Nevendar: The wizard's tale - Long train voyage - part 2

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Introduction - link.
New chapter.


“Excuse me. Are the seats taken?” Cristabella asked politely. Person inside was a man in early thirties. Dressed plainly in a black striped black vest. White shirt and white pants with single black stripe on the sides. As he scratched the back of he’s neck he turned towards the twins. He had a calm expression, eyes wide opened, there was nothing obviously strange, unpleasant about him, but he gave of a feeling of unpleasantness, as if there was something off putting about him. His behavior, jerky movements and stiff facial expressions.

“No, please come in. I traveled alone since yesterday. Since I started this trip, that is. It would be nice to finally talk to someone.” He talked fast. As if he was rushing to say every word.
Not deterred by the lone traveler, they entered and slowly steeled in to their seats on the opposite side.

“My name is Nicolas.”
After a slight pause.

“I am Cristabella and this is Luca.” She spoke formal and detached. She did not want to associate with a strangers as soon as they left, what was until recently, their home.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Nicolas. I come from Western Islands. I’d like to do some business in town of mages. There’s an academy there and I’d like to start selling my pottery there.”

Both twins were a little confused why was this man telling them all of this. He spoke as if he knew them. Too friendly for their liking. But their silence and disinterest did not deter talkative Nicolas.

“You see, I come from a long family of potters. Some of my family members decide to make and sculpt pots, I sell them. What does your family do?”
“They were mages.”
“Were. What do they do now?”
“Retired ha. I could never retire. I live to work and work to live. Only boring and old people retire.”
Cristabella and Luca looked at each other, while Nicolas looked at them in confusion.
"Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

It was unclear why he was sorry, or if he really was sorry at all. Maybe it was because he realized that twins might be orphans, or was it because they looked poor. Luca was never good at talking. This becomes even more evident when talking to strangers, or in his case, not talking. Silence become deafening. Nicolas still wanted to say something, anything.

The other side did not feel as awkward. They stopped acknowledging his presence few moments ago. Cristabella was admiring the landscape as she sat next to the window. The train passed fields of grass. Farmers harvesting fields, that stretched to the horizon. In the distance she could see large mountain ranges she read about. This was her first time out in the world. This was the furthest she was ever been away from home.

Luca was warped in his thoughts. Mind lead him to faraway lands. Over the hills and far away. If someone paid attention, they could notice him smiling to himself a few times.

Minutes passed by, unchanged. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. As the door opened a young man walked in. He was tall. Brown hair. Eyes almost green. He had a suit case slightly bigger than the ones twins had.

“I hope this is one free. I've been walking for almost half an hour.”

“It’s free. Please enter. Sit.” Nicolas was again overcome by enthusiasm. He finally had someone to talk to again. This time he wanted to do it right. He told himself, he will not embarrass himself again.

“My name is Nicolas. What is your name? Young Sir.”

Similar as before, first response he got was unpleasant silence. He’s cheerfulness and overt enthusiasm was getting on people’s bad side.

“Just John?”
“Yeah. Just is my first name.”

Nicolas did not like the sarcastic tone. He felt offended. Not realizing that not everyone likes to be as friendly as he does. That applies even more for older strangers, talking to younger teens.

John sat on the same side as Nicolas. It is not what he wanted, but he had no choice. There was no room under the seat for his suit case, so he had to place it next to him and hold it for the rest of the journey. It was not something he was looking forward to. He immediately noticed the twins. Even if they were not just opposite of him, they stood out even in the environment they were. Pitch black hair. Cristabella’s was straight, shoulder length and Luca had slightly curly. Both had bright blue eyes. As if they were sapphire stones. Skin slightly brownish, almost bronze.

“You two going to mage academy?”
“We are. I’m Luca and this is my twin sister, Cristabella.”

Luca answered prompting Cristabella to take notice. He might struggle to be more social, but not even he likes to spend next eight hours in silence.

“I thought you might be. It’d be nice to have someone to talk to. It’s a long trip.”
This line did not help Nicolas’s self-esteem.

“What class are you going to enroll to?” Cristabella asked in a carefree voice. She wanted to test John. To see how good he is with magic.
“Elemental.” He said slowly as air around him became hooter. Soon, tips of he’s fingers lit on fire. The very words he said, that one word, felt like fire itself. Nicolas looked very impressed.


