The Bryce Slaay Story. CHAPTER 1

in #fiction7 years ago

Bryce Slaay was one HOT woman. Her honey complexion, creole accent, and seductive aura left any man in her path weak in the knees.

She was never short on men garnering for her attention. What she desperately desired was to be loved by the right man. But that didn't matter at the moment.

It is seven o'clock in the morning and she has been seduced out of her sleep by the slippery, wet tongue of Spencer James, her side piece. Bryce didn't play by the rules and stereotypes of society. She didn't give a damn. She'd smash five different guys in a week and dare you to call her a slut. Bryce was liberated and she didn't give two shits what anyone thought about it. She was getting her rocks off, just like guys do.

Bryce grinds on Spencer's face , moaning and digging her claws into his scalp. She leaves her mark on his mouth and he finally, comes up for air.

"Good morning to you too" said Bryce. Spencer slides beside her. An awkward silence fills the room.
'So...don't you have that thing this morning?" says Bryce, hinting at the fact that she no longer has need for Spencer's services at this time.

"Damn! Thanks for reminding me." Spencer hops out of bed and slides on his boxers. He pauses. "Mind if I catch a quick shower?" Bryce looks around the room, "you mean MY shower?" Bryce was pissed that Spencer would even as such a question. He knew the rules; no showering for side pieces. Before she could respond, he shuts the bathroom door and fires up the shower. Bryce stews in her anger.

The smell of sizzling bacon, eggs, pancakes and coffee permeates the air. Bryce pours a glass of orange juice to complement her three-course breakfast cuisine. "Ummm! Smells amazing." utters Spencer, fixing his trousers and tightening his tie. "Fix me a plate."

Bryce takes a break from her meal to laugh and glare at Spencer for his foolish request. He looks down at his watch. "Gotta go. Rehearsal starts in thirty minutes."

"Look at you, walking down the aisle.", smirks Bryce, filling her fork with food.

"She's the one", says Spencer, putting the final touches on his outfit. Bryce chuckles and shakes her head. "If you say so."

"Still coming to the wedding, right?" Spencer petitions.

" With bells on, Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Spencer kisses Bryce on the cheek and heads to the door. He turns to her.

"Call you after wedding rehearsal." He heads out of the door.



Loads of information. Thanks. Love it. @thefamilyman Followed

This is pretty brilliant really you did very well job.

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