in those jeans. Then he noticed it… the waistband of her panties.

PANTIES – Jerry fumed in his head. Fucking panties… she said she wasn’t wearing them. She fucking lied again. Jerry was across the room before she could reach Jerry’s underwear and get back on her feet. He grabbed the waist of those panties and yanked – yanked hard – then harder. He yanked her ass up off the floor until he hear the fabric begin to pop and tear.

“What the fu----- OWWWW, stop it! FUCK…” Sandy yelled.

Jerry dropped her waist and her knees banged back onto the carpeted floor. “What the fuck Sandy – you lied to me about the panties!”

Sandy stood – her panties invading her ass crack and practically raped her pussy. She reached down to adjust them and Jerry grabbed her wrists. “You move those panties so much as a centimeter and I will send out that photo.” Jerry snarled.

Tears started welling up in Sandy’s eyes. She felt humiliated and powerless. This time she wasn’t wet at all.

“You can’t treat me like this” Sandy said, almost pleading. She was going to try to draw Jerry’s inner nice guy out again.

“Bullshit” Jerry looked her up and down. “I was nice to you – I gave you a break, but you just don’t learn. All you had to do was take my call and come over here and clean for me. But NO you had to be a bitch about it.”

Jerry paused – still holding her wrists. “Take off the pants but don’t you dare loosen those panties”.

Sandy stared at him. Was he serious. “No – this is going too far, I didn’t sign up for this”

“If I send out that photo, it’s really no big deal then is it?”

“I may be embarrassed for a while – but I’ll get over it. Last year with these losers anyway. I get a new start next year at University.”

Jerry thought for a moment. He had expected this argument but not until later in the month. “Really? University eh? Well, it won’t be one of those top tier schools that you’ve been applying to.”

“Oh, I’ll get in – my grades are even better than yours, and my community service and stuff like that is immaculate too.” Sandy retorted with a smile on her face.

“Well” Jerry reached his hand out as if to shake her hand “I wish you luck – take my hand – really.” Jerry paused. “Think about it, once I post this online with your NAME… Don’t you think those acceptance teams at those top tier universities GOOGLE the applicants. Immaculate isn’t a word I would use so lightly.”

The terror returned to Sandy’s stomach. “You wouldn’t”

As she waited for Jerry’s answer, she knew he would. He might regret it after he did it and the inner good guy came out – but he was pissed off right now and he would do it.

She reached down and started undoing her belt without even waiting for Jerry to answer. Now not only the terror was back, but so was the wetness – and her nipples would have been a sight to see if the bra she was wearing wasn’t thickly padded.

Sandy let the pants fall to the floor. She kicked off her flip flops and stepped out of them. “You want me to finish cleaning like this?”

Jerry stared – her panties were pulled tightly through her crotch. Like a red ribbon parting two forests of blond pubic hair. Jerry could clearly see her lips and could see where the panties disappeared between them.

“No” he said in a whisper “Not yet”.

“You need to understand what is going on here – what the dynamic is. Evidently I have failed to explain properly until now.”

Jerry pulled the chair out from under his desk and sat down. I was a plain swivel desk chair – no arms. “Lay down over my lap”.

Sandy just looked at him.

“I said – lay down over my lap. If you are going to lie to me and treat me like a fool then I’m going to treat you like a slave. Lay down over my lap NOW.”

Sandy winced as she walked over to the chair. He panties rubbing and tugging in all the wrong places – yet she didn’t dare move them. When she got near to the chair (Which seemed like a very long walk) Jerry held up his hand to stop her. Perhaps he was going to spare her again?

Jerry reached over and hooked his index fingers under the fabric of the panties in the front and with a quick downward motion roughly tugged the fabric out from between her lips. Sandy couldn’t tell if it was pain, pleasure, or just humiliation – but her whole body twitched. Jerry noticed how wet the panties were once they were pulled free.

“Now you loosen them in the back.” Jerry ordered.

Sandy complied – gratefully pulling her panties out of her ass crack. She went to bend over Jerry’s lap and he held up his hand again. Mercy? Sandy hoped so.

“Now drop them to your ankles. “ Jerry’s eyes were as cold as ice.

