in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


Andrew Carter - CEO crystal palazzo
Janet Williams - Managing Director crystal palazzo
Richard Grey- Andrew's childhood friend
Lilian Itoka- Janet's neighbor and wannabe friend


I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I liked what I saw. I was wearing a red gown Which clung to my body like a second skin, it had a sweetheart neckline showing my cleavage and a slit running to my thighs with my makeup done nicely, I knew I'd turn heads.
I had a mischievous smile on as I stepped into my Christian Louboutin silver heels.
My ride was already waiting when I stepped out of my apartment, I muttered a silent thanks to the man who held the door for me.
During the ride, my mind drifted to how it all started and I once again reminded myself that my plan just had to work.
It all started two years back when I got a job with Crystals palazzo, it was a dream come true for me.
As a Go getter, I rose fast to the position of the managing director but now I want more, With my excellent business skills, I want to be one of the largest shareholder of the company and this will only be possible if I can run the international branches thus, seducing the young CEO was the only way I could think of to get my desire and the end of the year dinner party just provided me the best avenue to get my plan into action.
‘this plan has to work’ I mused Silently.’
‘ma'am, we've arrived’ my driver said, and I could feel a thousand eyes on me as I stepped out of the car.


The she-devil is around I muttered to Richard my friend.
‘Damn!!!! She's sexy! How come you haven't bedded her?’ Richard said.

‘Richard! Focus Man! Her attitude is not as pretty as her face moreover, I have a rule against dating my employee’. I replied taking a sip of my drink.

‘Man, you just pissed she got excellent business skills and she ain't falling for your charm, chill out man’. Richie replied.

I had nothing to say because I knew Richard was right.
‘Get out of my sight Richard.’

‘You need to get laid Andrew’ Richard said walking away.

I looked across the hall and I saw her, no doubt she is beautiful and she looked even more stunning tonight. Richard was right I need to get laid but definitely not with Janet.
The dinner party went well and after my speech everyone applauded. Who wouldn't Fall for me anyway I mean I got the looks and I'm rich.
I turned around to see Richard comfortably chatting with Janet. ‘you just don't know when to stop Richard’ I mused silently.

I walked over to Richard and tapped him on the shoulder barely acknowledging Janet.
‘bout time you showed up, why don't you ask her to dance?' Richard said beaming enthusiastically.
If looks could kill Richard would be six feet under right now 😏 but nevertheless I smiled and politely asked Janet to dance.
We got to the dance floor and the Dj decided to switch to a slow song.
I caught a whiff of her cologne and for a moment I was intoxicated.
Barely recovering from that, I felt her body against mine and slowly we began to move to the rhythm of the song.

After some minutes,
I felt her relax against me and it felt really good.
I was enjoying the feel of her against me until I realized I was beginning to lose control so I did what everyone else would have done, "leave".
I felt bad leaving her alone on the dance floor but I was getting turned on and I did not want her to get the wrong idea.

‘I'll kill you for this Richard' I said banging the table loudly with my fist.


I left the dance floor smiling at myself knowing fully well My plan was gradually falling into place. It was easy getting Andrew's attention all I had to do was start a conversation with his friend Richard and everything played out well.


I knew it would be quite a task getting Andrew to do my bidding because of his strict rule against dating an employee but I was willing to take my chances.

I watched him take the stairs to his office and I knew this was my chance to get him so I followed.

I was breathing heavily by the time I got to his office so I took a few minutes to catch my breath that was when I heard the bang.
I knocked softly and when he opened the door I could see the stress on his face.

‘Are you okay?’ I asked feigning concern.

‘I'm fine, I just had some issues to sort out that's all' he said gruffly.

‘that explains why you left me on the dance floor’ I said walking closer to him.

‘you see, I know we haven't had a very good relationship but I'd really like for us to put our differences aside and work together for the benefit of the company’ I said placing my hand on his chest and trailing them down to his belt region.

I could sense his discomfort but he didn't stop me so I continued. I leaned into him and whispered ‘When you make your decision, you know where to find me’
I was almost out of his office but I turned around and said;

‘Hey Drew, you might want to take a cold shower tonight’ I gave him a sultry smile and walked out of the door.

My work here is done, I said softly as I stepped out of the building into the cold night.


What the hell was that? I asked myself the zillion time.
I couldn't believe Janet got me speechless.

I grabbed my phone and texted Richard to meet me at our spot. I needed to get tonight out of my system and the only way I could do that was go clubbing.

I stepped into the club signalled to the waitress and told her what I wanted. She walked away intentionally swaying her hips, I smirked and thought to myself
‘she's not my type'.

‘Did she just hit on you Drew? God! You having it really bad with girls these days’ Richard said grabbing the menu and settling comfortably on the chair.

I looked at him giving him the ‘are you okay'? look.

‘what man? I'm just stating my observation, the old Drew would have one of the supermodels here right now. Your "A" game is going down man’ he said putting emphasis on the down.

‘shut up Richard.’

‘oh come on Drew, why did you think I set you up with Janet? You need to get your head back in the game man I understand your dad made you take over the company immediately after college but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun. I look up to
You Man' He replied slapping my back.

