Project Proxy (An Original Techno-Thriller) Chapter 4
An innocent man, one assassin and a vile CEO who will hack his way to the top of a lucrative software industry. Rupert Blake, a computer programmer working at a software development company called Leadsway, receives an unexpected promotion, and is given the task of securing the company's computer system from hackers. His woes begin when the hackers attack Leadsway in an unexpected way.
The alarm rang at exactly six o'clock in the morning. Rupert stretched his arm to the edge of the bed, reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. His vision was a bit blurred as he gazed at his wife. She smiled back at him.
"No good-morning kiss?"
"What? Sorry I was mesmerized by your beauty there for a minute," he wittily hit back and then kissed her.
"I see you are in a good mood this morning. Is it because it is a Friday, or is it because of last night?"
He closed his eyes and smiled.
"Both," he said, opening his eyes.
Sylvia nodded.
"And so much more. You know, yesterday I felt like I was the luckiest man alive, to have such a great daughter, such an awesome wife and now this new job. I think it's time that I start to fully appreciate the good things in my life, starting with you," he said, running his fingers through her hair.
"And I think I like the new and positive you," Sylvia said.
"I'm glad you do, but, I must take a shower now. I'm going to work a bit early today."
Rupert kissed her again and rushed to the bathroom. Sylvia stayed behind and made the bed while Rupert showered. She also took out a clean suit for him to wear. Rupert showered for about ten minutes before he came back into the bedroom.
"I wonder what type of car I'm going to get," Rupert told Sylvia as he walked into the bedroom.
"I don't know, but I do know that it will be one of those expensive types. When do you think you'll get it?"
"My guess is next week Monday. That reminds me. I'm also presenting that review I told you about last night to the board on Monday."
He donned his suit.
"Really? Isn't the time-frame a bit tight? I mean today is Friday and if you start working on it today, that means you'll be working on it throughout the weekend."
"Yes, it is quite tight, but I can pull it off. Besides, I already know more than half the system by head. I just need to fill in the gaps with the documentation."
"Okay. You know what you are doing then," she said.
"Sure I do," he said.
He grabbed his laptop and went downstairs into the kitchen. Sylvia followed and started making eggs and bacon. She also put some bread in the toaster and turned on the coffee machine.
While Sylvia was preparing breakfast, Rupert was seated by the kitchen table typing some notes on his laptop, of things he wanted to do when he got to Leadsway.
"That smells great," Rupert said.
"Thanks. It'll be done in five minutes."
Sylvia served Rupert his food and continued making some more for her and Jane to eat. Rupert quickly ate his breakfast and finished it.
"Thank you, dear. I'm going now. See you tonight."
He took his laptop with him and went to the car.
In the garage, he walked around the car, checking for any flat tires, and didn't find any. He then entered his car and drove out the garage and went to Leadsway's headquarters.
He arrived at Leadsway earlier than he usually did and there weren't many people around. He didn't meet anyone in the parking space or in the elevator.
"Hi Cindy!"
"Hi Rupert. You sure came in early today. How is Sylvia?"
"She's fine. She was delighted when I told her last night," he said.
"Really? I should give her a call today," she said.
"Yeah. You know, it is day one as the Head of Internal Security for me, so I need to be sharp. That's why I came early, so I could get a head start."
"That's great. I've got the keys to your office."
She searched a small box on her desk and took them.
"There you go."
"Thanks," Rupert said, taking the keys.
"It's the fourth door to your left," she said, pointing in the direction of the floor's west wing.
"What? That's like two doors away from Mr. Roberts' office," he said.
"Three, actually. What, is that a problem for you," she mockingly said.
"No, it's not. I'm just saying, you know," he coolly responded.
Cindy laughed.
"It is okay, I understand. You are going to be seeing a lot of each other now so you better get used to him and the rest of the superiors."
"You're right. Plus, I'm doing a presentation to Roberts and the board on Monday, you know. I'm afraid I'll be seeing Roberts and the others more frequently from now on."
"You see. Now you've got the right attitude," she said.
"Thanks. It's best if I go to my office now and put things in order so that I can start working on that presentation ASAP. I'll see you later."
"Okay, bye," Cindy said.
Rupert walked down the west wing's passage and arrived at his door. He observed the small placard placed on the door, which had his name written on it.
