Coming Attractions...

After a string of victories against the Outer Colonies, the repulsive Reptilians are advancing on Earth, the cradle of humanity. The Reptilians are merciless and cruel beyond reason. The superior technology of the Reptilians allows their ships to travel back in time a few seconds, which is handy for avoiding human weapons. Against such fearsome foes, the only thing in humanity's favor is hope. And hope is running out.
Beginning on the Twelfth of March 2018 AD, @NotJohnDaker brings you an exciting space story...
Battle For The Past
Picture Credit: "UEE marine defending his Vanguard Hoplite on moon Daymar" by Glenn Batuyong is licensed under CC by 2.0. I cropped the picture and resized it.
What is it about colonies, anyway? They always rebel! Can't wait!