‘Drop it Richard' I was beginning to lose my cool.

‘Why so cranky? Is Janet resistant to your charms? By the way how was it? He looked at me mischievously.

‘how was what’? I said

‘Janet man!’ Rich said.

‘you just don't know when to stop do you!? If you must know nothing happened okay’?

He was about to say something when the waitress came back with the drinks I ordered. I noticed she intentionally bent down giving Richard and I a view of her breast.

‘next time you take my order, make sure to button up okay?’ I said icily.

‘yyeeyyee-ssss sir’ she stuttered and scurried away.

‘that was uncalled for Drew's Richard said.

‘You know what's uncalled for Rich? You setting me up with Janet, now she has the wrong idea. What were you thinking man?’ I yelled

‘I was only trying to help, you’ve been on a dry spell lately and what's wrong with her getting the wrong idea? You just bed her and move on that's what you’d tell me to do too' he said.

‘I told you already I have a rule against dating my employee Richard’

‘surely you can make an exception for her I'm sure she's matured enough to handle it and she's hot. And if she's posing to be too much trouble for you just transfer her to one of your branches, you have the power don't you?’ he said gulping down his drink.

I looked at Richard as he gulped down his drink I hate to admit it but he did have a point.

‘when did you make all these funny rules anyway? I mean you literally dated all the hot girls during college’ Richard said.

‘I still got my charm man, you know that man’. I said.

‘Then Prove it Drew’ Rich said.

‘how'? I asked

‘Bed Janet in one week' he said.

‘one week is too long Richard two days is more than enough' I said.

‘That's the spirit man' Rich said smiling.


I woke up suddenly and panting heavily, I was covered in my own sweat. I just had another nightmare.
I switched on my bedside lamp wondering why I had a nightmare tonight I haven't had it in a while.
I picked up a bottle of water and gulped it down as I looked at my wall clock and realized it was just 11pm.
Knowing fully well I can't go to sleep again I decided to head to the club it was weekend anyway.
I stepped out wearing an off-shoulder short black gown which clung to me like a second skin and knee high boots. Yuhp, I do have a thing for fitted clothes.

I wanted to go a club close to my apartment but the place was filled up already so I zoomed off.
I eventually stopped at the prestigious
Club Vanna.

‘what would you like to have ma'am?’ the bartender asked eyeing me.

‘martini' I said sitting down on the stool.

‘here you go ma'am, it's on the house’ he said smiling.

‘thank you err'?

‘Frank, the name is Frank’ he said smiling brightly.

‘Thank You Frank'

I was enjoying my drink and the music when I heard my name being called.

‘who could possibly know me in this club it's my first time here' I thought to myself.

I turned around only to see Richard walking towards me.
‘Dammit! I'm not prepared to face any of them I just wanna drink in peace' I groaned softly.

‘hi Richie, what are you doing here?’ I said smiling brightly in a fake way.

‘oh I'm here with Drew. Why don't you come hang with us’ he said pointing at Drew.

‘Umm okay lead the way’ I said

We passed a few tables and then took the stairs to the VIP section where Drew was seated.

‘look who we have here Drew' Richard yelled over the music.

Drew looked up and I could feel his eyes roaming over my body. He looked tipsy but I was sure he wasn't drunk.

‘hey’ I said.

‘And to whom do we owe this great pleasure? If I didn't know better I'd say you are stalking me’ Drew said giving me a look I couldn't decipher.

‘You think highly of yourself Drew, I got better things to do than stalk you. I was just bored so I decided to go out and relax’ I said.

‘hmm Feisty, I like that’ Drew said.

‘Umm guys I need to meet up with a friend outside I hope you guys don't pull out each others hair by the time I'm back' Richard said walking away.

I brought out my cellphone and decided to reply some of my emails. I could feel Drews eyes on me as I typed away.

‘put the phone away Janet’ Drew said in a commanding tone.

I looked up from my phone and told him NO.
I hate it when a guy goes all bossy on me.

‘so you just gonna be on your phone all night uhn?’ he said.

‘Umm I guess'

‘care to dance? Please don't say no’ drew asked.

‘Umm okay’ I said standing up.

We got to the dance floor and after some minutes we got lost in ourselves dancing to the rhythm of the song.

I pressed my back against him as I grinded my hips, I could feel him getting turned on as he grabbed my waist tighter. We were like that for some minutes before he suddenly turned me around and pressed me against his body.
‘what are you doing to me Janet?’ he whispered in my ears his hot breath sending shivers down my body.
He must have felt me shiver against his body because he looked at me and raised my chin I had no choice but to look at him straight in the eye before I felt his lips descend on mine slowly at first then it became demanding both of us trying to be in control with me eventually succumbing to him.
I opened my mouth and felt him take control of the kiss slowly teasing my tongue causing me to moan.
He suddenly pulled away and said;

‘Go home with me' His voice sounding husky.
I was still recovering from the intensity of the kiss we shared and all I could do was nod.

image credit : google


You left me breatheless i think more people shpuld read this so i will resteem for dear. Weldone!

Thanks a lot.

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