I guess this is it.
He put the key in, unlocked the door and opened it.
"This is beautiful," he slowly whispered as he stepped into the office.
He closed the door and familiarized himself with the new surroundings.
The office was exquisitely decorated with high-quality executive furnishings. The floor was covered with high quality tiles, of a larger size than he had ever seen. The tiles spread across the floor, only to disappear at his desk area, which was carpeted.
In one side of the office were two black leather couches where, as Rupert deduced, he could meet with visitors away from his desk. The two couches sat facing each other, with a small glass table placed between them, holding a glass vase containing synthetic flowers.
He walked to his office desk, where a high-end computer and a phone sat on top of the desk, both with matching silver and black casings. The desk itself was made of glass and had plenty of space to use.
Directly behind the desk was a large glass panel, replacing the usual wall panel of that side of the office. Through the glass he could see a magnificent view of the city's skyline. The panel also had sliding doors so that one could walk out onto the balcony and get some fresh air, while admiring the view.
In one of the corners adjacent to the glass panel was a fish tank, placed in the wall. There was also a small man-made waterfall next to the fish tank.
Rupert was amazed at the features in the room.
He looked at the other corner and saw a bookshelf. He walked up to it and observed the collection and saw typical computer security books with titles like Network Security, Building Secure Application Models and Leadsway Proprietary Antivirus Software.
He walked back to the fish tank and admired its features. He studied its unusual placement inside the wall and then moved on to study the waterfall's design.
This must have cost a fortune. This room really makes it easy to concentrate on something and think. It's—it's surreal and serene.
As he walked away from the waterfall he saw a small fridge placed on the floor.
Could there possibly be some beer in there, to compliment the relaxing atmosphere?
He reached for the handle and opened it.
"Sodas and mineral water. I should have guessed. Who would want a boozed person in charge of their company's security anyways?" He whispered this to himself and chuckled.
He took out a can of soda and closed the fridge. He then went to sit on one of the couches.
I think I'm going to enjoy this office.
He put his legs up on the small glass table, opened the soda and took a swig.
"Yep, this is going to be fun," he said to himself.
Suddenly he felt as if he was being watched.
What if they are watching me right now? What if they are studying my behavior when I think I'm alone. They've probably installed surveillance cameras in here to check up on me.
He resisted the temptation to look around for the cameras by convincing himself of how suspicious it would make him look if they were indeed watching him.
I'm now the Head of Internal Security so they might want to keep an eye on me. In case they are truly watching me, I'll just go to my desk and do something on the computer.
He finished his soda, stood up and walked to his desk, throwing the empty soda can into a trash bin.
At his desk he switched on the computer and watched it start up. It then asked for a username and a password. Instinctively, he entered his usual username and password and it was accepted.
It's good to see that they've already changed my profile to give me access to executive applications.
The first task he carried out was to check his corporate email account for any new mail. There were no new messages.
I wonder if Mr. Roberts' personal assistant is in yet. Let me look for her number.
He opened Leadsway's corporate website and acquired her contact details from William Roberts' profile, and then called her on her mobile phone.
"Patricia Flowers here."
"Hi. This is Rupert Blake, the new Head of Internal Security."
"Yes, Mr. Blake. I have been instructed to give you some documentation. I'm in the parking area now, so I'll be in your office in about five minutes, sir."
"That's fine with me. See you then."
Okay. So, I'll have the documentation soon, which means I can start working on the review soon also.
It was four and a half minutes after talking to Patricia that he heard a ring at his door. A device placed on Rupert's desk lit up and showed live camera footage of her waiting by his door.
"I didn't see this here before; this is so cool."
He pressed the green button on the device, assuming it was for opening the door, and the door opened. She came in, holding a voluminous file of papers and placed it on his desk.
"Morning Mr. Blake," she said.
"Morning Ms. Flowers. This must be the documentation," he said.
"Yes it is. And I've sent the digital copy to your email just now. If you need anything else, feel free to ask me sir."
"This is enough for now. If I think of anything else I'll call you. Thank you."
"It's my pleasure, sir."
Patricia went out of his office.
Rupert took the file and began browsing its contents, looking for a starting point for his review.
continues in Chapter 5...
Copyright © Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
Thank you for reading my work.