Sandy hesitated – waited for what seemed to her like an hour. Would Jerry order her again or would he spare her?

“The longer you wait the worse this is going to get” Jerry replied coldly to her unspoken questions.

Sandy reached down and slowly pulled the panties down until they were low enough to fall to her ankles.

“Now – over my lap.”

Sandy complied. She felt like she was watching herself in a movie. Like she wasn’t really there, like this was happening to someone else. She noticed two things though – how hard Jerry’s cock was pressed into her side, and how wet she was becoming. Then her mind screamed to her “I am not a slut – I will not enjoy this” but Sandy knew the voice was lying… until, until, until, god what was he waiting for???!!!

The sting of the first slap from Jerry’s hand made Sandy cry out in pain and her whole body rise up. This was no gentle love tap or child type spanking. This was real – and this hurt. Before she could lower herself back another smack cracked across her ass cheek. Another scream – but before the scream was even over another slap, and another, then another, and another. Left cheek. Right cheek. High on the cheek, low on the cheek. Each new blow raining down before the sting of the last one was even gone. Tears fell freely from Sandy’s eyes, dropping unnoticed on the bedroom carpet – making little dark patches where they fell. Sandy didn’t feel disassociated from what was going on any more… she was right there, feeling every blow.

Jerry slapped, and smacked, and spanked until his hand hurt. He saw her ass getting redder, and redder, and redder until it started to grow purple. He paused, only long enough to catch his breath and decide what part of her ass looked most sore – and then aimed for that spot.

“Stand” was all that he said.

Sandy did as commanded and reached around to rub her sore ass.

“Stop” Jerry said.

"You haven't earned the right to rub off my punishment. Finish cleaning in just your bra. Make sure you get the load of whites into the washer and the other load into the dryer."

While she worked Jerry appreciated the view of his handy work on her ass, and smiled. When she was done he decided to press things a little further.

"Come here."

Sandy walked over, hoping she would be allowed to go home.

"Take off the bra." was all he said.

Sandy was scared, this was going to go too far. She started to answer and Jerry held up his hand again.


Sandy complied and dropped her bra to the floor where it joined all of her other clothes except her shirt which was still on the bed.

Sandy covered her face with her hands in shame. She knew her nipples were hard as hell, and knew she was soaking wet.

Jerry reached out and softly stroked her breasts, gently tugging on her nipples. This was not part of the plan, and he had no idea how far he was going to take this.
His hand slowly moved down her belly, and started to slide down to her blond covered pussy.

Now Sandy backed up. Real tears in her eyes again. "No.... No... NO - I did not sign up to be your sex slave."

Jerry looked at her in surprise - she really seemed freaked out.

"No... Jerry please - I'm a VIRGIN! I don't want to do this. I want my first time to be with someone I love. I'm a VIRGIN - a VIRGIN, you understand???"

Jerry stood there, thinking. "Could she really be a virgin? With how good looking she was? I mean - really? "

Jerry stared into her eyes trying to see if she was telling the truth.

"You... You're a virgin? I doubt it".

Sandy was stunned - did he think she was a slut. "I AM - I REALLY REALLY AM" she screamed. "Send out the picture if you want but I am not having sex with you".

Sandy meant it - and she knew it. Enough was enough.

Jerry knew it was time to back off - but how? She couldn't be allowed to win, or even to think she was in control.

"OK Sandy - If you are a virgin, and I mean IF, then I promise not to fuck your pussy, I won't even put anything in your pussy that might risk breaking your precious little cherry... but - how can I trust you after today?"

Sandy looked at him - was he really being nice again? "You can trust me, I wouldn't lie about this".

"Sandy - if we make this deal, and if you really are a virgin, you need to understand that this means you need to do whatever else I tell you. Otherwise all bets are off and I'll either fuck the shit out of you or the photo will go out."

"You keep saying if - I'm telling you that I am, I really really am a virgin. I don't know how to prove it to you but I am. I'll take a fucking lie detector test or anything".

"No need for that" Jerry replied with a smile "Just come over here and let me check" Jerry wiggled his finger in the air.

If you are then there is nothing to worry about.

Sandy was in shock - again. She walked over and stood with her legs together, her eyes pleading with him. Jerry tapped her thighs...

