Your Destiny (Short Story)

in #fiction5 years ago

By enriquelopezgarre on

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS gently informed her.

She looked outside and there was nothing but a wide, open field.

“This can’t be right”, she said out loud. “There’s nothing here! They don’t host a party in the middle of nowhere! I must have entered the address wrongly.” She grabbed the device and opened the menu. There was no address displayed.

“Weird”, she said, pulled out the slip of paper she had been given by her friend just a few hours ago, and entered the address written down on it. @suesa

Please turn right in 500 metres.

“There we go! Was that so hard!”

She drove for another half an hour, until …

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS informed her.

The same empty field. The sun was starting to set.

“What is wrong with you?”, she asked the GPS.

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS informed her.

“This is not my destination! There is nothing here! Absolutely nothing!”

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS insisted.

She hesitated. Why did the GPS keep saying that? Usually, it didn’t repeat itself like that. She waited to see if it would happen again.



“This is silly”, she said. “I’m just anxious because it’s getting dark and I don’t want to be late to the party. So let’s try this again.” She reached for the device.

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS pointed out.

She flinched and pulled her hand away.

It had replied again.

Something else was wrong too …

“It’s ‘destination’, not ‘destiny’. I have arrived at my destination!”

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS disagreed.

She tried to slow her breathing, struggled to stay calm. Maybe she should just drive away? Drive back home? But she didn’t know where she was. She didn’t know how to get home. The GPS was the only thing that could guide her, her phone was being repaired! That was the only reason she had dug up this antiquated device! What was she supposed to do?

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS asserted.

“And what is it, my destiny? Won’t you tell me?” She felt silly, asking the GPS questions like this. Of course it didn’t respond to her! Why would she think so! It was a brainless machine, it was …

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS comforted.

“But where is it? How long do I have to wait? Am I just supposed to wait here until something happens?”

You have arrived at your destiny The voice of the GPS agreed.

“Fine. In that case I’ll wait here. Does that make you happy?”

Your destiny is to your right The voice of the GPS interjected.

She turned to the right

And saw

She had been right to stay.

Signature by @atopy


That was beautiful. It's weird how I kept reading ''destination'' even though you were saying ''destiny''.

It's great to have you back. Have a good one!

As to quote Geralt of Rivia: "Hmm".

For some reason I thought a major catastrophe would take place, another planet crashing into Earth, perhaps. But all we're left with in the end of the story are questions in our heads.

Who says that can't still happen?

And saw... saw what?

This is something I do not get. Confusing. Hm. Might be the fact it's 2am.

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