Nora (Luna 3, Part 1)
”Next stop: Luna 3. Please stay seated until the vehicle has completely stopped. We thank you for choosing SpaceVenture today. Please remember …”
The rest of the announcement was drowned out by people packing their things and leaving their seats, despite the warning. Nora watched them. Her bag was already packed, and she knew that if she would stand up now, it wouldn’t be any faster than if she waited for everyone to get out first. It was like this every morning. And most people never seemed to learn this.
When the transportation unit finally came to a halt, people left it in a hurry. Nora walked out slowly. Being early to work wouldn’t mean she could leave early too. It wouldn’t even get her any additional money. They’d just claim that the documentation machine had been broken and she had actually arrived later than she had been supposed to. And then they’d cut her pay.
It had happened before.
She walked down the street towards an office building, when something suddenly grabbed her ankle. She shrieked and jumped backward, almost falling down.
”Sorry, ma’am, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I didn’t … I’m sorry, it’s just …”
A cephi. A fucking cephi. What was it doing out here? Cephis weren’t allowed to leave their districts. Nora looked down at her ankle, expecting to see slime where the chepi had grabbed her with its tentacle. She wrinkled her nose and proceeded to walk past the thing.
It grabbed her ankle again.
”Please!” It called out. ”I can’t find my mom!” Nora turned back around and looked at the cephi. It was tiny, that was true. But could it really be a child? She never knew with those things. It was creepy enough, that they were able to speak.
Cephis were the descendants of animals called cephalopods. For millions of years, they had been mostly harmless animals, living in the ocean. Humans had known them as squid, octopuses or cuttlefish and either ignored or ate them. Only a few scientists had been interested in studying them. @suesa
It had been known that cephalopods had a certain degree of intelligence, uncommon for mollusks and even for most other animals, but nobody had worried too much about it. After all, they had still been animals.
And then several things happened.
Humanity had entered an age of technological progression, everything was going really fast in many areas. But at the same time, the planet was dying. Species were going extinct or were forced to adapt. And adapt the cephalopods did. Actively.
In basically all animals, evolution happened through the accumulation of mutations that proved to be beneficial. Bit by bit, the animals could change and adapt to their surroundings. But this process took time and the earth was dying faster than beneficial mutations could accumulate. Especially because not every mutation had a positive effect.
But the cephalopods were different. They directed their own evolution, by actively editing their RNA, which was the link between DNA and proteins. And by doing this, they evolved a lot faster and in a direction that helped them survive.
Their intelligence increased, and they made contact with humanity. But humanity didn’t like that.
Neither did Nora.
”I can’t help you. Go find some other cephi, they’ll help you find your mom. I need to go to work.”
The color of the tiny cephi turned from a hopeful yellow to a greyish blue as it withdrew its tentacles from Nora and skittered towards the side of the road. It seemed miserable. Then again, cephis always did.
Nora started to feel bad. It wasn’t this child’s fault that it was born as a weird joke of nature. In fact, humanity might have treated cephis differently if they had come from a different planet, not earth. But even after centuries of space travel, they hadn’t been able to find any aliens. They had colonized almost every solid planet and moon in their own solar system and were expanding further and further. But there was nothing.
And they were stuck with cephis.
”Ugh, alright”, Nora finally said, ”I will help you look. But don’t touch me again, you hear me? And hurry, I don’t want to be seen with you.”
The cephi turned bright orange and moved closer towards Nora.
”Thank you! Thank you!”
With the child by her side, she started walking towards the cephi district. Nora didn’t understand why cephis had been allowed to settle on Luna 3. The Moon, one of those that orbited Jupiter and had been the third to be colonized, was far from Earth and even drier than Mars. Cephis still needed a lot of water to survive, despite their adaptions, and water on Luna 3 was expensive.
Then again, the rate of hate crimes was comparably low. Nora knew of several colonies where cephis were hunted, fried and eaten on a regular basis. Protest groups had tried to stop that practice, but there weren’t enough of them. And nobody besides them cared about the weird, soft animals that suddenly gained more intelligence than they were supposed to have.
”We’re almost there”, the cephi said excitedly. ”I think I recognize these houses.”
”Great. I’m sure you’ll find your way home now by yourself.”
”Noooooo please don’t leave me!” The cephi shrieked. ”I’m scared!”
Nora sighed.
”FINE!” They kept walking down the street. Then they turned around a corner and were met by about fifty cephis. All of them were clearly adults. And they all seemed to stare at her and the child. Nora swallowed hard.
”It seems we found your people”, she said, almost losing her voice. ”I’m sure you can now …”
Something penetrated the soft skin on her neck. She reached up and had a thin dart in her hand.
”What the hell …” Everything went black.
The Cephalopods surrounded the unconscious human.