"Come on - open up. You don't want me to have to ram my finger in there do you?"

Sandy slowly opened her thighs. She was dripping wet, and to make matters worse she was sure that Jerry would notice.

Jerry ran his finger down her slit and back up to her clit. He relished at the way she trembled and shivered. He slowly crooked his finger and started looking for the hole. If Sandy was a virgin he would know in a minute - and that would be another thing they would have in common.

Sandy was tense to begin with - but her pussy started to contract as soon as his finger touched her lips. She tried and tried to relax - but her pussy just clenched tighter and tighter.

Sandy now had another fear - she was afraid that she would cum.

Jerry's finger went higher, and higher. She knew he was getting close from the 2 times that she had put a vibrator in her cunt.

"Stop... STOP!!!!" Sandy yelled just as Jerry felt the resistance of her hymen.

Jerry was about to cum himself.

"God" Jerry thought, "She is tight, and wet, and smooth, and HOT". He slid his finger out and Sandy relaxed visibly.

Jerry decided to help her finish, whether she wanted to or not.

He began to trace his finger back up her slit to her clit, and rub, and back down almost to her ass, then back up. He could feel her moving more and more. Another minute of this and Sandy was begging him to stop.

Seconds later she came with a scream, her whole body shook and a jet of fluid exploded from her pussy onto Jerry's hand.

Jerry damn near came at the same time.

"On your knees" Jerry told her.

Resigned to her fate Sandy knelt, she was now completely humiliated, she wasn't a real squirter not like in porno movies, but when she had a really good orgasm she did sometimes squirt a little. Today was the most intense orgasm she had ever had.

Jerry said "Open your mouth".

When Sandy opened it instead of what she expected, Jerry put his finger, the one that had been in her cunt, into her mouth.

"Clean it".

Sandy had thought that her humiliation was complete - now she realized that she was very wrong and that it kept getting worse and worse.

"Now the rest of my hand".

Sandy began to lick Jerry's hand like a dutiful dog.

"Now take down my pants".

Sandy fumbled with the belt - and Jerry finally helped. Then she undid his fly and waist button and slid his pants down. Sandy could clearly see the outline of Jerry's cock through his tented underwear.

"You know what's comes next" Jerry was smiling triumphantly.

Sandy tried to pull the underwear down but Jerry's hard on was in the way. She pulled the waistband out and then down to get it over his hard on.

It was huge. Throbbing with his heartbeat, covered in veins. Sandy had never seen a real penis before. Photos yes, movies sure, babysitting yes. But never, never, never had seen one in real life like this.

She had expected it to stick straight out, but it actually stood almost straight up - sticking out slightly like a letter "V" against Jerry's crotch.

Jerry looked down and smiled. Sandy looked impressed with his cock, and that made him feel good. He had shown it online to girls but this was the first girl that had seen it in real life.

"Please don't make me suck it. PLEASE" Sandy sobbed.

"Take it in your hand" Jerry replied.

Sandy reached out, resigned to her fate - yet again.

The moment she wrapped her hand around it she could feel his heartbeat through it. His pulse, she started to move her mouth closer and felt his pulse again, but harder, much MUCH harder.

Jerry knew he was close but his orgasm caught him by surprise. His vision narrowed, his knees went weak, and he could feel his orgasm rush up from his balls. He didn't want to cum yet, he wanted a blow job, but her hand was so warm and soft. Her face was so inviting...

Jerry came in thick strands - white ropes jetting from his tip. The first one shot over Sandy's head, splattering the carpet. the second globbed into her hair in a long streamer, the third and fourth splattered her face, eyes, and nose. The next fell shorter and hit her thighs bent up underneath her, and the rest (Which seemed like a lot) ran down her hand and wrist.

Jerry thought he was going to cum forever. When he stopped he felt weak and sat back down in his chair.

Sandy just stayed there kneeling. Jerry looked over at her and smiled.

"Go clean yourself up - except your hair. Leave it in your hair. Then clean up my carpet. After that throw the whites into the dryer and you can go. Just keep your cell phone handy.

Candy Sale Part 4

- Transitions

Sandy rushed to the bathroom, tears streaming down her pale face in torrents. If not for the thick ribbons of cum crisscrossing her cheeks her tears would have run straight down her face, but instead they flowed like a crooked, rushing creek trying to find a way down her face.

