the Story of Woman Part #11|| Kisah Seorang Ibu ||

in #fiction6 years ago


Bahagianya, akhirnya dia bisa pulang ke kampung yang ditemani oleh pujaan hatinya, dengan harapan bisa dikenalkan kepada sang ibunya bahwa dia sekarang lagi dekat dengannya, melalui perjalanan yang sangat melelahkan, akhirnya mereka berdua sampai di kampung halamannya dengan mengendarai mobil yang menjadi pusat perhatian di tetangganya, mobil siapa itu dan siapa yang mengendarainya. Akhirnya yang punya mobil tersebut adalah sang anak bersama teman lelakinya yang turun dari mobil tersebut.

Kedatangan anaknya tersebut tidak disambut oleh orangtua yang dikarenakan dia masih terbaring di tempat tidur dan belum bisa bergerak yang memerlukan istirahat yang cukup, dan sang anak langsung masuk ke rumahnya berserta temannya tersebut, seperti biasanya dia ucapkan salam dan bersalaman dan berpelukan.
Air mata ibunya berlinang membasahi pipi, tidak kuat menahan kebahagian dan kesedian yang selalu dia sembunyikan, agar anaknya selalu senang dan bahagia.

Tidak seperti biasanya, sang ibu tidak banyak lagi bercerita panjang lebar, menanyakan bagaimana keadaan kamu, kamu pulang dengan siapa. Hanya terdiam bisu dan hanya menjawab apa yang disampaikan oleh anaknya. Dia mengenalkan teman laki-lakinya tersebut kepada ibundanya, dan ibunya hanya menjawab iya.

Mataharipun mulai terbenam yang menjadikan siang akan berganti malam, sehingga sang anak tidur di rumah orang tua, tidak memutuskan pulang ke rumah kontrakan. Dia tidur bersebelahan dengan ibunya, akan tetapi tidak terdengar kata-kata dari ibunya yang hanya diam saja, dan diapun merasa kenapa ibunya tidak mau berbicara dengannya dan bercerita seperti yang dulu.

Sang anak tidak bisa merasakan kesediahan ibunya yang selama ini dilakukan oleh anaknya, yang menyebabkan dia jatuh sakit seperti ini. Hanya bertanya-tanya dalam hati apa yang salah dengan diriku sehingga ibunda tidak mau berbicara dengan aku, dan hanya menjawab apa yang aku tanyakan saja, tanpa menanyakan.

Makanan dan minuman yang dihidangkan oleh anaknya tidak dimakan oleh ibunya, hanya jawaban belum lapar dan masih kenyang, padahal sudah satu hari belum makan dan minum.
Akhirnya sang anak merasa sedih, ada apa dengan ibunda saya, sehingga dia seperti ini, yang tidak memperdulikanku lagi.

In English

Unfortunately, he was finally able to return to the village accompanied by his idol, in hopes of being introduced to his mother that he was now close to him, through a very tiring journey, finally they both arrived in his hometown driving a car. the car that is the center of attention in the neighbor of the car and who drives it. Finally the person who owns the car is a child with a male friend who gets out of the car.
The arrival of his son was not welcomed by parents because he was still bedridden and unable to move which required adequate rest, and the child immediately entered his house along with his friend, as usual he said greetings and shook hands and embraced.
Her mother's tears soaked in the cheeks were not strong enough to hold back the happiness and sadness she always hid, so that her child was always happy and happy.

Not as usual, the mother doesn't talk much at length, asking how you are doing, who you go home with. Only silent and only answered what was said by his child. He introduced his male friend to his mother, and his mother only answered yes.
The sun began to set, which made the day change night, so the child slept in the parents' house, did not decide to go back to the rented house. He slept next to his mother, but there were no words from his mother who just kept quiet, and he also felt why his mother did not want to talk to her and tell her the way she used to.

The child cannot feel his mother's resentment which had been carried out by her child, which caused her to fall ill like this. Just wondering what was wrong with me so that my mother wouldn't talk to me, and only answered what I asked, without asking.

Food and drinks served by their children are not eaten by their mothers, only answers are not hungry and still full, even though they have not eaten or drunk one day.
Finally the child felt sad, what was wrong with my mother, so she was like this, who didn't care about me anymore.

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Kisah yang mengharukan

Thanks...ikuti kisah selanjutnya di park 12

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