
I never knew that there were so many strict believers in America, i found that out with finding my family in the UK. My story starts somewhere in the 1890 where my great great grandmother left with her 9 children , grown ups with own children as still skirt binders, to this land far far away it took a few weeks i think to be on a boat. They left to grand rapids. We never saw them again, only my great grandfather who stayed behind as only child because he was in love with my grandmother and she did not want to emigrate. My great great grandmothers name who came to US Adriaantje Filius. (same as my mums) and many in us. Why did they leave, the village they came from is ever so sweet, on the water, very small and everyone knows everyone, a warm community that fears the lord ! They had to go to church where they got to hear that all the rotten things on their path was deserved for the mistakes gods children made and we all still have to pay for. The pression about the church was so strong, with such strong rules it was not livable, a bit like Amish but still worse i think... My granddad 96 when he died, saw 4 children die, and his wife my grandmum was only just 70. He said it was the price he had to pay for the mistakes humans did, even had understanding for it ! He had radio in his hous in 1970 and church scrapped him out of church community, but when children died the man in front of the church still had to point out he searched al this problems him self. You also never would reach heaven ! you could deserve a better place yes but heaven never, we did not deserve that. 3 times on a sunday to church with a hat on our heads , a skirt, and black stockings. But to get back to my great great grand mum. On FB i started searchin for FILIUS in America and i found a lot, some that i only already reconized by face ! that is fun ! Talking with them and forming a group, i found out how much they were still believing ! that were there great great mum run a way of became for so much family still their reason to live . I do not understand honoustly i can not . The mountains were weeks on fire , but the day it started snowing it was praise the lord ... uh ?? sorry who started them fires and why did he let it go on so long ? The same story with the sunami the survivers , oh praise the lord ? Why have we got so little confidence in our selves? Praise our selves will even make us try to do more instead of believing and hoping , start knowing and doing. I realise i better could have written a blog because 1000 things jump up in my head now. sorry ! but thx for your time .

The Lord lives inside of each of us if we reject our sinful nature and cling to Him!

sinful nature ? what is your sinful nature? I have no idea what mine are.

Haha! I appreciate your willingness to talk about the issue. It can be hard sometimes to see eye to eye, but really seeing eye to eye is not important - understanding the philosophical can open our minds and our hearts in many ways.

First I would encourage you to try to be open to a symbolic interpretation of these topics - I will try to walk through one such interpretation now.

Today it is accepted that man is an evolved creature, that evolved from a shared relative to modern day apes. Man is a beast, or was at least. We have instincts, and opposeable thumbs, but we also have something more. Rational thought, maybe, a concience - perhaps! Even athiests say they are humanists - I'm not sure animals would consider themselves zebraists or lionists or anything more than survivalists.

So humans have that something more - and throughout our largely oral development of philosophy we have created ways of communicating the decision to reject or leave behind the animalistic, 'all-for-me', greedy survival instinct, and instead to accept the divine christ inside of ourselves - the very same something more that makes us humans and not beasts.

There is no need to literally talk to bearded man in the clouds for this to be true, God may be a woman, He may have shaved today, he may be an equilateral triangle - he is not actually a person like you and me, He is a symbol.

You might see him as a symbol, and who was jesus than? Son of a symbol ? The whole story about jozef and maria? And the 3 wise that came? I think it would be good to stick hands in own pockets to take the complements being a good persons, and also take the blame when caused your self, by mistake or on purpose. Do not put it down to god will or his ways are endless, start all showing that god than that you all know and behave like it. And that is the part that is so annoying, when any of thus sounds or feels wrong it can be due to my english, i do not want to speak without respect about believing, i just want more knowing. We seem to learn very slow, even mistakes out of the past we still pray to change in situations now, and when it does not go like you prayd for, we say god wanted it different. This can be a comfort but it is also so layed back, and a hidden sign of disrespect. But i am sorry to started tjis on papa peppers post. I do love his story up to chapter 12 now

It is a great story!

Jesus is indeed the Son of a Symbol - his power - indeed the incredible power of all MYTHOS - does not come from the details - the number of wise men nor the names of his parents nor the species of barn animals accompanying him in the stall.

I would argue that historicity has no role in philosophy - what matters is what was done - indeed what IS - the divine sacrifice covers our failings and gives us purchase to recover beneath infinite grace and become better humans - stronger souls.

It sounds like they had a pretty strict religion, which is nothing like what I have in my life, and I certainly wasn't raised that way.

I never knew that there were so many strict believers in America

I am not so sure about that, but there could be.

Basically, I lived a very godless life with a lot of drugs, alcohol, sex, and the rest, not really caring about anything but myself and my pleasure. Here is a video and a post where I share more about it;

I thank you for speaking so openly and freely about things like this.


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