#Fiction: Because Rain Never Knows How To Hurt
RAIN IS A form of anxiety that I have experienced all along. At the same time I have no one but rain, rain is the place to share all the injuries that I experienced during this time, only the faithful rain hear my story from beginning to finish. Rain is a very loyal friend.
I have many friends in this world but sometimes humans often change, sometimes loyal and sometimes also hate then leave without any apparent reason.
Rain and humans will never be the same, the rain is soft, cold and liquid and soothing. While humans are people who have thoughts and hearts, sometimes humans use his mind and heart more cruel than a knife, piercing and killing anyone he wants. Starting from the sweet love word but ended in atrocity. This is human, that's why I always faithfully tell the rain. The rain is never bored to go down, always cool and soothing.
I have loved many people but the end of the story has always never been like rain, I always fall victim to the cruelty of love, I always become the target of hypocrisy man, just sweet in the mouth but cruel like a wolf. In the name of love I am often stupid in front of him, I sometimes never really understand why god creates evil human.
When given a choice, then in the name of love, I will choose the rain that remains eternal until the rain descends to heaven. Why not!