As John’s fingers lit up, Luca’s smile widened. He was always impressed by elementalists, but he never saw one in person. Before he could continue admiring and starting a flurry of questions, he was stopped by his sister.

“Very impressive. Let’s see what you think about this.” Before she finished her sentence, John’s fingers turned off. He crossed his arms and smiled. Waiting to see what she is going to do. Soon air started to become heavier and her voice distorted.

“Open, first gate. I call my, Wendersnaven!”
“A butterfly? It’s a nice trick, but that’s just some kind of butterfly.”


Wendersnaven is an uncommon summon. Most summoners do not like them that much, as they can be unpredictable. Their powers are not that useful ether, in most situations at least. Some have issue with the fact that Wendersnaven are far too cute. A small humanoid body. White, almost pink skin covered with flowers and petals. Compered to its size, large colorful, butterfly like wings. Wearing a small cap. Eyes white and a bright smile. The most noticeable of all traits are their squeaky sounds. They did not speak, but are able to express their emotions. Usually, very overtly.

“Why make a contract with a Wendersnaven? They can’t hurt anyone. They’re not very strong, or useful. They can’t even carry your stuff.”
“Don’t underestimate it just because it’s small and cute. Some of the deadliest creatures are brightly colored.”
“Yes, but I know what they can do and they can’t hurt or damage anything.”
“Not directly. As I said, they have their uses. Everyone has their own way.”

Wendersnaven sat on Cristabella’s lap. She started petting it. Small creature raised its head, closed its eyes. John saw he could not argue with her as it would only lead to them yelling at each other. Summoners are usually calm, thoughtful and logical. Elementalists on the other hand tend to be hotheaded and emotional.

“What about you? You also going to be boring summoner?”
Just as Luca attempted to answer. He was stopped when he heard a loud shrinking scream piercing everyone’s ears.

“My baby! Where is he? Please! Where is my son?”

John opened the door. Outside, a young woman was talking to conductors. She continued to yell and cry as two men tried to comfort her.

“This is so amazing! I have never seen real magic in my life. I would love to see what Luca can do. It has to be something breathtaking.”

Nicolas was clearly as excited as always. Maybe even more so. Kids in the train cabin did not share his enthusiasm. Cristabella had a serious and stern look on her face. She tuned to Luca and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“I know that look. You want to go look for the kid?”
“I do. It would be a lot easier if you could call your other summon. ”
“Who says I can’t?”
“But you already have one out. You can concentrate for both of them? It’s going to take another hour for Wendersnaven to leave.”
“There’s another way to do this.”

Cristabella looked even more determined to do what she needs to do. She realized how much stress this will have on her mind and body, but she wanted to help her brother, to encourage him to be more proactive. She did not wanted him to walk around aimlessly.

“I want to help too. Please let me help?” Nicolass was ecstatic.
“John, can you help as well?”
“Of course. It’s sad to see someone lose their parents. I can only imagine what’s going through little guys head.”
Luca and Cristabella locked at each other for a brief second.
“Nicolas, you go with John.”

John was not happy, but he accepted, grudgingly. She had to get Nicolas out of the cabin in order to do what she intended. It was the only way to successfully call more than one summon, she had to be focused.

“Wendersnaven, listen to Luca if anything goes wrong. Also, I want you to follow feelings that mother has for her son. Visit every place you can sense them and inform Luca if you find a little boy. Look for a place where she felt for her boy the most.“

Little creature flew up in to the air and out through out the door. Startling conductors left after they led the young woman away. Cristabella crossed her legs beneath her and placed her open palms on her knees. Air around her changed and her voice distorted again, a lot more this time.

“Open, first gate. I call, Gauris!”
In front of her a small strange four legged creature appeared. Big ears and a fluffy tail. Big bright eyes. Pale blue fur.
“Can you summon anything that’s not fluffy and cute?” John asked.


“Please be quiet. Can’t talk. Have to concentrate. Please go. Gauris, listen to Luca. Help him find what he is looking for. Do what he says.”
“Why not just tell him to find the kid?”
“Leave. Concentrating!”

Luca closed the door, still puzzled what she meant. He was usually more emotional, while she kept cool head and thought about things around her. He suspected she figured something out, or that she had an alternate plan. There might even be another reason for sending Nicolas out. Not just because she wouldn't be able to concentrate. Maybe he was meant to do something she could not. But then, does she not trust her own brother? Or is she manipulating him in some way?

