Toothache - Day 71 Five-Minute Freewrite Prompt

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Toothache Image.jpg
Image courtesy of Geralt via Pixabay


The creature sat contemplating the leftovers around him. He could easily consume one hundred times his own body weight, and the gristly woman who'd occupied this wingbacked chair moments ago could not have weighed more than seventy-fives times his own weight. Yet here he sat, disturbed in his feast, by aching teeth.

This was a first. She had begun so deliciously. Bitter all through, just as he liked his meat. But then--just as he gnawed his way through some lovely marrowy bone--he encountered something even harder, like a rock.

His narrow, red eyes glanced over at the man peering nervously from behind the counter. Lucky man. No way the creature was going to even be able to finish this let alone go for seconds. What in the hell had-

There! There it was, nestled amongst some coiled intestine he'd been saving for last (oh, how he loved the squishy, soft meat of them) but now wouldn't even get to enjoy. And the culprit that he'd spit from his jagged-toothed maw sat there, unscarred. Of course...

It was her heart.

Thank you @MarianneWest for the wonderful inspiration provided by your Day 71: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Toothache. I had so much fun with yesterday's I had to continue with the same story!

The start (and my very first Five-Minute Freewrite can be seen here at I'm Back with "Annie's Surprise"

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Somehow this reminds me of D. Cronenberg movies like videodrome or the naked lunch..

I take that as a compliment, thank you!

LOVE!!! gruesome but awesome too :D

Great little story, with an ending to make it even more worthwhile. These 5 minute writes are not easy, but you did well.

Hey there @naquoya! I'm so happy to see you :D
Thanks for reading and commenting. You're right, these are challenging but they are so much fun!

Hahaha Horrible but mesmerizing! Love it!

So you've melded freewrite with noir with poetry and made me laugh. I hate you.

Bahahaha! It was accidental, I swear! Could never do it again if I tried.

Oooh! Was he summoned by the scent of her bitterness and the promise of a meal? Or did her husband special order him? I wonder what turned her heart to stone...

The husband definitely special ordered it. Where did he find such a product? I have no idea. Probably the back of some dime store pulp horror ;)

Oh, what a delicious ending. There is a story - either Anderson or Grimm with the ice queen and a heart of stone. Must have been her lol

and a bit of a weekend challenge
Here are your weekend options

15 min 3 prompt exercise

Or single prompt option

Oooooohhhh! I will never do any work at this rate lol! Cannot WAIT!

Good story. So was her heart too strong for the creature, or merely hardened by anger and pain?

I'm not 100% sure... I tend to think she was a terrible, terrible person. Maybe far more horrible than a 5-minute free-write could do justice ;)

Ahh the lover of bitter meat! What artfully crafted story you have made out of this five minute freewrite! This is a lesson for those who are tempted to grow bitter!

Thanks @wandrnrose7! It was your prompt that got it started so I owe you one!

This was inspired.

Too much of a good thing, eh?

Also, I like the use of "gristly," puts me in mind of The Kingkiller Chronicles and an exchange between Kvothe and Elodin, about Auri.

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