The Night Gods II-Chapter IX: The Speech

in #fiction7 years ago

Art by @marty-art on Steemit... with many thanks

It was a little more than a week until the election and Denning was in his suite at the Hilton practicing his "Win it for Maureen" speech... Time to pull the rabbit out of the hat, he thought. He mixed a drink and was about to take a drink when the door burst open- it was Przybysz.

"Don't you ever knock," he said irritably.

"Sit down and shut up," Przybysz told him curtly. "I've got news and you need to hear it. That cunt Cedeno from Senator Ashby's office just had lunch with Bret Shoemaker."

"So what?" Denning was nonplussed.

"So what? What do you think they were talking about you dumb fuck? You!"

"What the fuck do I care? They got nothing on me... now I got to practice my speech for tonight, so if you don't mind."

"Listen, you fucking idiot... you're ruthless, but you're stupid- in my book, that's a dangerous combination. Lockhart will go just so far to keep your ass out of the fire, but you fucked up big time... Mr. Football Hero. So far you've got by on looks and balls, but now you're playing in the big leagues... that's what I keep trying to tell you. If she didn't know something, she wouldn't have met with Shoemaker."

"Well, you worry... I'm not worried about it," Denning said blandly.

"My God... I swear you couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the heel!"

""Wouldn't it fall out..."

"Yeah, and you're too stupid to manage that. Now listen and listen good you dumb fucking hick... Shoemaker would like nothing better than to bring you down and us along with you." Przybysz was getting animated. "This guy is like a dog after a bone and once he starts digging..."

"Well can't you and your devil-worshipping buddies put the evil eye on him or something? I know how I'd handle him." Denning was grinning widely. This idiot is enjoying this Przybysz thought to himself.

"Look you fucking shitheel," Przybysz was getting pissed now, losing patience. "Worship isn't what you think. It's a group of people behaving in a certain way to accomplish the same end. It's a behavior... all those mental defectives in black robes burning black candles killing dogs and cats are just a bunch of kooks... they serve a purpose- they provide a detraction- a straw man. Worship in the true sense is people serving a purpose- a higher calling, to achieve a higher objective. I don't even know why I bother to try to explain anything to you."

"Look," Denning waved his hand dismissively, "I've got the perfect speech here... the one that will clinch the election."

"Well, you can tear it up," said Przybysz reaching into the inside pocket of his suit-coat. "This is the speech that Lockhart's guy wrote... the one you're giving tonight."

"Bullshit," Denning yelled jumping up. "I spent hours working on this."

"You have absolutely got to be the stupidest motherfucker I've ever met. To tell the truth, I don't see how you made it this far. If you don't give this speech tonight, you might not even see the election... Shoemaker, we can handle- Lockhart owns the network. It's you I'm worried about... you're an idiot who seems determined to keep shooting himself in the foot. Now get this straight- you're a puppet- we pull the strings."

"I want to see Lockhart," Denning was mad now. "Look, I know you guys are powerful- I get it. But, I got ideas... good ideas."

Przybysz shook his head laughing: "Lockhart won't see you under any circumstances... and as pissed as he still is at you- believe me- you do NOT want to see him. Now here, take this..." Przybysz handed Denning the envelope. "I got to go out for a while, I'll see you at the speech. Look, Denning, you might not believe this, but I'm trying to help you." He was gone before Denning could respond.

Lockhart's speech writer was good. So was the speech... it began with- "With a world ablaze with numerous acts of terrorism and open-ended wars, we must never forget out ultimate goal, our very purpose for being- world peace... Peace at any cost."

It went on to say how "we must never give in to terrorism but fight it at any turn. While my opponent wants to appease the terrorists, I will fight them with every fiber of my body and will.... no matter if it's small groups, or state sponsored... we will fight them to the end." It was clearly designed to inflame nationalist passions. "A strong America means a stronger, more peaceful and more harmonious world" the climax. It brought down the house. His campaign (via Lockhart) had bought airtime... if this didn't do the trick, nothing would. There was no way his opponent could match it. Even Denning himself had to admit it was good.

Sean Welbourne was listening from the wings, applauding politely. Denning hadn't seen him since Maureen's funeral. It seemed like he was avoiding Denning purposely. When the speech was over and Denning left the stage, Welbourne approached him.

"Sean," Denning said smiling. "How did you like my speech?"

"Fine," Sean responded dourly. "I think the response was positive... it should translate into votes. Appealed to the Hawks, that's for sure."

"Come with me a minute, Sean. There's something I want to talk to you about." Denning was serious now. "Come on in here," he said pointing to the dressing room. "Is everything Ok?" he asked. "I haven't hardly seen you since Maureen..." he said his voice trailing off.

"I've been wanting to talk to you as well," Sean said quietly. "I've been kind of staying away on purpose... to give you some time, some space. Look, Alan, I don't think I can go on with this," he blurted out.

"Why?" Denning asked earnestly. "Is it something I did... something I said... is it because of Maureen. Her death hit us all pretty hard... if you need a little more time... Sean, I need you. The campaign needs you."

"It isn't you, Alan," he lied. "It's everything, politics. I just don't feel it anymore. I couldn't do a good job... I just can't go on."

"This isn't going to look good for me," Denning said, "my campaign manager quitting a week before the election."

"I won't announce anything," Sean said. "I'll just stay in the background and not participate. You can tell people I'm ill... anything you want, I don't care."

"Ok, Sean, if that's how you feel," Alan said sincerely. I'm really sorry if I did anything..."

"No... I know this sounds trite," Sean said. "But, it isn't you- it's me. I just don't want to do this anymore- I can't."

Ok, Sean." They shook hands and Welbourne left feeling relieved. Denning watched him go thinking, ' You're not going anywhere, you pompous little fuck- nobody deserts me.'

GIF by @papa-pepper


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@richq11 like your post Followed you wish you the same

Thank you... Followed!

Finally found some time to read the Night Gods II trough, and I'm hooked! I had no idea a political thriller could be this fascinating (it's more than that, of course). Looking forward to the next chapters, awesome writing, keep it up!

Thank you. There also a Night Gods (you're reading Night Gods II) about a serial killer. Also if you like political thrillers check out The Lottery Council.

Yesterday night I was not at home, so I read this chapter just now (here it's the late morning ^^) and even if the right atmosphere to read the Nigt Gods is the night, this is a great chapter as usual ^^

Thank you my dear Silvia! I'm going to expand this out to explain more about the philosophy. How the Night Gods of of this world and our God has another Kingdom. "Man cannot serve two masters... God and mammon." And "Be IN this world not OF it." You;ll see after Denning wins the election.

Poor Welbourne is probably going to get axed next - and that'll most likely be in the nail in the coffin for Denning's chances for president. That and also when Przybysz takes out Cedeno and Shoemaker.

I can't help but feel all caught up in the story myself - that's when I start theorizing about the next part to my favorite TV Show! But who needs TV when you have an awesome story like the Night Gods II!

Thanks for doing such a marvelous job Rich - you know I'm just dying to find out what happens next! :)

My friend... you're killing them off faster than I can create them lol! Pretty soon there won't be anybody left!!! I'll be posting part 1 of Chap X today... this one should prove interesting! Thanks... I'm happy you're enjoying!

This post got a 56.66 % upvote thanks to @richq11 - Hail Eris !

Great post!

Upvoted :)

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