Small, dog like creature followed Luca closely waiting for an order. There must be a reason for not telling her summon to find the kid. As they walked out Luca asked one of the conductors to lock it. She did not ask why and locked it without much thought. Still shaken from the cries of a mother. She suspected a girl would like to be undisturbed for the remainder of the journey. Traveling with this many young mages made her use to stranger things.

As Luca was walking away, he overheard John. Mentioning Cristabella and that something was silly. He really did not listen that well, not as much as he should. He walked towards the back of the train. As he passed by passengers, he wanted to ask someone if they have seen a little kid. He really did not know if it was a kid, or a baby. Or maybe an older kid. For all he knew he could have been his age. Even if he knew what to ask, he still had to ask someone. A complete stranger. He wished to see someone he recognizes. There were more kids who wanted to go to the same school as he and his sister. He even noticed some of them on the train station. If he could find someone, they might help him ask about what he was looking for.

So many thoughts rushed through his mind. He was becoming more and more nervous. This whole search for the missing son, might have been a bad idea. He was prepared to give up and go back to the cabin. To get lost in his thoughts again. To be somewhere else, to be someone else. Someone who can ask a stranger a simple question. That is all he needed to be right now and even that was too difficult for Luca.

Suddenly Gauris barked. Happily jumping and running around. Biting Luca’s pants and pulling him. Luca smiled while looking at him.

“You’re right. I said I’ll change. I decided that I will not give up as easy as before.” He thought to himself.

With new found conviction he continued forward. Towards the end of the train. After a few more cabin he reached part of the train where there were only a few students. This was a part of the train where families were.
Out of nowhere, or nowhere for someone as absent minded as Luca was in that moment, an old lady almost bumped into him.

“Oh, excuse me.”
“Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. I am so sorry.”
“You’re very polite young man. But you should watch where you’re going.”
“I’m really sorry. I was caught up in thoughts. I’m looking for someone.”
“A family member?”
“No, a kid. A little kid was lost and I’m trying to find him.”
“Do you know what he looks like? How old is he?”
Luca paused for a moment.
“Um, no. Sorry. I don’t.”
“You really apologies a lot don’t you? How are you going to find someone you don’t know? Do you even know whose child this is?”
“A woman was crying. She said she lost her son. I had to at least try and find him.”
“So you never expected to actually find this kid?”
“No. I mean I was. But I, wasn't thinking. I want to find him, there must be a way.”
“If you use that Gauris properly, you should be able to go in the right direction, at least.”
“I’m not really sure how. I think I should tell him to find the lost kid?”
“Then you might be running through this train for who knows how long. Gauris might interrupt that as anyone who is not with their friends, or family. At that time. Even if they got up for a walk that might be interrupted as being lost.”
“So what should I do?”
Old woman petted the little dog like creature.
“What is its name?”
“Est. It’s called Est.”
“I see. That’s a pretty name. As you might know, they are not reliable in finding something, or someone over a great distance. You have to search each cabin one by one. ”
As she got up she continued talking.
“A sumoner should know how to do this.”
“But I’m not a sumoner. My sister is.”
“Really? She must trust you a lot then. You just need to think how you would find someone unknown.”

Luca was still unsure what he should do, many thoughts raced through his head. There must be something he is missing. He thought. Woman sighed and continued.

“I usually don’t do this, but tell it to look for someone young, scared, who lost someone dear.”
“Thank you so much. If there is any way I can repay you?”
“There is no need for that. Take care.”

She walked past him and through the door leading to the previous cabin. Luca immediately told Est what mysterious woman had told him to say and continued. He never stopped to consider who that old lady might be. But Luca was never someone who thought much before acting. Something he struggled with for a long time.

Little Est was snooping around as they passed one cabin after the other. Luca repeating the same line every time they entered a new one, They could find no one. After a while they reached a part where there were no passengers. Luca was not sure why. John told them there was almost no seats left and yet there was a whole cabin, empty. Slowly they entered part of the train reserved for cargo.

All he could see was crates, large bags and sealed metal containers. It was not long before he started hearing people talk. At first he assumed they were securing cargo for safer transportation. As he approached the voices become clearer.


Images links: image 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

part 1
part 2
part 3

part 1

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That's quite an interesting story! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

Thanks, I'll try to continue with the story as soon as possible :)

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