Once in the bathroom Sandy began to wash her face, and as she did so, the only feeling she felt was humiliation. She looked in the mirror and wondered how she got here, what she had done so wrong to deserve this. Sandy turned to look at her sore, throbbing ass in the mirror and curiously marveled at the marks, fading from angry purple to throbbing red. As she looked Sandy could tell, without a doubt, that she was getting wetter. Her nipples, which had been swollen before, looked now like they were ready to pop off her breasts. Sandy silently stomped her bare foot on the hard, cold, tile floor of Jerry’s bathroom. “What the FUCK is wrong with ME” her brain screamed into the scattered thoughts swirling in her head, as fresh tears rolled down her newly cleaned face. Unimpeded, they dropped off her chin down to the floor or splattering on her feet. Sandy noticed the teardrops as they fell on her pedicured toes. Her familiar anger started to boil up again to combat the humiliation that she still felt so deeply. Sandy thought for a moment about cleaning her hair - she twirled a strand of her cum soaked hair, and untwirled it, and twirled it again. She could smell Jerry’s cum as she did so. Strong, and somewhat like clorox bleach. For a moment Sandy forgot herself and inhaled deeply - and then caught herself. “FUCK” she thought again - her wetness now growing even more pronounced.

Sandy strode out into Jerry’s room. “May I get my clothes back on?” she asked.

“Sir” Jerry replied.

“Sir what?” Sandy snarled...

“Make it Master” Jerry looked up at her from his bed, his eyes as cold as ice.

Sandy lowered her head. “Master, may I get my clothes back on?” fresh tears of humiliation mingled with rage rolled down her cheeks.

Jerry stared at her for a moment, thinking of a reply. “ I think you said earlier that you NEEDED the bra but that it felt good to go without the panties right?”

Sandy shuddered “Yes Sir”

Jerry continued to stare.

“Master, yes Master” Sandy replied.

“Then you may put all of your clothes back on except the panties. I’ll keep those as a memento of this first day of your slavery. They’re a little more torn than the other pair you gave me but they’ll be a nice addition to my collection.” Jerry waved his hand to dismiss her and went back to reading his book. meanwhile his head swam with the idea of this gorgeous naked girl in his room, covered in slap marks from his hand. He could tell she was excited too, both by her pronounced nipples and the way her upper thighs glistened in the light streaming in from the window behind her. This was going to be a great year!

Sandy pulled herself together, bra, blouse, pants, socks... everything but the panties. “So, that’s it?” she questioned.

“You have your instructions, keep your phone close - and next time answer it the FIRST time I call”. Jerry didn’t even look up from his book.

Sandy had to restrain herself from running to her car. She wouldn’t give that bastard the satisfaction. Once down in her car she looked at herself in the mirror and could clearly see where Jerry’s cum was still clinging to her hair. Unconsciously she inhaled deeply through her nose, trying to catch a whiff of the heavy scent that was there before. Out in the open air of her car it was fainter - but still there, if you were smelling for it. Sandy caught herself reveling in the smell and stopped herself. She knew she was going to masturbate when she got home. Sandy ached for release, and that made her even angrier.

Sandy started her car, feeling more and more self conscious about her hair and also more and more excited as she reviewed the afternoon over and over in her mind. Each time she rearranged herself in the driver’s seat her ass cheeks would scream in pain. She kept pulling her hair under her nose to smell the scent of Jerry’s cum - and each time she did so she became hornier and hotter. Wetter, and wetter... At the next traffic light she reached inside her jeans, without her panties it was easy to check how wet she was as Sandy ran her fingers up and down her slick, wet slit shivering as she brushed her clit. Between the smells, memories, and sensations of pleasure and pain Sandy knew one thing for sure - she knew she wasn’t going to make it all the way home to masturbate. Sandy needed to cum, and needed to cum BADLY. She rationalized it that if she didn’t she might be so distracted as to have an accident.

So Sandy - Miss Prim and Proper herself, looked for a quiet side street and pulled over. Sandy reclined her seat to a comfortable angle and did what would have been unthinkable just this morning. When her orgasm hit her - she lost control and screamed. She didn’t even know it at first but shortly after she started screaming she caught herself. Sandy looked around in terror - people were coming home from work, kids were home from school... what if someone heard her, or worse yet saw her?

