in #fiction7 years ago

A dingy mud hut built from the red soil of the earth,the most notorious blood thirsty armed robber that ever lived had been born .


His cries rent the air,even the sky wept,as heavy rain pelt the earth.Even the day gave way for the night as such creature forebode sinister onslaught

The boy came to earth with so much anger as can be seen in his eyes, he came out from his mother womb holding the debris of what looked like the remains of his dead twin, he was the last child to come out the his mother’s womb as the poor mother uterus could no longer hold a child, he was born in a small obscured village of Nwewi, Anambra state,Nigeria.

In the 70s Nigeria has transitioned from a military regime to a civilian rule and the people are buoyed by a feeling expectation, desperation and hope, for a better tomorrow.They have just gone through a decade of military misrule and poverty has has eaten deep into the fabric of a fragile nation grasping for survival.

In the mist of this confusion was a boy named chinedu Abrams alias Vampire has just risen from the rank of a random street urchin to a creature with blood shot eyes and the king of the streets, his thirst for blood is synonymous with the fear of his presence as it is fabled that he can not be killed,known for his bloodthirsty nature, he has put together a team of an elite armed robbery gang, it was said that he usually kills a member who is considered weak.

At the peak of his notoriety bank operations will suddenly grind to a halt whenever rumors have it that he is four states away from were the bank is located.Bureau Du change operators have had their fair share of loss of both life's and money worth millions,as banks are the usual scapegoats.his reign of terror was unmatched in history.

Before we pass judgment, let us take a look at his childhood and perhaps cast aspersion.

He was known never to back-down from a fight no matter who the challenger was,it was said that he was beaten to a pulp and collapsed, few days after recovery sees him taking on his challenger giving him twice the share of treatment meted to him, he was from an impoverished home were he could barely eat one square meal a day,his father was said to have fallen from a palm tree on an Eke day (day),a day set aside to serve the gods,,and it was believed that the gods took retribution on him,also no one attended his father’s burial as such corpse are not allowed a six feet under the earth in the village, the body was carried deep into the evil forest as it is known and left to decompose.

His elder brother was struck by an unknown and strange illness as his body was bloated and a pungent and acrimonious odor fills the air, the villagers began to murmur,his uncle interceded by taking him into the forest were his life was abruptly taken with the help of a machetee it was said that even after decapitation the ailing boy was still crying and the uncle had to strike him again and again.

A series of unfortunate circumstance befell his family and he grew up in a village were he was looked down upon,In return he became rebellious,hard-hearted and bloodthirsty.It is said that it is very hard to look him straight in the eyes,his eyes are lifeless and bloodshot.

At the pinnacle of his reign it was approximated that he had killed 280 people including military men and police officers,after launching a successful attack,he often take a part of the proceed to hospitals,orphanage homes,and to the destitute on the street.

On the 18th of November 1974 he was cornered,and a signal was sent, a team of the 74th army Battalion brigade launched an offensive attack on his village while trying to smoke him out, and some villagers took a bullet for him, but his heavily armed gang dealt mercilessly with the military,**42 civilian and 21 **military officers died that day .

Most people will often ask, why are the indegen of Nwewi the most educated and successful of all Ibo, it believe that a lot of indegines were given scholarship even to study in the united kingdom,and boot-strap firms sprung up in Onisha the capical of Anambra State,the reason is not far-fetched,the proceeds from crime was being used to help his people.

Most senators found today in our hallowed chambers were also a beneficiary of this jaundice back then.


Yes he was heartless but his love for his mother knows no bound as he is often seen coming back to visit his mother with his gang on-standby in case of eventualities,he built an edifice for his mother and he pressured the high chiefs in his home town to name a street after him,he often built schools named after his mother.

He was not the only organized armed gang in the country then but he was the most notorious,other gang began to merge with him as loot from his escapade was tremendous and his enterprise was lucrative.

It was fabled that he restored law and order with a country sharing a border with his country,his followers were so large that the government became sincerely worried,Even the Governor of his state often sleeps with one eye open, as the fear of him is the beginning of wisdom.his method are strategic and deadly.He often throws a part of the loot on the street when chased by the police and military .

However no one is above retribution as the cries of his those that had fallen by his actions called to him from the under world,and the good lord listened.

Trouble started when his second in command complained about the string of dead bodies left behind after every operation,his blood-lost proved too much for Chiuzor alias ‘Razor’, to put stress to rest, he emptied a whole cartridge of bullets on razor during one of there heated arguments.

The Nigerian police force was sick and tired of this shenanigan son of a palm-wine tapper causing them sleepless night and untold hardship embarrassment from the public, so they devised a strategy very uncommon those days.


He was known to avoid ladies but has a flair for fair light skin ladies,A very popular actress was used as a bait.

A client had overdosed in her hotel room few days ago,and she left the hotel without reporting the incidence t the police, the hotel raised alarm and she was caught.

Vampire had an expensive catch of armory,weapon big enough to overthrow a country if he so choose he operate in such a way that he has inside sources too.

He is known to be one of the most intelligent armed robber without a formal education that caused sleepless night for the Nigerian government.

TO BE CONTINUED..............

Stay tuned for part two it promises to be engaging *

Picture Source :


Like seriously you posted something great about nigeria armed robbery history
Upvoted 100%. I was once told the story before buh i couldnt get it right
Thanks for sharing
Please i cant wait for the remaining

Many thanks I'm working on the part two.

I dont have much SP for a massive sbd but u deserve an upvote...great article man...

Many thanks man!!

Gread Post dear Thanks For Sharing.

Many thanks, I was inspired.

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