Black: Day 01 - Chapter 05

in #fiction5 years ago

Los Angeles, California
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 - 01:30 AM

Just before Adam can turn the keys in his car, the passenger door opens, and Mona invites herself in.

Mona has always been headstrong and not someone who takes no for an answer easily. There was no way for Adam to avoid this conversation.

"Okay, what's going on?"

Adam sighs, pressing the back of his head on the cushion, but doesn't try to shoo Mona away. He knows better.

"Mona, listen. I know you're upset."
"Of course I'm upset. You're keeping me in the dark. You never do that. Don't you think I deserve better? From you of all people. Adam?"
"Yeah, I know. I left the office earlier because I got a call from Richard. He had a meeting with another one of our agents, Ethan Taylor, because he said he had evidence regarding the Miller hit."
"Okay? And this is a secret because?"
"Because the evidence Ethan had supposedly proves that someone within the agency is either behind the hit or involved in it."

Mona then has a slight look of disgust on her face.

"So, wait. Let me get this straight. Because you think someone in the agency is dirty, it means you couldn't trust me? Is that it?"
"Mona, listen to me. Richard is dead."

The look of disgust then quickly turns into a look of horror.

"He was shot right in front of me. We were ambushed at the Axxess Plaza. He handed me the evidence and told me to not trust anybody."
"So, do you know who's behind this?"
"No. Not yet. That's what I'm trying to find out."
"Do you need help?"
"You're a much bigger help if you stay here."
"So what are you working on?"
"Kevin was able to pull an address off a key card that Richard that gave me."

Just as it seemed they were finding an understanding, Mona feels insulted again.

"Oh. So you couldn't trust me, but you could tell Kev, right?"
"No, no. Just tell me. Did you keep me in the dark because I wasn't on your list of trusted friends? You thought there's a risk that maybe I'm the dirty agent? Right? Actually, don't answer that."

Mona gets up from her seat and steps out.

"I just really thought that after everything that's happened, I deserved better from you, Adam. That's all."

She slams the door shut. Adam could try to reason with her, but there is no time, so he drives off.

Somewhere in the City

Susan and Doug are also sitting comfy in the car, waiting for their daughters to arrive, while trying to keep each other company with small talk.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what is it that your husband is working on right now? I don't know much about government work, but it has to be one hell of a desk job that's keeping him there at 1:30 in the morning."
"He couldn't say. He rarely does. That's just how it is. I mean, it's the nature of what he does."
"I can't imagine that being easy."
"Well, like I said before. It's had its challenges over the years. I just wish he could be here right now. With our daughter missing. I'm just-
well, I've never been good at handling stress, I suppose."

Susan thinks of all the times she calmed herself with the bottle when Adam was out risking his life. Of course, she won't go into detail about all that to someone she just met today.

Doug notices Susan got slightly uncomfortable.

"I didn't mean to pry, or anything."
"Oh no, it's okay. It's good to have company right now. There's something that's just bothering me about Megan's phone call just now."
"What is it?"
"She ended by saying she loves me."

Susan says that with the first smile on her face she has had in several hours now.

"She never says that. It's not what I'm used to hearing from Megan."
"Heh, well. I think she knows she's about to get grounded. And she's trying to reduce the sentence."
"Yeah, I suppose. But I'm taking away her driver's license until she's 30, no negotiations."
"Hah. Yeah. Well, I suppose it's Julie's driver's license we should be worried about right now. She was the one to pick Megan up, remember?"
"We have all the time in the world, so we might as well work on the speech we're gonna give to both of the girls once they get back."
"That's actually not a bad idea, haha."

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Senator Miller is having a private conversation with his head of security about the threat to his life he was just informed of. With Maria out of the room, Andrew can be more direct.

"So, sir. I think it would be apt to discuss the scheduling of the following day. Considering the threat."

But Bruce has no desire to let this affect anything. He has always been bold and stubborn, and even an apparent death threat is not enough to change that.

"Absolutely not. I will not let whoever is behind this to have this sort of victory over me."
"With all due respect, sir, I'm not sure you appreciate the seriousness of this threat."
"Andrew, I get death threats every day."
"This one is different."
"What do we even know so far?"
"That these are serious people. And they want you dead. Today."