”You did well, little one”, one of them said to the child that had brought the human. ”That’s the 8th this week. If we keep this up, we will be able to infiltrate the whole base in no time.” The Cephalopod looked at another one. ”Are you ready to go through with the procedure?” It asked. The other one flashed its colors in agreement.
”I always wondered what it’d be like to steer a human”, it said. ”Cut her open so I can replace her brain.”
Squid and octopus can edit and direct their own brain genes
Octopus genome holds clues to uncanny intelligence
Watch Jumbo Squid Speak by 'Flashing' Each Other
Picture taken from
Wow !! The twist was great!! Is it a series or is it over ?
The end reminds me of a movie - the host (2013) . Have you seen that movie?
I think I read the book a while back. Wasn't the inspiration tho!
And I don't know yet if it's going to be a series.
Make it 😃😃 Its good. It is said that monkeys are not the most intelligent after humans, octopuses are !! Glad to see how you placed it into a fictional character!! 👏🏻
I also started writing fiction recently. Its not that creative as yours, but i feel it deserves a read! Have a look at it in my profile if you feel like. I wish to learn from you and write better 😃
Jep. I have to agree with @reggaemuffin here. MOARR.
I honestly feel bad for evolution. People never seem to learn it nowadays too. Also the Idea of having to walk in the direction of the train that is approaching the platform. Why people? Why?
This part came from a personal bit of frustrating experience. :D
Well, you made me smile quite a bit, since that was exactly what I thought.
I can see you sitting there with the constant paint of "WHY?"
Great post S.
The pain >.<
I officially request 10 followup parts to it, knowing you hate me for it xD
Life's tough :P Maybe I will expand it. Need to think about that.
I can somewhat relate to this request, however I would be open to another option called "Use the same world in another story you will write in the future".
So we could get more of this, without actually continuing the story.
You should of ended it with the star wars guy yelling " its a trap!"
Never trust children that grab you by the ankles
I feel your frustration with public transport :)
Ok... I did not expect the story to end in that way... Very interesting, you captured my attention, good job. This is a great post. Thank you for sharing.
Woooow! That was an unexpected twist in the end. I was impressed by the kindness of Nora despite the fact that she didn’t really like cephis. The cephis who acted helpless was “evil”
After all. Poor Nora!
Great writing! Keep it up!
Good and evil are often a question of perspective
I agree with you. Looking forward to your next post. I enjoy reading posts here. Thanks again
Beautiful story, though I was some how confused along the way. I appreciate the way you explained the biology of cephis especially what is unique about them which are their ability to direct their own evolution, by actively editing their RNA which enable them to evolve faster in a way that makes them to survive. Your research really true. Thanks for sharing this post .
Check the sources I provided :) It's not 100% clear how they do it but cephalopods seem to be able to modify their DNA.
What an interesting take on evolution. I guess there's some evidence of imprinting controlling genomic regulation, but 'active evolution' really has to have some amazing advantages. What an original concept!
I also can't decide if Nora is the victim here or simply got what was coming...
A great story :) Thanks!
Eh, she's a victim of the circumstances but still got what she had coming.
Whay she had coming? You set her up to die, you did. All she did was to be nice to a lost cephi. Not like she fried them like the other humans.
But initially, she didn't want to help. She despised cephis all her life and treated them like dirt. If the little one hadn't tried so hard, she wouldn't have spent a second thought on why a child is alone in such a hostile city.
If I treat a certain group of people like dirt all my life, does it make me a good person if I help one of them just once?
Sure, Nora could have changed. I initally planned for her to become friends with the cephis. But that wouldn't be realistic, would it?
She despised them all her life. They were creepy moving things, at least that was the norm, there is nothing to say she had at a point come in contact with any to change the notion.
But here she did, she is thinking of work, the hours already counting, her place of work don't look like a friendly one. She needs the salary
Anyways, she got all this in her head. Then this creepy cephi grabs at her ankle, if she was a bad person her first instinct would have been to kick it off, but no she did not. She even thought her ankle would be covered in slime which goes to show she had never had any contact with one before now.
This could happen to anyone, we all affix a stereotype for people from a partictular place until there is a chance for meeting and our notions change.
She even listens to it, thinks to herself "well, its just a baby" . Not her fault she is in that body. See, she doesn't totally discriminate
Then she goes on to help, she would be late to her work. Though it doesn't reflect on her salary if she is early.
Anyways, it is just not fair that you set her up to die. Not fair.
Maybe. But how boring would stories be if they were fair?
Well, I am not a scientist, but I sure learnt something from this interesting story.
Never be too trusting and emotional!
If Nora had simply ignored the little cephis and moved on to work, she wouldn't have fallen prey to its trap.
I will surely keep tabs to know how this story will end.