Common name: Puzzle Cube
Memory length: N/A
Danger rating: Medium
V-D016 appears to be a simple metal puzzle with different colored sides. The actual form of V-D016 has been known to vary, ranging from only four squares on each side to having an entirely different shape with many more colors. It is unknown what causes the cube to change, other than it can't be directly observed changing.
Combat and Abilities:
It is just a puzzle, though with one crucial caveat. Sections of the cube will often change colors while unobserved. This can be confirmed very easily, as people interacting with V-D016 with the goal of solving it will often find their efforts thwarted, despite knowing how to solve a mundane version easily.
However, there is a reverse of this effect for the uninitiated. In other words, if someone does not know how to solve the puzzle, it will seemingly deliberately change the colors to advantageous positions. There have been examples of a complete novice solving the cube in only three turns, though that has yet to be replicated again, even with the same person.
This would normally call for a low danger rating. However, there are some mild hypnotic effects that have been measured when people are allowed to use the cube for extended periods. They will become more obsessed with trying to figure out how it works, and will go increasingly frustrated when each new attempt to solve the cube takes longer due to increased expertise. It is almost like it is designed to manipulate the user in the same way the user tries to manipulate the colors on the cube. This is worsened by the fact that veteran users are extremely pushy about using the cube again when they learn it has changed forms, as the new shape means they can solve it quickly again due to lack of familiarity.
EDIT: We have had a willing S-class Vorpal attempt communication with V-D016. The cube itself has an aggressively antagonistic personality, but it takes a very submissive and curious tone when being used by someone who is not adept at puzzle solving. This avenue requires further study, as it might be possible to learn how the cube is affecting its user and, more importantly, why.
V-D016 is cleared for testing, though supervision and documentation is strictly required. Without proper authorization, no test subject is allowed to access the cube for longer than one hour continuously, or eight hours within the same week. By all accounts, this seems to be within the time span that produces no noticeable side effects.
Same post on Minds