Blast From the Past: Challenge #00071: Looking Back, Looking Forward
A reunion of the tall woman and the future good guy at day 74 of the training course he pursued. Another nice guy makes an appearance.
Common belief tells us that it takes three months to make a good habit. And one to form a bad one. So far, he was on day 74. His third day back into the real world, with his new perspective on many of the problems that the ladies of the world encountered.
Most of them were men. Lots of the rest were caused by men.
And after the Sympathy Chair, he had a lot more respect for the so-called ‘weaker sex’.
So he came here, the day before he was due to start a new job. The bar where he met her. He learned her name was Vicky, but he still called her the Amazon in the privacy of her own head. She was supposed to be a regular, but so far… she hadn’t turned up.
Until today.
He recognised the avenging angel on the back of her biker jacket before he recognised her. “You’ve recoloured your hair. Looks great.”
She startled. Boggled. And finally grinned. “That’s a big change,” she said. She stood to shake his hand and clap his shoulder.
“Just get a room, ya faggots,” mumbled someone from a booth.
The eye-roll from the waitress/barmaid told him all he needed to know. The man in the booth was the kind of ass-grabbing, tit-leering entitled prick he used to be. Once upon a subjective eternity ago.
“Show off the merchandise, Vicky,” he advised.
She unzipped her jacket, showing off her magnificent chest.
“Her eyes are up there,” he said, helpfully pointing out Vicky’s face for the Nice Guy in the booth. “And she’s married. I missed out on all that.”
The Nice Guy made a tiny little squeaking noise.
He gave the man a card. “These folks will help you out. I’ve been where you are and I got better.”
Tomorrow… he was going to be some luckless Nice Guy’s Wing Man. Carefully guiding someone away from being a prick and into being a Gentleman.
With any luck, he could get the guy to sign on to the rest of the journey.