<peaks in... reads and blushes all the way to the tip of her tail.....aww your such a sweetheart 💗💗😘🐲🐉Thank you from the button of the ice cold dragon heart! Your writing skills are astonishing !! :D
soo, now after incountered the dragon; arn't the folkloar about them true????
Did you knwo, there are actually 4 diffrent kinds of dragons? ok ok the few that actually are still alive, being exctinct and all^^
Being a generous person like you, who take care of others daily and never get anything back, should be treated right & be respected for what you do; Its a dragons duty to show others; this is a human worth noticing!💗💗🐲🐉
Ha ha are you suure, i did alll of that??? hi hi LOL
next tag we should have is #dragonsmarriagefixing ;) might be some bitcoins in that LOL
It makes me so happy that i actually could help you babe even if we havent known one an other for so long
But it was a looot of tail wagging to get that sorted , iii so soo remembering you saying; -you missunderstand me.. he he
“Do not leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near her.
♡ 🐲ℒℴve 🐉♡
Bitcoins.....hmmm. if you want something written I require no payment and would gladly complete the task.
Now I am the one blushing...thank you your precious comments.