
in #fiction7 years ago

this story occur in self-Prophet before his death. Prophet has been sick rather long time, so that the state of his Sgt weak. one day Prophet ask Bilal calling all shbt DTG mosque. shortly kmdian, filled mosque with the shbt. all feel miss after a while not mendpt taushiyah Dr. Prophet. he sat down with weak in the pulpit. his face pale, hold back pain that TGH in deritanya. then the Prophet said: "Oh sahabat2 my all. I would like to ask, if I have to say all kpdmu, that Allah SWT it is satu2nya God who worth in worship?" all shbt menjwb with ballot bersmgt, "true Oh the Messenger of Allah, you have to say KPD US that Allah SWT is satu2nya God who worth worshiped." then the Prophet said: "persaksikanlah Yes God. in fact I have convey mandate this KPD Mark." then the Prophet said again, and every what the Messenger of Allah sabdakan always justified by the best friend. finally arrived KPD one question enacting the shbt sad and touched. Prophet said: "in fact, I would go see God. and Prev I go, I want to complete all affairs with humans. then I would like to ask KPD all of you. is there any i've indebted KPD you? I want to complete the debt. krn I don't mahu met with God DLM Hock with humans." when it all shbt silent, and inly masing2 said "where there allah's Apostle saw owe money with US? we were the reply many owe KPD the Messenger of Allah". the Prophet repeat that question sebyk 3 times. tiba2 up seorg man who named ukasyah, seorg shbt former thugs Prev sign in Islam, he said: "Yes the Messenger of Allah! I wanted to say this problem. if this is considered debt, then I ask you finish. suppose BKN debt, it is not it is necessary to you do apa2". the Prophet said: "convey Oh ukasyah". then ukasyah district court start told me: "I still remember when war uhud first, one when you horse riding, then you pukulkan whip back horse. TTP whip TSB miss it on the back horse, but jesteru exposed on my chest, krn when I stand behind the horse that you ride Oh the Messenger of Allah". mendgr the Prophet said: "in fact it is a debt Oh ukasyah. if I used at you, so today I will receive it the same." with sound that rather high ukasyah said: "if so I wanted to do so immediately Oh the Messenger of Allah." ukasyah seakan2 not feel guilty say so. sdgkan when it some shbt screaming angry world war ukasyah. "it's you don't heartless ukasyah. bknkah Majesty SDG sick. ukasyah ignoring it all. Prophet ask Bilal take whip at home his Fatimah. Bilal ask whip it from Fatimah, then Fatimah asked:" for what the Messenger of Allah ask whip's Oh Bilal? "Bilal menjwb with tone sad:" whip this will be used ukasyah for hitting the Messenger of Allah "surprised and cry Fatimah saying:" why ukasyah want at my father Prophet? my father SDG pain, if mahu Mukul, pukullah I his ". Bilal menjwb:" the real this is the affair between Mark both ". Bilal bring whip the mosque and given to ukasyah. after taken whip, ukasyah heading to hdpn the Messenger of Allah. tiba2 Abu Bakr stand blocking ukasyah saying:" ukasyah ..! if you want to hit, pukullah me. I org who first faith with what the Prophet convey. I am the sahabtnya Kala like and grief. if you want to hit, then pukullah I ". the Prophet:" sit Oh Abu Bakr. this affair between me with ukasyah ". ukasyah to kehdpn the Messenger of Allah. then Umar stand blocking ukasyah saying:" ukasyah ... if you mahu Mukul, pukullah me. first MMG I don't like mendgr name Muhammad, even I prnh intend for hurt, it first. now should not be there seorg district court that blh hurt Prophet Muhammad. if you dare hurt the Messenger of Allah, then langkahi first mayatku ... "ago dijwb by the Prophet:" sit Oh Umar. this affair between me with ukasyah ". ukasyah to kehdpan the Messenger of Allah, tiba2 stand Ali IBN Abu Talib cousin well-law Prophet. he blocking ukasyah saying:" ukasyah, pukullah I only. blood same flow on my body is Oh ukasyah ". ago dijwb by the Prophet:" sit Oh Ali, this affair between me with ukasyah ". ukasyah the closer with the Messenger of Allah. tiba2 without suspected, rise up two grandchildren kesygan Prophet specifically Hasan and husen. Mark both holding TGN ukasyah while asking." Oh uncle, pukullah we uncle, grandfather we SDG pain, pukullah we only Oh uncle, indeed we this grandson kesygn the Messenger of Allah, with hit our true that the same with menyakiiti grandfather US, Oh uncle "ago the Prophet said:" Oh cucu2 kesyganku sit you. this affairs grandfather with uncle ukasyah ". so get stairs pulpit, with aloud ukasyah said:" how do I mahu hit you Yes the Messenger of Allah. you sit up and I below. if you mahu I am, then go down down here. "the Prophet MMG human best. lover God was asked bbrp shbt memapahnya down. Prophet seated on a chair, last with voice firm ukasyah say again:" first time you hit me, I don't wear, Yes the Messenger of "the shbt Sgt furious mendgr words ukasyah. without air-lama2 DLM state of weak, the Messenger of Allah open her shirt. then terlihatlah body Prophet who Sgt beautiful, SDG bbrp Stone bound in the stomach Prophet sign Prophet SDG hold hungry. then the Prophet said:" Oh ukasyah, immediately and jgnlah you air-lebih2an. later God will be the wrath of you. "ukasyah directly stormed towards the Prophet, whip in tgnnya he waste jauh2, then he hug the body of the Prophet seerat2nya. crying bachelor in economics-jadi2nya, ukasyah said:" Yes the Messenger of Allah, forgive me, i'm sorry, where there are people who could hurt you Yes the Messenger of Allah. deliberately I do so that I DPT close up my body with your body. because you ever said "whoever skin been in contact with me forbidden fire it" in my life I air-cita2 DPT hug. krn actually I know that your body will not be eaten by the fire. and it I fear with fire. i'm sorry Yes the Messenger of Allah ... "the Prophet with a smile said:" Oh sahabat2ku all, if you want to see the experts heaven, then look at the ukasyah .. "all shbt exude tears. then the shbt alternately hugging the Prophet. hopefully with reading this when no tears this proves the love we KPD lover Allah ... Cor sholli 'Alaa Muhammad. Cor sholli' alayhi yours respectfully ... may Allah SWT always meredhai all of US, aamiin ... around the love the Prophet. we are all the people of the Prophet's a w اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى ال سيدنا ابراهيم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد كما باركت على سيدنا ابراهيم وعلى ال سيدنا ابراهيم فى العالمين انك حميد مجيد أستغفر الله

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