The frankess of Andrew's statement does hit Bruce. But regardless, after a moment of silence, he still refuses to stand down.

"Today is Primary Day. I refuse to hide in my hotel room."
"I understand. But I am still recommending some changes to the scheduling. For instance, the breakfast-"
"The breakfast is important. The top labour leaders of the state are going to be there."
"We are trying to keep you alive, Mr. Senator."
"And I'm trying to win an election. Andrew. Now if you will excuse me."

Andrew doesn't like it, but he follows the orders given.

"Yes, sir."

Outside of the City

Mark and Johnny have stepped away from the van to smoke cigarettes and discuss things privately.

Megan uses this opportunity to sneak out of the van towards Julie who is hanging half-conscious out of the passenger's window.


Megan gently slaps Julie on the cheek.

"Julie, wake up."

Julie is groggy due to a mixture of the alcohol she has consumed, as well as something Johnny gave her to drug her.

""Julie, please wake up and listen to me."*

She finally responds.

"What is it?"*

She also immediately feels intense pain on her arm.

"Ah, my arm!"

Megan puts her hand on Julie's mouth.

"Ssh! Stay quiet. This is really serious. Can you walk? We're being kidnapped."
"Yes. I don't know what's going on, but this is real. This is really serious. We might die. We have to get out of here."

Despite her grogginess, Julie can tell Megan is being serious. She nods as a sign of understanding.

Megan then quietly opens the door and Julie steps out. The boys have their backs turned to the van.

"You can walk?"

Julie takes a step.

"Okay. When I count to three, we'll make a run for it, okay?"

Julie, scared and confused, nods again in agreement.

Megan makes sure the boys aren't looking and starts the count.

"One. Two. Three!"

The girls sprint away from the van. They get a headstart before Johnny turns away to see them escaping.

"Shit! They're getting away!"

Mark and Johnny then rush into the van to go after them.

ATC Headquarters

Mona has a chat with Kevin about what Adam just told her.

"Adam filled me in about what's going on."
"How did you get it out of him?"
"I have my ways."
"Have you made any progress with the key card?"
"Yeah, slowly, but surely, it seems like-"

Before Kevin can finish up the sentence, his systems get jammed.

"What the-"

He keeps punching the keys, but everything is locked out.

"It's a lockdown. Level 3. I can't do anything."

They then instinctively turn their heads to the main entrance and see an imposing figure in a suit escorted into the building by more men in suits.

The man is Gregory Myers. District Director of ATC.

He is liked by the ATC staff just as much as he likes being part of ATC - and that is not at all.

Gregory always aimed higher in his career. ATC was supposed to be a quick stopping point until bigger things - but just like the receding hair on top of his head, his dreams of advancing further always seemed to escape him.

And he has taken that bitterness out on everybody who gets in his way. Including co-workers.

Gregory takes center stage to make an announcement.

"Everybody, may I have your attention for a moment. It is my duty to inform you that Administrative Director Richard Williams is dead."

There is a collective gasp in the office as Gregory continues.

"He was shot in the line of duty. His body was recovered at the Axxess Plaza. Along with another one of our agents, Ethan Taylor. We have also put out an ABP on one agent Adam Black. The last person to be seen with Mr. Williams at the time of his death."

Mona and Kevin look at each other, rolling their eyes.

"A level 3 lockdown has been instated until we get some answers. I'm sure you're all familiar with lockdown procedures, so I don't have to go through them with you. Basically, remain in the building. All incoming and outgoing communications will be monitored. If you are able to continue your work despite the lockdown, do so. If not - well, sit tight. This may take a while. That is all."

Mona immediately approaches Gregory. The two have butted heads on many occasions before.

"Excuse me. We're trying to stop an assassination here, Greg. Can't you really find anything better to do?"

Gregory hands Mona a piece of paper from his chest pocket.

"Orders from Division, Mona. Now, where's Adam?"
"I don't know."

Gregory tilts his head a little in almost comical disbelief.

"Where is he, Mona?"
"I told you. I don't know."

Gregory looks around for an empty office room and finds one.

"Come with me. I want a word with you."

Mona follows Gregory into the room and Gregory locks the door.

"Please. Sit."

Mona sits down and feels like she's about to be lectured to by her teacher.

