The Blue #3

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


"Ha", the utter that the colorful fish had made when it saw the scene of San-cla and the girl in water. This situation is beyond the fish's imagination to ever happen. Now the water around San-cla and the girl is now in bright red because of the blood that gushed out from the girl's body.

The fish rushed towards San-cla to see closer what is happening, "What is the meaning of this mer-kid?".

"*I had no choice, I didn't want her to die...", as San-cla speaks, a weak wave of shock came forth from the girl's body. The shock was felt by the beings nearby that took their attention.

"Huh? What happened?", the girl spoke out of confusion. Somehow she is still alive after the stabbing of the thorn.

"This is a Leviathan's thorn, by plunging this thorn to a land creature's lungs, it's lungs becomes capable of breathing in water for 300 moons", San-cla explains.

The girl, a little shocked with what is happening poses. She looks into her hand and realizes that she is now capable of speaking in water, "I can even speak".

"Actually you are not", San-cla rejected the girl's statement.

"What do you mean?"

"Speaking is the act of making vibrations to emit sound using the mouth. Were not communicating with our mouths but with our well beings, we are connected in a network that makes us allow or disallow to communicate each other..."

"That's cool, it sounds complicated but I like it!"

San-cla smiles from the girl's reaction and makes a brief laugh. The laugh that San-cla made is something that the girl doesn't recognize as a gesture.

"What did you did just now?"

"What? Oh you mean this? Dekekeke?" San-cla repeats the gesture but now in an unnatural way.

"Yeah, that, what is that dekekeke?"

"Oh, I just laughed"

"Laugh? That is a strange laugh"

"Is it? We laugh like that at home"

"Hahaha, its weird. By the way do you have name?"

"Yeah, of course, my name is San-cla, and you?"

"My name is Inki, I am the daughter of Enki, the names sounds funny but actually their related."

"And this fish here is one of my friends Euphyrius."

"Ha! Why, you shouldn't introduce me you anchovy!", the colorful fish responded.

"This fish is just a little shy because it never had an interaction with people from the land before."

"Oh, hi there Euphyrius, nice to meet you", Inki greets Euphyrius.

"There is nothing nice with what is about to happen, human beings and merfolks becoming friends have never had anything good, it just produces war and destruction. We will see a lot of deaths soon for sure!", Euphyrius reacted violently and the two poses in silence because of the reaction.

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