Monday: A Fictional Story

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

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6:00 AM: The sun is not awake yet. Trrrrim trrrrim. The morning alarm sets off. Trrrrim trrrrim. Maybe if I pretend I didn’t hear it, nobody will miss me at work. Trrrrim trrrrim. Just more 5 minutes… Trrrrim trrrrim I can’t stand this anymore…

6:30 AM: I get up. Can’t find my slippers. A blurred vision of my glasses dependent eyes doesn’t let me see the children’s toys on the floor. Maybe if I run I can get to the side of the bedroom, without too much trouble. I’m almost there…

6:33 AM: What a wonderful start of the day: I think I twisted a foot or any other necessary part of my body… It would all be fine, if it wasn’t for my 5 years old niece’s pink roller skates… Ah! I just remember it’s her birthday today… I wish I could spend the day with her.

7:00 AM: My foot feels better after applying some ice on it. I have a small feeling that I will be late for work...

7:10 AM: Shower time. C’mon, I can’t leave the house without showering! It’s like a golden rule.

7:13 AM: That’s great. The soap just slipped to the floor. I tried to get it and it fell off. Today is not my lucky day. Oh, I hate Mondays.

7:40 AM: Ok, I’m definitely running late. I'm taking my coffee with me. All I think about is my boss preaching about the importance of being on time. And the extra hours that I will need to do.

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8:00 AM: The car is not turning on. I’m trying again… Nothing. Maybe I left the lights on and it drained the battery?! FML. Why did I get up again?

8:15 AM: I give up. I’m walking. It’s only a few Kilometers.

8:30 AM: Just saw Mr. Jones carrying some boxes to a factory. Poor man, it looks like he needs some help. It will be quick. I will help him up.

8:50 AM: I spent about 20 minutes helping Mr Jones. On top of that, I stumbled into a pot hole next to the factory. Ugh. At least it looks like I did him a great favour. He always looks so busy.

9:00 AM: I’m trying not to think about being late to work. I’m on my way.

9:10 AM: I just saw a yellow Labrador barking non-stop. I’m only 1 km away from the office. The dog isn’t stopping barking.

9:15 AM: I’m almost at the office. There’s a boy selling cookies to help a Childhood Cancer Institution. He looks down.

9:35 AM: Long story short. I ended up buying some cookies from the boy and he told me everything he knew about the different types of Cancer and the work done by the institution. At least he seemed happier. More people came to buy some cookies.

9:40 AM: Only 400 meters left. I’ve never felt this happy for seeing the office.

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9:43 AM: Just saw a lady looking for something. She’s looking for a dog, a yellow Labrador. A yellow Labrador?

0:10 AM: I’m such a soft human being. I can’t help myself. I ended up telling the lady I saw the dog and went with her to help find it. We finally found him but he looked scared. I remembered the cookies I bought from the boy, and used it to attract the dog. Guess what? It worked! At least he’s safe now with his owner.

10:30 AM: I got in the office! I have a feeling that everyone is looking at me. My boss is walking towards me. I knew I should’ve stayed in bed this morning.

11:30 AM: I have the day off. Here’s the explanation, in case you’re wondering: My boss told me that his boss called him (I didn’t know my boss had a boss!) saying that someone helped him with his boxes and he was now free for their meeting. It looks like they’ve been trying to have this meeting for months. My boss asked Mr Jones who was the person that helped him and he described me. I confirmed I was the one who helped him. Who would have known that Mr Jones is my boss’s boss?! On top of that, my boss was looking for his yellow Labrador but his wife just called him saying someone helped her find him...! The result: I have the day off to enjoy my niece’s birthday.

I don’t hate Mondays that much, after all… :)

Happy Monday!! Hope you enjoyed this little fictional story. May your week be great! xx

Image 1 from Unsplash
Image 2 from Unsplash
Image 3 from Unsplash


Lovely story, @julimattos! :-D
Allow me to re-steem it.

AW THANK YOU so much, really appreciate it!!! :D

Thank you so much, will do!!! :)

Well that placed me in a chipper mood :) not your typical I hate mondays rant!

And you incorporated a dog in the story plus points there.

Aww I’m glad you liked it! Haha true, wanted to give hope for not so bright Mondays :) oh yes the dog is my favorite!!!

Oh this is such a great and lovely story!! See, mondays are so good!;)

YESS they are!!! Such an underrated day ugh :) (some Mondays still suck though ahha) :)

Haha can be true;)

Put a smile on my face. Clever and sweet story. Hope you do more stories in the future :)

I'm glad it made you happy! Thank you.. I will do!! :)

Adorei a história. São muitas coincidências adoráveis. Você escreve muito bem, sabia? Beijos

Obrigada!! <3 Sim, coincidências que no fim valeram a pena. Obrigada :D <3 Beijoss****

hahahaa the beginning is me every morning - 'blurred vision of my glasses dependent eyes'

glad I came across your content <3 I'm in a time when i need more motivation more than ever before so thank you for your posts. followed x

heheehe me tooo.. no person with a perfect vision will ever understand our struggles :) Aww thank you so much ❤️❤️It makes me so happy to know my post made you any happier! I hope I can keep motivating you xxx and also followed back!

Your boss has a boss and that boss boss has a boss haha. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Hi Joey. All the bosses out thereeeee hehe Thank you for commenting !

What a great and enjoyable story! You never know how your good deeds will be rewarded.

So true! Good and kind actions bring good things back. :) Thank you so much.

I just loved your little story! Made me smile! :D

Aww thank you! I'm glad it made you smile 🤗🤗

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