"How long have you been a part of this agency now? Five years? It's been six already, hasn't it?"
"Six, yes."
"I remember when you first came here. You were really going places. We all knew that. Everybody said it. Mona's going to be at the top of the food chain one day. Hasn't really happened, though, has it?"
"I'm doing good, Greg."
"You're doing good, but you know you could be doing much better."

The truth in Gregory's words hit Mona, even if she's not entirely sure what his point is.

"All I'm saying, Mona, is that you had quite the reputation among the people here at one point. Strong. Independent. Capable."
"What's your point?"
"My point is, do you know what that reputation is these days? It's Adam's lackey. His lapdog."

Hearing this does cut the ambitious and career-driven Mona deep, but she refuses to sell Adam out - despite whatever differences they had a moment ago. Perhaps, in a way, she's trying to prove herself to Adam even now. She stays quiet.

"Tell me. What is it about that guy? He's a loose cannon. The rules don't apply to Adam Black. Never have. He does what he wants when he wants. Remember the Diaz case from last year? Son of a bitch knocked me out cold right here in this office. Disobeyed a lockdown. Just like this one. God knows for the millionth time. Why he still works here, I have no idea."
"The reason you're bitter about that is because Adam went against you and he was right. And in the end, he made you look bad. And that's why you're still stuck here. The reason he works here is that, without him, we would have never gotten Diaz. We had been tracking Diaz for how long? A year? And Adam was the one who made it happen. You just refused to listen to him. And you know that."

Gregory knows Mona is right, but it does nothing to help his dislike of Adam, so he grills Mona more and takes it to a more personal level.

"Does he make you feel special? Is that it? Special like when he was cozying with you for three months?"

Mona is appalled.

"Excuse me?"
"Yeah, I know. I know about the affair. I know everything that happens here inside these walls."
"My personal life is none of your concern, Gregory."
"It is if it affects your work."
"It doesn't affect my work."
*"So where is he now? Adam was there when Richard Williams was shot. And now he's nowhere to be found."
"Surely you don't think Adam had anything to do with that?"
"How should I know that? I'm asking you to tell me where he is because I know you do. You always do."
"You're kidding me."
"So let me get this straight. Feel free to correct me if I don't have all the facts straight. Adam and his wife separate. He snuggles you for a few months. Gets bored of you. And then moves back in with his wife to play family."

Mona turns away in disgust of being questioned about this stuff.

"No, that's not how it happened, and it really is none of your fucking business."

Gregory pretends he didn't hear anything and simply talks over her.

"Yet, for some odd reason, you're still sitting here defending him like he's this knight in shining armor who can do no wrong. After he threw you away after he got tired of playing with you. I'm giving you an opportunity to make this right, Mona."

Somewhere in Los Angeles

Adam arrives at the address Kevin managed to pull out of the key card. The entire neighbourhood seems to be asleep.

It's the less flashy, ghetto part of Los Angeles. The one not seen on TV and movies.

The address leads him to a warehouse. After double-checking the address, Adam quietly breaks in.

As he enters, he readies his gun.

There's a clicking sound that echoes in the walls.

A figure steps out of the corner, lighting a cigarette. Adam points at him with his gun.

"Don't move."

The man immediately makes a break for it before and Adam pursues. The warehouse is a maze, and the man makes it out through a back door with Adam following him into the alley.

The man hides behind a corner and manages to fire shots at Adam who manages to get behind cover just in time.

Nearby, a police officer is doing his patrols, hears the gun shots. He stops the car and radios in.

"320-54 reporting in. Shots fired in 11459 Fleetwood Street. Requesting backup."

The police officer gets in the middle of the chase as Adam and the man get around the corner. The man manages to get away, but Adam gets stopped by the officer.

"Stop! Police!"

Adam holds his hands in the air and tries to cooperate.

"Federal agent!"
"Oh, I'm sure!"

Adam then gets down on one knee and slowly places his gun on the ground.

"I'm putting my gun down!"

He then takes out his badge and throws it at the police officer. He glances at it and deems it legit.

"Yes, Anti Terrorist Coalition. Look, I can't let this man get away. This is very important. Either shoot me or help me, but decide now!"
"I'll help you."

Adam then picks his gun back up.

"I'm picking up my gun, okay?"

After picking up his gun and badge, Adam leads the way, hoping the man didn't manage to get away.


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