Sandy straightened herself up , wincing in pain as her ass moved in the seat. Then she quickly drove home, taking a moment to notice the gigantic wet spot in her jeans. Sandy hurried inside - straight to her room, and cried. She cried, and cried, and sobbed, and cried - until her chest hurt. Then Sandy stripped down and masturbated again before she took a long, hot shower.

Jerry sat motionless on his bed, listening intently for the sound of the front door closing. As soon as he heard it he crept to his window and peered down at Sandy as she got into her car, his hand straying absently to his half hard cock.

He had no idea of what was going through her mind, or that she was sniffing his cum in her hair. In the end it didn’t even matter how painful it was for Sandy to sit in her car seat. All that mattered was that she was gone. In a dash Jerry scooped her mutilated panties up off the floor held them up - he couldn’t believe that HE was holding Sandy’s panties in his hands - the last pair wasn’t as exciting as these. He could feel the dampness in them as he inhaled her scent. His cock sprang to full attention. Jerry jumped on his bed and whacked off furiously with her panties wrapped around his cock. As his cock erupted - again - Jerry realized too late that the panties were now ruined. There was no way he wanted to sniff them now, covered in his own jizz. Then he remembered - Sandy was his slave now. He could get another pair - or even force her to wear these ones!

Jerry used the soiled panties to clean up the rest of his mess - and walked over to his desk naked. If he was going to make the most of the next 29 days, he needed to plan, and plan well!

Just as Jerry’s computer booted up he heard the front door again. He thought for a moment “What the hell is she doing back here...” and then it dawned on him. MOM... “Shit” he thought as he ran to get dressed.

“Honey... Jerry... I’m home” his mother called out.

Jerry rushed to finish getting dressed and barely managed to zip his fly without cutting his dick off just as his mother opened his bedroom door.

“Jerry Hon...” his mother stopped short. “You’ve CLEANED your room? Are you feeling ok?” his mother’s smile practically beamed.

“Uh - yeah mom... I um... you know... cleaned.” Jerry replied as he flicked Sandy’s soiled panties under his bed with his foot.

“Well, to what do I owe this honor?” his mom replied.

Then Jerry had an inspiration “Well, you always told me to clean it up, and um, I figured now was the perfect time. Um, well, you see, um”.

Jerry’s mom knew something was up “Well, spit it out young man? Did you get in trouble in school or something and think that this would help ease the blow?”

Jerry smiled at the word BLOW and chuckled ‘No mom, it’s just that Sandy and I are working on a project together for the next month and I figured you’d kill me if I brought her over here to see my mess!”

Jerry’s mom hesitated for a moment. A girl, up in his room? Not the best idea... but then again Jerry was always responsible, and it was for school. “Ah, OK honey... but I want you to bring her over so I can meet her, and you should do the same with her parents. We’re going to have some ground rules. Remember, even though you are growing up this is my house and still my rules. No sitting on the bed, you have to keep the door open, and”

Jerry cut her off “Mom, with my schedule and her’s were going to have to use whatever time we have. We’ll work after school when neither of us has anything going on, and then on weekends too. This is our final year and Sandy is that person I told you about”

Now if was his mom’s turn to cut him off “That one that is always trying to out-do you? The one you are always complaining about?”

“Yes” Jerry said... “Why...”

“Oh - Honey, I feel for you. I know you and this Sandy don’t get along. Do you think your project will be OK?”

Jerry smiled “Oh yeah mom, no problem - as long as we stick to the ground rules right?” Jerry thought to himself “Yeah, RULES... there have to be RULES”.

“OK, well, I still want to meet this SANDY... but you meet whenever you can. Just promise me you’ll behave and be careful?’

“Mom - I’ll make sure everyone does exactly what they are told, don’t worry!”

Jerry’s mom smiled. He always was so responsible. It made raising him easy...

“Mom, I need to get back to planning for the project” Jerry said as he sat back at his computer.

His mom backed out of the room smiling at her son.

Jerry opened up a new document and wrote the title “Rules” and smiled...

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